Annex II of Resolution 310/02 – Simplified Application for Bracatinga (Mimosa Scabrella) Exploitation

His/Her Excellence Mr./Mrs./Ms. State Superintendent of the Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources – IBAMA/SC, , the undersigned, residing at ___________________District of ,__________________Municipality of_________,State____nacionality________________,profession_____________.

Civil state___________CPF number__________ID/Issued By/State ______________requests from Your Excellence and Authorization for the logging of Bracatinga (Mimosa Scarabrella), as foreseen by CONAMA Resolution 310, article 8, which will be undertaken within his/her property according to the following specifications:

1 – Property location including a sketch on property access in relation to the municipality where it is located;
2 – Proof of ownership or possession;
3 – Property area (ha);
4 – Area covered by natural forest (ha);
5 – Exploitation area(ha);
6 – Legal Reserve area (ha);
7 – Report from the responsible technician;
8 – Document proving the registration of the Legal Reserve; and
9 – statement vouching for the conservation and recuperation of the Legal Reserve, permanent preservation areas and other protected areas.
Legal Reserve delimitations: ________________________________________

In accordance with the above terms, requests the approval.

_____ of__________________________________________________ of 20___


Name: __________________________________ ID Number__________ Signature