CONAMA Resolution 11/84 – Provisions for the execution of administrative procedures aimed at the creation of Areas of Relevant Ecological Interest

CONAMA RESOLUTION 11, September 26, 1984
Published in Service Bulletin/MI, on November 1, 1984
Establishes provisions for the execution of administrative procedures aimed at the creation of Areas of Relevant Ecological Interest – Mata de Santa Genebra/SP, Ilha do Pinheirinho/ PR, Ilhas Queimada Pequena and Queimada Grande/SP, and Ilha do Ameixal/SP.

THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT COUNCIL – CONAMA, in accordance with the power bestowed upon the Council by article 7, item X, of Decree 88.351, issued on June 1, 1983, and by Decree 89.336, issued on January 31, 1984, decides:

To request its Executive Secretary to prepare the respective Decree minutes and to forward them to the Executive Branch, through the Ministry of the Interior 2 , aimed at the creation of the following Areas of Relevant Ecological Interest:

  • Mata de Santa Genebra, Campinas Municipality, State of São Paulo.
  • Ilha do Pinheirinho, Baia de Guaraqueçaba, Paraná State.
  • Ilhas Queimada Pequena and Queimada Grande, along the littoral of the Itanhaém and Peruíbe municipalities, State of Sao Paulo.
  • Ilha do Ameixal, located in river Una, Iguape Municipality, State of São Paulo.

The Decree must safeguard the interests of the Navy Ministry regarding the oceanic Islands and the installation of possible future navigation equipment without prejudice to nature conservation.

PAULO NOGUEIRA NETO – Council President

This text does not substitute the text published in Service Bulletin/MI on November 1, 1984