Annex II of NR-22 – Training and Qualification

1. Objective and Scope

1.1 The objective of this Annex is to establish the minimum requirements for training and qualification related to the activities within the scope of NR-22.

2. General Provisions

2.1 The organization must provide workers with training, including on-the-job training and guidance, necessary for the preservation of their safety and health during the performance of their work activities, taking into account the levels of risk and the nature of the operations, in accordance with NR-22 and NR-1.

2.1.1 Initial training for workers who will engage in mining activities, those changing roles, or those transferred from the surface to the underground or vice versa will consist of the following types:

a) general introductory training; and

b) specific job training. Initial training must occur before the worker begins their activities.

2.2 General introductory training must:

a) for underground activities: have a minimum duration of 24 (twenty-four) hours; and

b) for open-pit mining: have a minimum duration of 16 (sixteen) hours, except for ornamental rock mining, sand and clay extraction, and rock extraction and crushing, which should have a duration of 12 (twelve) hours.

2.2.1 The general introductory training must have the following minimum curriculum:

a) general presentation of the production processes, emphasizing the application of NR-22;

b) rules for the circulation of equipment and people, emphasizing the application of the traffic plan;

c) emergency procedures, emphasizing the application of the Emergency Action Plan (PAE);

d) the organization’s health and safety guidelines;

e) hazards, occupational risks, and preventive measures as per the Risk Management Program (PGR); and

f) in-person recognition of the work environment.

2.2.2 Workers from service-providing organizations must be permanently accompanied in the activities performed by a worker trained by the contractor, following a preliminary risk analysis of the activities to be carried out, throughout the entire service period or be subjected to the training provided in item 2.2 of this Annex.

2.2.3 Workers from one service-providing organization who are hired by another at the same workplace and within the same production process can have their general introductory training recognized by the substitute organization, under the terms of item 1.7.7 of NR-1.

2.2.4 Training must be conducted during working hours.

2.3 Specific job training consists of theoretical and practical stages related to the activities to be performed, their hazards, occupational risks, preventive measures, and work procedures, and may use simulators.

2.3.1 Specific training must have:

a) for surface activities: a minimum duration of 40 (forty) hours; and

b) for underground activities: a minimum duration of 48 (forty-eight) hours.

2.3.2 The practical stage must be accompanied by a trained and authorized worker from the organization.

2.3.3 The organization must provide specific job training to workers who perform the following activities:

a) breaking of rocks and unstable blocks;

b) treatment of rock masses;

c) mineral exploration;

d) surveying;

e) drilling and cutting;

f) loading, handling of explosives and accessories, and rock blasting;

g) removal, movement, loading, and transportation of materials;

h) operation of machines and equipment;

i) drag transportation;

j) maintenance of vehicles, machines, equipment, and industrial facilities;

k) storage and shipping of materials;

l) handling and manipulation of toxic or hazardous products;

m) operations with winches and lifting equipment;

n) general inspections of work fronts; and

o) other hazardous activities or operations specified in the PGR. The organization must provide periodic training for the activities listed in subitem 2.3.3 of this Annex every 2 (two) years with a minimum duration of 8 (eight) hours and content defined by the organization. Specific job training for operators of stationary and self-propelled machines and equipment must comply with the training program in Annex II of NR-12, with theoretical and practical stages, with the practical stage accounting for at least 50% (fifty percent) of the total training duration. The practical stage must be supervised and documented, and can be conducted on the actual machine or equipment to be operated. Operators of self-propelled machines and equipment must possess the appropriate licenses for their operations, in accordance with the categories specified in the Brazilian traffic code.

2.4 Initial training must:

a) be provided at no cost to the worker; and

b) be conducted by workers or professionals qualified for this purpose, under the supervision of a technical responsible party who will ensure the suitability of the content, format, duration, instructor qualifications, and evaluation of the trainees.

2.4.1 The technical responsible party for the training must be a legally qualified professional.

2.5 On-the-job guidance consists of a period of at least 45 (forty-five) days of actual work, during which workers performing the activities listed in subitem 2.3.3 of this Annex will carry out their functions under the direct guidance of a trained worker designated by the organization, on the same work shift.

2.5.1 On-the-job guidance for ornamental rock mining, sand and clay extraction, and rock extraction and crushing consists of a period during which the worker will perform their activities under the direct guidance of a trained worker designated by the organization, on the same work shift, with a minimum duration of 20 (twenty) days of actual work.

2.5.2 On-the-job guidance must be recorded by the organization weekly, specifying the dates it was conducted and the identification of the guide.

2.6 The organization must provide occasional training for workers as defined in NR-1.

2.7 The written or audiovisual didactic material used in training, provided to participants, must use language appropriate to the workers.