NR-4 – Specialized Services in Occupational Health and Safety (SESMT)

NR-4 regulates the hiring of professionals in the field of safety and health at work, according to the number of employees and the risk of the economic activity of the company.

NR-4 was originally published in 1978, based on article 162 of the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT), and revised in 1983, changing its title to “SERVIÇOS ESPECIALIZADOS EM ENGENHARIA DE SEGURANÇA E EM MEDICINA DO TRABALHO – SESMT”, which is still the current designation of the standard.

NR-4 applies to all companies that are required to have a SESMT, which consists of professionals such as engineers, physicians, nurses, technicians, and auxiliaries, who are responsible for planning and implementing health and safety measures in the work environments.

NR-4 contains provisions on the dimensioning, qualification, registration, functions, and activities of the SESMT, as well as the criteria for the classification of the economic activities according to the degree of risk. NR-4 also allows the constitution of a common SESMT for certain cases, such as contracted companies, companies of the same economic activity, or companies in the same industrial or commercial center.

NR-4 – Specialized Services in Occupational Health and Safety (SESMT)
(Version 2016)

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