NR19 – Explosives

NR-19 was initially issued by MTb Ordinance No. 3.214 on June 8, 1978, to regulate Clause II of Article 200 of the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT).

Characterized as a Special Standard by SIT Ordinance No. 787 on November 28, 2018, NR-19 includes protective measures for the manufacturing, storage, and transportation of explosives and specific measures for fireworks. Updates to NR-19 are discussed within the Permanent Tripartite Commission (CTPP) as there is no National Tripartite Thematic Commission (CNTT) for this standard.

NR-19 has undergone three revisions: two minor (1979 and 2007) and one major in 2011. The first revision in 1979 by SSMT Ordinance No. 02 updated rules on minimum distancing for barricaded storage and added mandatory risk area delimitation.

The 2007 revision added an annex on health and safety in the fireworks industry. This significant change established specific prevention measures for fireworks production, storage, and transportation. It also required companies to manage health and safety for worker protection and adopt preventive measures in the fireworks trade. The annex was developed tripartitely with input from worker and employer organizations and was approved by consensus during the 49th CTPP Meeting on March 28, 2007, and published by SIT Ordinance No. 07 on March 30, 2007.

The major 2011 revision by SIT Ordinance No. 228 reorganized the standard and modified Annex II, setting maximum quantities of explosives for storage and required distances.

NR-19 Explosives
(MTP Ordinance No. 4219, December 20, 2022)

Annex I – Health and Safety in the Fireworks and Pyrotechnic Devices Industry and Trade

Annex II – Tables of Quantities-Distances

Annex III – Incompatibility Groups for Storage and Transport