NR7 – Occupational Health Medical Control Program (PCMSO)

NR-07 was initially issued by MTb Ordinance No. 3.214 on June 8, 1978, titled “Medical Examinations,” regulating Articles 168 and 169 of the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT) as revised by Law No. 6.514 of December 22, 1977. Classified as a General Standard by SIT Ordinance No. 787 on November 28, 2018, NR-07 addresses worker health, independent of specific activities or sectors.

Without a National Tripartite Thematic Commission (CNTT) for ongoing NR-07 implementation, updates are discussed within the Permanent Tripartite Commission (CTPP). The original NR-07 only established basic parameters for occupational medical exams. In 1994, it included guidelines for the Occupational Health Medical Control Program (PCMSO) to promote and preserve worker health. Since its publication, NR-07 has undergone ten revisions, including three major overhauls.

The first major revision in 1983 updated safety and health regulations to reflect technological advancements. In 1990, MTPS Ordinance No. 3.720 removed the mandatory chest X-ray (abreugraphy) from required exams to reduce unnecessary radiation exposure. In 1994, Ordinance SSST No. 24 mandated PCMSO implementation, transitioning from isolated exams to an integrated program considering workplace health risks.

Subsequent revisions in 1996 and 2011 updated medical examination requirements and added new guidelines. The latest significant update in 2019 by SEPRT Ordinance No. 915 harmonized technical terms and established new training rules, including remote learning options. In 2020, the NR-07 modernization process began, involving public consultations and technical discussions, leading to the approval of a revised standard by SEPRT Ordinance No. 6.734 on March 9, 2020, effective in one year.

NR-7 Occupational Health Medical Control Program
(MTP Ordinance No. 567, of March 10, 2022)

Annex I Monitoring of Occupational Exposure to Chemical Agents
(MTP Ordinance No. 567, of March 10, 2022)

Annex II Control of Exposure to Elevated Sound Pressure Levels
(MTP Ordinance No. 567, of March 10, 2022)

Annex III Radiological and Spirometric Control of Exposure to Chemical Agents
(MTP Ordinance No. 567, of March 10, 2022)

Annex IV Control of Exposure to Hyperbaric Conditions
(MTP Ordinance No. 567, of March 10, 2022)

Annex V Control of Exposure to Carcinogenic Chemical Substances and Ionizing Radiation
(MTP Ordinance No. 567, of March 10, 2022)

(MTP Ordinance No. 567, of March 10, 2022)

More on NR-7