Annex III of NR-24 – Sanitary and Comfort Conditions in Public Urban Road Transport for External Passenger Activity

1. For the purposes of this Annex, work in public urban road transport of passengers is defined as the work performed by personnel operating urban and urban-character collective transport by bus: drivers, conductors, and field inspectors – hereinafter referred to as workers.

2. This Annex establishes the minimum applicable conditions for sanitary facilities and meal areas to be provided by the employer to personnel performing external work in the operation of urban and urban-character collective public transport.

3. For the purposes of this Annex, the initial and final points of urban and urban-character bus lines are considered the locations predetermined by the competent public authority as the extreme points of the lines, itineraries, or bus routes, situated in public places, with areas designated for vehicle parking and minimum facilities for operational control of the service and accommodation of operational personnel during intervals between trips.

    3.1 In the case of passenger terminals and stations implemented by the public authority, compliance with the provisions of this standard is presumed.

    3.2 It is recommended that public management bodies responsible for urban and urban-character collective public transport networks consider the provisions of this Annex in the process of defining the locations for installing the initial and final points of the lines that make up the mentioned networks.

    4. Conditions for Meeting Physiological, Food, and Hydration Needs

      4.1 In cases of public passenger bus lines that do not have any initial and final points in terminal buildings, the employer must ensure, near at least one of these points, sanitary facilities, a meal area, and hydration, at a distance not exceeding 250 m (two hundred and fifty meters) on foot.

      4.1.1 Sanitary facilities will consist of a toilet and sink, respecting the proportion of 1 (one) for every group of 20 (twenty) workers or fraction thereof, with the separation of sanitary facilities by sex being dispensable for groups of up to 10 (ten) workers, provided that privacy and hygiene conditions are ensured.

      4.1.2 Sanitary facilities can be replaced by chemical toilet units equipped with a flushing mechanism or waste isolation, with venting and ventilation, material for hand washing and drying, prohibiting the use of collective towels, and ensuring daily cleaning of the modules.

      4.2 Meal areas must be protected against the weather, be in good condition, and serve all workers.

      4.3 Drinking water must be provided at the initial or final points and terminals through drinking fountains or similar equipment that allows the filling of individual containers or consumption on-site, prohibiting the use of collective cups.

      4.3.1 The replacement of containers will be the responsibility of the permit or concession company, with replenishments occurring at a frequency considering climatic conditions and the number of workers, ensuring a constant supply of water at any time during the workday.

      4.4 For the purposes of sizing sanitary facilities and meal areas, the maximum number of workers present at the same time at the referred initial or final point, according to the official bus line schedule, must be considered.

      4.5 Compliance with the provisions in items 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3 may occur through agreements or partnerships with commercial, industrial establishments, or private properties.

      4.6 The use of sanitary facilities in external work in urban road public transport should be free for the worker.