NR-6 – Personal Protective Equipment

NR-6 establishes the rules for the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) by workers, as well as the obligations of employers, manufacturers and importers of PPE.

NR-6 was originally published in 1978, based on articles 166 and 167 of the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT). Since then, it has undergone several changes, mostly through tripartite commissions involving representatives of the government, employers and workers. The most recent revision was in 2018, to address the adaptations of PPE for people with disabilities.

NR-6 applies to all sectors and economic activities that require the use of PPE, as defined in its Annex I. The PPE must have a Certificate of Approval (CA) issued by the Ministry of Labor, based on technical standards and tests. NR-6 also defines the procedures for the registration of manufacturers and importers of PPE, as well as the suspension and cancellation of CA.

NR-6 consists of 13 items and three annexes. The items cover the definitions, responsibilities, criteria, and penalties related to PPE. The annexes contain the list of PPEs, the form for the registration of manufacturers and importers, and the procedures for the issuance and renewal of CA.

NR-6 – Personal Protective Equipment
(MTP Ordinance No. 4219, of December 20, 2022)

Annex I – List of Personal Protective Equipment
(MTP Ordinance No. 4219, of December 20, 2022)

More on NR-6