Annex V of Resolution 294/01 – Letter of Agreement for the Preservation of Exploited Forest Areas – TRMFM

On the _______ day of the month of _________ of the year __________, Mr./Mrs./Ms. __________ , son/daughter of ____________________________ and of ____________________ ,residing at ____________________ , District of , Municipality of_______________ , State of ________________________________ , civil state __________________ , nationality ___________________ , profession ______________________ , CPF number _________________ , ID/Issued by/State ________________________ , the legal proprietor of the property ___________________________ Municipality of________________________ ,
In this State, registration number ______________ , sheets___________ ,of book _________________ of _______________ Property Registration Notary, with a total area of ______ hectare, declares to the competent authority, in accordance with forestry and environmental legislation, that the forest located in the area of ______ hectare, corresponding to _________ percent of the area of the property, becomes hereby an area of limited exploitation which can be used for forestry exploitation through the use of sustainable management methods and conditioned to IBAMA approval. The current proprietor is hereby committed to the present agreement and honor it, firmly and valid, as well as his/her heirs or successors.

Property characteristics and boundaries (description in accordance with the area delimitated in the topographic map that is an integral part of the present Agreement).


Delimitation of Forest areas which will be exploited (according to the delimitated are in the topographic map which is an integral part of the present Agreement).


The proprietor is also committed to undertake

Signs the present Agreement in three equal content and form copies in the presence of the IBAMA Superintendent and of the witnesses named hereunder who also sign three copies of the topographic map.

IBAMA Superintendent



ID Number