Glossary of NR-37

Accommodation: A location designed and suitable for the rest of embarked workers, consisting of dormitories and private sanitary facilities, such as cabins, temporary cabins, and temporary accommodation modules.

Brazilian Jurisdictional Waters (AJB): Comprises inland waters and maritime areas where Brazil exercises jurisdiction over activities, people, installations, vessels, and natural resources (living and non-living) in the water column, seabed, or subsoil for control and inspection purposes, within the limits of international and national legislation. These maritime areas extend up to 200 nautical miles from the baselines, plus the waters overlying the extension of the continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles, where it occurs.

Commissioning: A set of engineering techniques and procedures applied integrally to an installation or part of it, aiming to make it operational according to the specified project requirements.

Contract operator: The company holding rights for oil and gas exploration and production with a contract with the ANP, responsible for conducting and executing, directly or indirectly, all activities of exploration, evaluation, development, production, deactivation, and abandonment.

Controlled area: Areas subject to special protection and radiological safety rules to control normal exposures, prevent the spread of radioactive contamination, and prevent or limit the extent of potential exposures.

Damper: A device that regulates or stops the airflow in ventilation or air conditioning systems.

Decommissioning: A set of engineering techniques and procedures applied integrally to an installation or part of it, aiming to take it out of operation according to specified project and legislative requirements.

Dismantling: Consists of the complete disassembly of the platform at a designated location for this purpose, aiming to recycle its components after the platform’s useful life ends.

Escape routes: Exits and paths duly signposted, illuminated, and unobstructed, to be followed by people for a quick and safe evacuation from any location on the platform to the predetermined meeting point by the emergency response plan.

External doors of the temporary accommodation module: Those that connect the antechamber of the temporary accommodation module or the common corridor of the modules to the external area.

Fugitive emissions: Unintentional releases of gases and vapors that occur continuously or intermittently during normal equipment and instrument operations.

Health: A state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease.

Incorporation: Ingestion, inhalation, or absorption through the skin of radioactive material into the human body.

Industrial operations with radioactive sources: Operations that use artificial ionizing radiation sources, such as logging, gamma radiography, radiography, among others.

Industrial waste: Waste from industrial processes in solid, liquid, or gaseous form or a combination of these, which due to their physical, chemical, or microbiological characteristics do not resemble domestic waste.

Installation operator: The company responsible for managing and executing all operations and activities of a platform.

Ionizing radiation: Any particle or electromagnetic radiation that, upon interacting with matter, ionizes its atoms or molecules.

Legal representative of the platform: A formally designated representative by the company responsible for managing the installation.

Legally qualified professional: A previously qualified professional with legal attributions for the activity to be carried out, who assumes technical responsibility and is registered with the competent professional body.

Maintenance: A set of procedures performed to maintain or restore equipment or machinery on a platform during its operation to a state where it can perform the initially required function.

Major accident: A sudden event, such as a large-scale release, fire, or explosion, occurring during an activity in an installation subject to major accident risks, involving one or more hazardous substances, and posing a serious, immediate, or delayed danger to workers, the public, or the environment.

Maritime Authority: The Commander of the Brazilian Navy, as designated by the sole paragraph of Art. 17 of Complementary Law No. 97, dated June 9, 1999.

MODU Code (Mobile Offshore Drilling Units Code): An international code issued by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and adopted by the Brazilian Maritime Authority for regulating technical requirements for oil platforms.

Naturally occurring radioactive material: Material containing naturally present radionuclides in rocks, soils, and water that emit or are capable of emitting ionizing radiation, which can be concentrated or exposed to the environment due to human activities, with maximum exposure limits established by national or international technical standards, in that order.

Oily water: Water containing oil or its fractions, also referred to as produced water or formation water.

Operational procedures: A set of instructions for developing the operational activities of an installation, considering safety, health, and environmental aspects that impact workers’ physical integrity and health.

People On Board (POB): The total number of people on board the platform.

Platform life cycle: Consists of the construction, commissioning, operation, modification, decommissioning, and dismantling of platforms.

Potable water: Water that meets the drinking water standards established by current legislation and poses no health risks.

Proficiency: Competence, aptitude, training, and skill combined with professional experience, proven through diplomas, work record entries, specific contracts in the area in question, and other documents.

Psychosocial risks: Arise from deficiencies in the design, organization, and management of work, as well as from a problematic social work context, potentially having negative psychological, physical, and social effects, such as work-related stress, burnout, or depression. Examples of working conditions leading to psychosocial risks include excessive workloads, contradictory demands, lack of clarity in role definitions, absence of participation in decision-making affecting the worker, lack of control over how work is done, inadequate management of organizational changes, job insecurity, ineffective communication, lack of support from supervisors and colleagues, psychological or sexual harassment, violence from third parties, etc.

Radiation source: Equipment or material that emits or is capable of emitting ionizing radiation or releasing radioactive substances or materials.

Radiological protection or radioprotection: A set of measures aimed at protecting humans and their descendants and the environment against possible undesirable effects caused by ionizing radiation.

Radiological Protection Supervisor or Radioprotection Supervisor (SPR): An individual certified by CNEN to supervise the application of radioprotection measures.

Radioprotection Service (SR): A structure specifically established to execute and maintain the radiological protection plan of an installation.

Simultaneous operation: The set of two or more operations performed simultaneously on the platform where there are operational interfaces, according to the matrix of simultaneous operations, particularly when they introduce new hazards not specifically considered in the risk assessment; require special logistics, support measures, or safe work procedures; or compromise the availability and functionality of critical operational safety elements.

Simulated exercises: Practical exercises simulating an accident scenario, testing the efficiency of the emergency response plan, focusing on procedures, team performance, functionality of installations and equipment, among other aspects.

SOLAS Convention (International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea): An international convention for the safety of human life at sea, ratified by Brazil, from the International Maritime Organization.

Temporary cabin: An exceptional accommodation used in cases of temporary population increases, employing structures or compartments of a different purpose, already existing in the housing area but adapted for use according to specific requirements of this NR.

Treated water: Water from which contaminants that could pose health risks have been removed, making it suitable for human use, except for consumption.

Training (capacity building or course): A set of theoretical and practical instructions provided under the supervision of a legally qualified professional, following a planned program content, aimed at enabling the worker to perform a specific function.

Trained worker: One who has received training under the guidance and responsibility of a legally qualified professional.

Unmanned platform: An installation that does not have a permanently embarked crew.

Qualified worker: One who has completed a specific course for their activity, recognized by the national official education system.