CONAMA Resolution 27/86 – Provisions for administrative procedures aimed at the integration of IBGE’s Ecologic Reserve into the ARIE’s Capatinga – Taquara

CONAMA RESOLUTION 27, December 3, 1986
Published in the Official Gazette on January 22, 1987, Section 1 page 1122
· Complements CONAMA Resolution 14/84
Establishes provisions for administrative procedures aimed at the integration of IBGE’s Ecologic Reserve into the ARIE’s Capatinga – Taquara located in the Federal District.

THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT COUNCIL – CONAMA, in accordance with the power bestowed upon the Council by article 7 of Decree 89.336 issued on January 31, 1984 and
Considering the ecological importance of the IBGE’s Ecological Reserve which is be best preserved area (1300 ha) of Cerrado in the Federal District and possesses representative samples of the Central Plateau ecosystems and a rich biota that includes 250 bird species and 1200 superior plant species, apart from numerous rare species, endemic or endangered with extinction such as: macuquinho de Brasília (Scytalopus novacapitalis), pira Brasília (Cynolebias boitonei), cachorro-vinagre (Speothos venaticus), the largest population of natural Cerrado wheat (Tristachya leiostachya) and native bamboo (Olvra ciliatifolia and Olyra taquara), and various species of micro-orchids;

Considering that the reserve was created through Resolution 26/75 issued by the IBGE’s Presidency on December 22, 1975 and is in need of stronger legal protection in order to safeguard the preservation of its ecosystems;

Considering that this Reserve is contiguous to the Capetinga-Taquara Area of Relevant Ecological Interest, created by Decree 91.303, issued on June 3, 1985 according to a proposal presented by CONAMA, and considering the positive aspects of a joint management for these areas; decides:

I – To request its Executive Secretary to prepare Decree minutes and forward them to the Executive Branch, through the Urban Development and Ministry of the Environment, aimed at the integration the Capetinga-Taquara Area of Relevant Ecological interest into the area of the Ecologic Reserve of the Brazilian Geography and Statistics Institute (IBGE),  located in the region of the basins of the streams Capetinga and Taquara, in the Federal District of Brasilia.
II – This Resolution shall enter into effect on the date of its publication.

DENI LINEU SCHWARTZ – Council President

This text does not substitute the text published in the Official Gazette on January 22, 1987.