Glossary of NR-29

Accessories for stowage or hoisting – any accessory through which a load can be secured to a hoisting device but is not an integral part of the device or the load.

Anchorage (rail-mounted hoisting equipment) – fixing point.

Arrangement – act of packing, loading, or placing dangerous goods in containers, intermediate bulk containers, cargo containers, tank containers, portable tanks, railcars, vehicles, barges, or other cargo transport units.

Area of operation – location where the movement of goods, cargo, or passengers occurs.

Area of the organized port – area delimited by an Executive Power act that includes port facilities, protection infrastructure, and access to the port by land or waterway. Includes: anchorages, docks, quays, piers, mooring wharves, lands, warehouses, buildings, internal circulation routes, current guides, breakwaters, locks, channels, turning basins, and anchorage areas, all maintained by the port administration.

Atmosphere IPVS – Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health Atmosphere – any atmosphere that presents an immediate threat to life or produces an immediate debilitating effect on health.

Barriers (solid bulk) – walls formed in solid bulk during its movement in open deposits, horizontal silos, and vessel holds.

Berth – any dock, pier, wharf, quay, maritime terminal, or similar structure, floating or not, where a vessel can moor safely.

Cabin with climate control – cabin with a physically delimited space, with dimensions and installations specific, subjected to climate control process by means of equipment for thermal comfort.

Cargo – any type of volume or object, packaged or not, including goods, transported, moved, or stored in workplaces covered by the applicability of this regulatory standard.

Cargo fridge – cargo transported in refrigerated chambers or refrigerated holds, according to the temperature range and climatic zones indicated in the cold exposure table in Annex III of this NR.

Dangerous goods – any cargo that, by being explosive, flammable, oxidizing, poisonous, infectious, radioactive, corrosive, or contaminating, can present risks to workers, vessels, physical installations where they are, or the environment. The term dangerous goods includes any receptacles, such as portable tanks, packages, intermediate bulk containers (IBC), and tank containers that have previously contained dangerous goods and are without proper cleaning and decontamination that nullify their harmful effects.

Dock – structure, platform, or strip parallel or adjacent to the coastline or river margins. Part of a port where passengers, goods, and various cargos are embarked and disembarked by waterway.

Elevating device (hoisting equipment) – all fixed or mobile cargo devices, used on land or on board a vessel to lift, raise, or lower loads or move them from one place to another in a suspended or elevated position, including dock ramps powered by motive force (ILO Convention No. 152).

Floor – floor of the vehicle body.

Hatch or scuttle – small hatches used for personnel transit between decks of the vessel, including the hold. Circular or elliptical opening for access to compartments of the vessel normally uninhabited or infrequently visited.

Loading and unloading – activity of moving goods or various cargos on decks and holds of vessels, in loading and unloading operations, including stowage, lashing, and unlashing.

Lifting sling – any device made of cable, chain, or canvas that serves to wrap or hook a weight to lift it through cranes.

Loading area – complex of spaces reserved for the storage and preservation of loose or packaged goods, generally consisting of warehouses, sheds, parks, and silos.

Neutral container – a container with cargo compatible with that of the dangerous goods (for example: container with general cargo – not food).

Operation port – movement and/or storage of goods, destined or coming from water transport, carried out in an organized port or private port installation by a port operator, service requester, or employer.

Organized port – public good built and equipped to meet navigation needs, passenger movement, or movement and storage of goods, and whose traffic and port operations are under the jurisdiction of the port authority.

Pallete – see flooring.

Port – location situated in a bay, inlet, estuary, river mouth, or river margins, offering natural or artificial protection against winds, tides, waves, and currents, and providing facilities for mooring and docking of vessels, storage areas, and cargo handling equipment, enabling the embarkation and disembarkation of goods, various cargos, and passengers.

Portal – place of entry of the vessel, where the ladder that connects the dock to the vessel ends.

Porter engagement of the casual port worker (TPA) – is the hiring of TPA through the requests of port operators and service takers to the OGMO.

Private use terminal – port facility operated by authorization and located outside the area of the organized port.

Professional legally qualified – the worker previously qualified and registered with the competent professional council.

Rearview camera – device composed of cameras and monitor intended to provide clear visibility to the rear and sides in machine or equipment traffic.

Safe load information sheet – Safety Data Sheet for Chemicals according to national standards or sheet with material safety data (Material Safety Data Sheet).

Scaffold – packaging accessory consisting of a wooden, metal, plastic, or other material board, with a flat structure, suitable for use by a forklift or crane, for transporting cargo or goods that cannot withstand pressure.

Signalman – is the port worker with a signaling course for cargo handling. The signalman’s function is to communicate with the equipment operator to correctly orient the spatial maneuver of the cargo handling.

Solid bulk – all fragmented solid or vegetable grain transported directly in the holds of the vessel, without packaging and in large quantities, and moved by automatic conveyors, type pneumatic or drag and similar, or mechanical devices such as electromagnet or automatic bucket (grabs). (For example: coal, salt, wheat grain, iron ore, and others).

Stairway – vertical ladder used for sporadic ascent and descent of vessels, made of ropes and wood, complying with international maritime standards.

Stowage or stowage – is the activity of moving goods or various cargos on the decks and holds of vessels, in loading and unloading operations, including stowage, lashing, and unlashing.

Storage area – building constructed of wood, metal, masonry, and/or reinforced concrete, with a roof and openings that allow the entry and exit of goods, general cargo, equipment, and personnel.

Sustainable timber – wood with a moisture content exceeding the fiber saturation point.

Transshipment – movement of goods or various cargos between vessels or between these and other transport modes.

Work scale of OGMO – TPA Scaling – All selected and related TPA (work teams) to meet the requests received by OGMO.