NR 36 – Health and Safety in Meat Processing Companies

NR-36 was published on April 18, 2013, and is classified as a Sectoral Standard by Ordinance SIT No. 787 of November 28, 2018, specifically regulating the meat processing industry.

In 2010, worker representatives first proposed the creation of an NR for meatpacking during the 62nd meeting of the Permanent Tripartite Commission (CTPP). Initially rejected, the proposal was reconsidered, and a Tripartite Study Group (GET) was formed in 2011 to draft the standard.

The final proposal was approved by consensus during the 71st CTPP meeting in November 2012, leading to the publication of NR-36. This ordinance also established the Tripartite Thematic National Commission (CNTT) for NR-36 to oversee its implementation.

In late 2014, the CNTT formed a subcommittee on machinery and equipment in the meat processing sector to assess compliance with NR-12. The subcommittee met 21 times, finalizing regulations for five types of machines. Their work led to four major amendments to NR-36.

NR-36 – Health and Safety in Meat Processing Companies
(MTP Ordinance No. 4219, December 20, 2022)

Annex I Glossary

Annex II Specific Safety Requirements for Machinery Used in the Slaugter and Meat Processing Industries