NR-35 – Working at Height

NR-35 is a Brazilian regulatory standard specifically addressing work at height, aiming to prevent accidents related to falls in the workplace. The need for such a regulation was recognized in 2010, following the 1st International Forum on Safety in Working at Height held in São Paulo. The demand for a comprehensive standard applicable to various industries was presented to the Ministry of Labor and Employment (MTE) by the Engineers’ Union of the State of São Paulo and the National Federation of Engineers.

The process of creating the NR-35 began in September 2010, and it involved a collaborative effort among government representatives, workers, and employers from different sectors. A Technical Group for working at height was formed, and a proposal was developed, taking into account the diverse activities associated with height-related risks.

The standard, published as NR-35 in March 2012, establishes general conditions for working at heights, with the intention of being complemented by annexes addressing specific industry requirements. It emphasizes planning to avoid exposing workers to risks whenever possible, using risk analysis methodologies, and tools such as Work Permits to ensure safety.

Over time, the NR-35 underwent revisions. An Annex I on Rope Access was added in 2014, and in 2016, changes were made to the title of item 35.5, now referred to as “Fall Protection Systems”. The most recent revision in 2019 removed capacity-related provisions in line with the harmonization of standards across all NRs following the revision of NR1.

NR35 – Working at Height
(MTE Ordinance No. 3903 of December 28, 2023)

Annex I – Rope Access
(MTE Ordinance No. 3903 of December 28, 2023)

Annex II – Anchor System
(MTE Ordinance No. 3903 of December 28, 2023)

More on NR-35