Annex I of NR10 – Glossary

Additional Risks: all other risk factors or groups in addition to electrical risk factors, specific to each work environment or processes that may directly or indirectly affect health and safety at work.

Barrier: device that prevents any contact with live parts of electrical installations.

Classified Area: an area where a potentially explosive atmosphere may occur.

Collective Protective Equipment: fixed or mobile device, system or means of collective scope, intended to preserve the physical integrity and health of workers, users and third parties.

Controlled Zone: the area surrounding an energized, unsegregated, accessible conductive part, with dimensions established according to the voltage level, which may only be approached by authorized professionals.

Electrical Installation: a combination of electrical and non-electrical components with coordinated characteristics that are essential for the functioning of a specific part of an electrical system.

Electrical Installation Documentation: an organized system designed to contain a dynamic memory of information relevant to installations and workers.

Electrical Insulation: process intended to prevent the flow of electric current through the interposition of insulating materials.

Electrical Power System (EPS): group of installations and equipment intended for the generation, transmission, and distribution of electric power to the electric meter.

Electrical System: circuit or interrelated electrical circuits designed to fulfill a specific purpose.

Enclosure: covering of energized parts intended to prevent any contact with internal parts.

Explosive Atmosphere: mixture of dangerous substances with air, under atmospheric conditions, in the form of gases, vapors, mist, dust or fiber in which, after ignition has occurred, combustion spreads to the entire unburned mixture.

External Influences: variables that must be considered in the definition and choice of protective measures for the safety of persons and the performance of the components of the installations.

Extra-Low Voltage: line-to-line voltage or line-to-earth voltage not greater than 50 volts in alternating current or 120 volts in direct current.

Hazard: condition with the potential to cause physical injury or harm to the health of people due to the absence of control measures.

High Voltage: line-to-line voltage or line-to-earth voltage greater than 1000 volts in alternating current and 1500 volts in direct current.

Installation Released for Services (LV/MV): one that ensures the safety conditions to the worker by means of adequate procedures and equipment from the beginning to the end of the work and release for use.

Instructed Person: person adequately advised or has enough information to enable him or her to perceive risks and to avoid electrical hazards.

Locking: action intended to keep, by mechanical means, a maneuvering device fixed in a certain position, to prevent unauthorized operation.

Low Voltage: line-to-line voltage or line-to-earth voltage greater than 50 volts in alternating current or 120 volts in direct currents and equal to or less than 1000 volts in alternating current or 1500 volts in direct current.

Obstacle: an element that prevents accidental contact but does not prevent direct contact by deliberate action.

Prevention of Re-Energizing: condition ensuring that the circuit is not energized through appropriate means and procedures, under the control of the workers involved in the services.

Procedure: sequence of operations to be performed to accomplish a given task, including the material and human resources, safety measures, and the conditions that make it possible to do so.

Right to Refuse Work: an instrument that gives a worker the right to refuse work that he or she believes it involves a serious and imminent risk to his or her health and safety or that of others.

Risk: the magnitude and the likelihood of injury or harm to the health of people.

Risk Zone: the area around an energized conductive part, not segregated, accessible even accidentally, with dimensions established according to the voltage level, which may only be approached by authorized professionals. and with the adoption of appropriate work techniques and instruments.

Safe Voltage: Extra low voltage from a safe source.

Segregated Equipment: equipment made inaccessible by means of an enclosure or barrier.

Signing: a standardized procedure intended to guide, alert, notify and warn.

Temporary Grounding: reliable and adequate effective electrical connection to the ground, intended to ensure equipotentiality and maintained continuously during the intervention in the electrical installation.

Working in the Vicinity: activity in which a worker with part of his or her body, with a tool or with any other object may enter the vicinity zone.