1. Objective
1.1 The objective of this Annex is to establish the minimum requirements for the use of fixed boom hoisting equipment, applying, where applicable, to rotating boom equipment when used in activities specified in the scope of NR-22.
2. Scope
2.1 This Annex applies to the activities specified in the scope of NR-22.
3. Design
3.1 The equipment design must be prepared by a legally qualified professional, with the corresponding issuance of a Technical Responsibility Note (ART).
3.2 The equipment design must consist of technical drawings, calculation memories of its devices, certificate or technical report of the structural strength of the devices, and a descriptive report of the materials to be used.
4. Boom Material
4.1 The boom material can be treated wood, steel, or another structural material, and must be sized for the acting forces, in accordance with current national technical standards or applicable international technical standards.
5. Boom and Stay Bases
5.1 The boom and stay bases must be rigid and ensure the equipment’s stability, and must be designed and executed to be compatible with the maximum load and the soil resistance of the location.
5.2 The blocks must have a minimum protrusion of 10 cm, so that the seating groove of the boom or the anchor bolts do not come into contact with soil or moisture.
6. Boom Fixation
6.1 The lower end of the boom must be fixed to the base by mechanical elements that ensure the equipment’s stability.
6.2 When using a solid rock or concrete block as the boom base, a notch must be made in the block for its fixation.
6.3 The lower end of the boom must be fully supported in the notch to avoid unequal stresses in the support section.
7. Metal Reinforcement
7.1 When using a wooden boom, a metal reinforcement device must be used at its upper end, as shown in the sketch in image 1 of this annex, designed with loops for the attachment of stays, the upper pulley block, or any other lifting device.
Image 1 – Sketch – metal reinforcement on a wooden boom

8. Stay Fixation at the Bases
8.1 For the fixation of stays at the bases, anchor bolts must be used, sized according to current national technical standards or applicable international technical standards, driven into rock or concrete base, for tying the steel cable loops.
9. Steel Cable Sizing and Loop Fabrication
9.1 The steel cables must be sized and the loops fabricated according to current national technical standards or applicable international technical standards.
10. Access to the Boom Top
10.1 Safe access to the boom top must be provided.
10.2 When using a ladder, the requirements of chapter 22.10 of this NR must be followed.
11. Acquisition of Steel Cables
11.1 Newly acquired steel cables must be certified for the maximum intended load, according to current national technical standards or applicable international technical standards.
11.2 The reuse of used steel cables is prohibited.
12. Lubrication of Steel Cables
12.1 Steel cables must be lubricated with a specific product, according to operational needs, as specified by a legally qualified professional and the manufacturer’s instructions.
13. Locking of Axles and Pins
13.1 Axles and pins used in the fixation of steel cables, pulley blocks, sheaves, and hoisting loads must be secured by locking elements specified in the equipment design.
14. Fixation of the Maneuvering Wheel at the Boom Foot (“Catarina”)
14.1 The fixation of the maneuvering wheel at the boom foot (“Catarina”) must be carried out using mechanical elements designed and sized to ensure operational safety.
15. Inspection of Steel Cables
15.1 Periodic inspections of steel cables must be conducted by a qualified professional at intervals defined by current national technical standards or applicable international technical standards.
16. Indication of Load Capacity
16.1 A plate indicating the maximum load capacity and the responsible technician with the corresponding registration in the Regional Engineering and Agronomy Council (CREA) must be installed on the boom in a clearly visible location.
17. Records
17.1 Records of interventions carried out on the equipment must be documented in physical or electronic form, such as technical reports, periodic inspections, preventive and corrective maintenance, steel cable replacements, purchase invoices for steel cables, and copies of the corresponding certificates, cable lubrication, part replacements, accidents, and other pertinent data regarding the equipment.
17.2 Maintenance records must indicate the names of the executors.
18. Dragging Operations
18.1 Hoisting equipment must not be used in block dragging operations.
19. Assembly and Relocation
19.1 The assembly and relocation of hoisting equipment must be supervised and certified by a legally qualified professional, with the corresponding issuance of an ART.