NR13 – Boilers and Pressure Vessels

NR-13 Boilers, Pressure Vessels, Pipings, and Metallic Storage Tanks (Annotated)
(Version 2022 with comments and explanations)

(The following text is from April 2014 version)

13.1 Introduction

13.1.1 This Regulatory Standard (NR13) sets the minimum requirements for managing the structural integrity of steam boilers, pressure vessels and their interconnection pipes in aspects related to the installation, inspection, operation and maintenance, overseeing health and safety of the workers.

13.1.2 The employer is responsible for the adoption of particular measures in this NR13.

13.2 Scope

13.2.1 This NR shall be applied to the following equipments:

a) all equipment classified as boilers according to item;
b) pressure vessels whose PV product is greater than 8 (eight), where P is the maximum operation pressure in kPa and V is internal volume in m3;
c) pressure vessels that contain Class A liquids, as specified in paragraph “a” of item, independent from the size and PV product;
d) mobile containers with a PV greater than 8 (eight) or Class A liquid, as specified in paragraph “a” of item;
e) pipes or piping systems connected to the boilers or pressure vessels, which contains Class A or B liquids according to paragraph “a” of item

13.2.2 The equipments mentioned below shall be submitted to the inspections referred in international and national standards and codes related thereto, and be relieved from complying with other requirements in this NR13:

a) transportable containers, pressure vessels for transporting products, portable tanks of compressed liquids and fire extinguishers;
b) pressure vessels for human occupancy;
c) pressure vessels that are integral part of the liquid rotating machines or alternatives;
d) ducts;
e) furnaces and coils for heat exchange;
f) tanks and storage containers and storage of liquids not included in design codes and standards related to the pressure vessels;
g) pressure vessels with a diameter less than 150 mm for Class B, C and D liquids according to paragraph “a” of item;
h) heat exchangers for gasketed corrugated plates;
i) steam generators not included in pressure vessel codes;
j) pipes of instrumentation systems with nominal diameter ≤ 12,7 mm;
k) public network pipelines for gas and water treatment and distribution and sewage collection.

13.3 General Provisions

13.3.1 It constitutes serious and imminent risk to not to comply with any item provided in this NR13 that may lead to occupational diseases and accidents with severe damage to the physical integrity of the worker, especially:

a) operating equipments covered in this NR13 without safety devices set at an opening pressure equal to or less than maximum allowable working pressure, installed directly on the vessel or the system that includes it, considering the requirements of the design relating to scaled openings and calibration tolerances;
b) delay in periodic safety inspections of boilers;
c) inadvertently blocking safety devices on boilers and pressure vessels, or blocking intentionally without proper technique based on codes, standards or formal procedures for equipment operation;
d) absence of operational control device for water level in boilers;
e) operating equipment framed in this NR13 with deterioration attested through recommendation of withdraw from constant operation by a conclusive opinion in safety inspection report in accordance with their respective design code or fitness for use;
f) operating boilers by a worker who doesn’t meet the requirements in Annex I, or who is not under supervision, monitoring or specific assistance by a qualified operator. For reasons of force majeure and formal justification of the employer, followed by technical analysis an respective contingency measures to mitigate risks, elaborated by a Qualified Professional or multidisciplinary team coordinated by him/her, a postponement of up to 6 (six) months from the deadline for periodic safety inspection of the boiler may occur. The employer shall inform the workers’ union of the predominant category in the establishment of a formal justification for postponement of periodic safety inspection of the boiler.

13.3.2 For purposes of this NR, Qualified Professional is one who has legal competency to practice engineering profession in the activities related to the design of construction, monitoring of operation and the maintenance, inspection and supervision of inspection of boilers, pressure vessels and pipings in accordance with the current professional regulations in Brazil.

13.3.3 All servicing or modifications on the equipments covered in this NR13 shall comply with the relevant design and post-construction codes and the instructions of the manufacturer with regard to:

a) materials;
b) implementation procedures;
c) quality control procedures;
d) qualification and certification of personnel.

13.3.4 When the design code is not known, the original concept of pressure vessel, boiler or piping shall be respected, using the control procedures prescribed by the relevant codes.

13.3.5 The criterion of PH can be used in calculation technologies or more advance procedures to replace those prescribed by design codes.

13.3.6 The alteration or repair designs (PAR) shall be designed beforehand in the following situations:

a) where the design conditions are modified;
b) whenever any repair that may compromise safety is carried out.

13.3.7 The PAR shall:

a) be designed or approved by PH;
b) determine the materials, implementation procedures, quality control and qualification of personnel;
c) be disseminated to the employees in the establishment who are involved with the equipment.

13.3.8 All interventions that require welding or boring in parts that operate under pressure shall be subject to the examination or tests for quality control with parameters defined by PH, in accordance with the applicable codes and standards.

13.3.9 The safety and control systems of boilers and pressure vessels shall undergo preventive or predictive maintenance.

13.3.10 The employer shall ensure that the examinations and tests on boilers, pressure vessels and pipes are performed under safe conditions for test performers and other workers involved.

13.3.11 The employer shall notify the regional office of the Ministry of Labor and Employment and the labor union of the prevailing professional category in the establishment of any occurrence of leak, fire or explosion involving the equipments covered in this NR13, which results in one of the following situations:

a) death of employee(s);
b) accidents that resulted in the need for hospitalization of the worker(s);
c) events of great proportion. This notification shall be forwarded in two business days after the occurrence and shall contain:

a) business name of the employer, address, place, date and time of occurrence;
b) description of the event;
c) the name and function(s) of victim(s);
d) adopted investigation procedures;
e) copy of the latest safety inspection report of the involved equipment;
f) copy of the notification of occupational accidents (CAT). Upon the occurrence of accidents described in item 13.3.11, the employer shall communicate with the prevailing union representation in the establishment to form an investigation commission. The workers, based on their training and experience, shall interrupt their tasks by referring their right to refuse dangerous work, whenever they find an evidence of serious and imminent risk to their health and safety or others, immediately communicating the fact to his superior. It is the duty of the employer:

a) to ensure that the workers have right to stop their activities, referring the right to refuse work in the situations specified in item, and in accordance with item 9.6.3 of NR-9;
b) to take the appropriate measures to control the risk immediately. The employer shall present the documents mentioned in items, and, if required by the regional office of the Ministry of Labor and Employment.

13.4 Boilers

13.4.1 Steam boilers – General provisions Steam boilers are equipments used to generate and accumulate steam at a pressure higher than the atmospheric pressure, using any source of heat, designed according to relevant codes, except reboilers and the like. For purposes of this NR, the boilers are classified into 3 (three) categories as follows:

a) Category A boilers are those of which the operation pressure is equal to or greater than 1960 kPa (19,98 kgf/cm2);
b) Category C boilers are those of which the operation pressure is equal to or less than 588 kPa (5,99 kgf/cm2) and the internal volume is equal to or less than 100 liters;
c) Category B boilers are all boilers that are not fit in above categories. The boilers shall have the following items:

a) safety pressure with opening pressure set at a value equal to or less than MAWP, considering the requirements of the design relating to scaled openings and calibration tolerances;
b) instrument that indicates the accumulated steam pressure;
c) independent water injection or supply system to avoid overheating due to deficient supply, above design temperatures, for boilers of solid fuel, which are non-atomized or burning in suspension.
d) rapid drain system in alkali recovery boilers, with automatic action after the activation by an operator;
e) automatic water-level control system with interlocking that prevents overheating due to deficient supply. Every boiler shall have an indelible identification plate on easily accessible and clearly visible place, with at least the following information:

a) manufacturer’s name;
b) order number given by the manufacturer;
c) year of manufacture;
d) maximum allowable working pressure;
e) hydrostatic test pressure of manufacture;
f) capacity of steam production;
g) heating surface are;
h) design code and year of edition. Besides the identification plate, the boiler category as defined in item and the identification number or code shall be in a visible place. Every boiler shall have the following documents properly updated in the establishments where installed:

a) Boiler log book, supplied by the manufacturer, containing following information:

-­ design code and year of edition;
– material specification;
– procedures used in manufacture, assembly and final inspection;
– methodology for establishing MAWP;
– records of hydrostatic tests of manufacture;
– set of drawings and other necessary datas to monitor the service life of the boiler;
– functional characteristics;
– data on safety devices;
– year of manufacture;
– boiler category;

b) Safety Record, in accordance with item;
c) Installation Design, in accordance with item;
d) PAR, in accordance with item 13.3.6 and 13.3.7;
e) Inspection Reports, in accordance with item;
f) Calibration certificates of safety devices. When inexistent or missed, the boiler log book shall be reconstituted by the employer, with technical responsibility of the manufacturer or qualified professional. Reconstitution of functional characteristics, data on safety devices and calculation for the MAWP is indispensable. When the boiler is sold or transferred to another establishment, the documents mentioned in paragraphs “a”, “d” and “e” in item shall accompany the boiler. Safety Record shall be made of a book with numbered pages, folders or computerized system with equivalent reliability where the following informations will be recorded:

a) all important events capable of influencing the safety conditions of the boiler;
b) the occurrences of initial, periodic and extraordinary safety inspections, containing the operational condition of the boiler, the legible name and the signature of qualified professional and the boiler operator at the time of inspection. If the boiler is deemed to be unsuitable for use, the Safety Record shall contain such information and receive formal conclusion. The documentation referred to in item should always be available for consultation of the operators, maintenance and inspection personnel, employee and employer representatives in the Internal Commission for Accident Prevention (CIPA). The employer shall ensure full access to this document.

13.4.2 Installation of steam boilers The authorship of the installation design of steam boilers, as far as this NR is concerned, is the responsibility of the qualified professional, and shall meet the safety, health and environmental aspects established in this NR13, conventions and legal provisions. The boilers shall be installed in a boiler house or any specific location for this purpose, named as boiler area in the establishments. When the boiler is installed in outdoors, the boiler area shall meet the following requirements:

a) be at least 3 (three) meters away from:

– other installations of the establishment;
-­ fuel depots, except for the reservoirs up to 2000 (two thousand) liters of capacity;
-­ borders of the third party properties;
– borders of public roads.

b) have at least 2 (two) wide exits, permanently unobstructed, marked and arranged in different directions;
c) have easy and safe access with guardrails, necessary to the operation and the maintenance of the boiler and the openings large enough to prevent the falls;
d) have a system for capturing and releasing gas and particulate matter resulting from the combustion away from the operation area in accordance with the existing environmental standards;
e) provide lighting in accordance with existing official standards;
f) have an emergency lighting system if operating at night. When the boiler is installed indoors, the boiler house must meet the following requirements:

a) separate building constructed of fire resistant material, which may have only one wall adjacent to other installations in the establishment while the other walls are at least 3.0 m (three meters) apart from other installations, the borders of the third party properties, the borders of public roads and fuel depots, except for except for the reservoirs up to 2000 (two thousand) liters of capacity;
b) have at least 2 (two) wide exits, permanently unobstructed, marked and arranged in different directions;
c) provided with permanent ventilation which cannot be blocked;
d) provided with gas leak detector when the boiler uses gas as fuel;
e) not be used for any other purpose;
f) have easy and safe access with guardrails, necessary to the operation and the maintenance of the boiler and the openings large enough to prevent the falls;
g) have a system for capturing and releasing gas and particulate matter resulting from the combustion away from the operation area in accordance with the existing environmental standards;
h) provide lighting in accordance with existing official standards and have an emergency lighting system. When the establishment cannot meet the requirements of item and, an alternative installation design shall be developed with complementary security measures that allow risk mitigation, communicating previously to the predominant union representation of the workers in the establishment. The boilers classified in Category A shall have an instrument panel installed in the control room, which is built according to the relevant regulatory standards.

13.4.3 Safety in boiler operation. Every boiler shall have an updated operating manual in Portuguese, within easy access to the operators, containing at least:

a) starting and stopping procedures;
b) routine operating procedures and parameters;
c) procedures for emergency procedures;
d) general procedures for safety, health and environmental preservation. The boiler instruments and controls shall be calibrated and maintained in good operating condition. The temporary neutralization may occur in the instruments and controls, provided that the operational safety is not reduced, and which are included in the formal operating and maintenance procedures, or with formally documented justification, with prior technical analysis and the relevant contingency measures for risk mitigation prepared by the technician in charge of the process, with the approval of the qualified professional. The water quality shall be controlled and the treatment shall be implemented, when necessary, to match the physiochemical properties of water with the operating parameters of the boiler. These treatments are required in boilers classified as category A according to item Every steam boiler shall be obligatorily under the operation and control of a boiler operator. Boiler operator shall be considered as one who meets the requirements in Section A of Annex I.

13.4.4 Boiler safety inspection Boilers shall be subjected to initial, periodic and extraordinary safety inspections. The initial safety inspection shall be carried out in new boilers, prior to commissioning at the operation site, comprising of internal examination followed by leak test and external examination. The boilers shall be obligatorily subjected to the Hydrostatic Test in the manufacturing phase, with documented evidence through a report signed by the qualified professional, and have the test pressure value clearly displayed on the identification card. In the lack of documented proof that the Hydrostatic Test – TH has been performed at the manufacturing stage, the following provisions shall be applied:

a) for equipments manufactured or imported as from the validity of this NR, the hydrostatic tests shall be performed during the initial safety inspection;
b) for the equipment in operation before the validity of this NR, at the discretion of qualified professional, the hydrostatic tests shall be performed in the next periodic safety inspection. The periodic safety inspection, consisting of internal and external examinations, shall be performed in the following maximum periods:

a) 12 (twelve) months for Category A, B and C boilers;
b) 15 (fifteen) months for alkali recovery boilers of any category;
c) 24 (twenty four) months for Category A boilers, provided that the opening pressure safety valves are tested in 12 (twelve) months. The establishments that have Self Service Equipment Inspection (SPIE), as established in Annex II, may extend the periods between safety inspections, respecting the following maximum periods:

a) 24 (twenty four) months for alkali recovery boilers of any category;
b) 24 (twenty four) months for Category B and C boilers;
c) 30 (thirty) months for Category A boilers;
d) 40 (forty) months for special boilers as defined in item The boilers that operate continuously and use gases or wastes from process units as the main fuel for heat source or for environmental control may be considered special when all the following conditions are met:

a) The establishment have a SPIE mentioned in Annex II;
b) Interlocking systems and the opening pressures of each safety valve are tested every 12 (twelve) months;
c) The outlet temperature of gases and vapour does not show unexpected variations during the operation;
d) There is periodic analysis and control of water quality;
e) There is deterioration control of the materials that compose the main parts of the boiler;
f) There is technical opinion of the qualified professional. The employer shall notify the Regional Office of the Ministry of Labor and Employment and the prevailing workers’ union in the establishment, previously, of the framework of the boiler as special. Completing maximum 25 (twenty five) years of use, the boilers shall be submitted to an integrity assessment with a greater scope to determine their remaining lifetime and maximum inspection periods, in case they are still in working condition. The safety valves installed in boilers shall be inspected periodically as follows:

a) at least one time per month in operation, by manual operation of lever, for Category B and C boilers, excluding the boilers that vaporize thermal fluid and that works with treated water according to the provisions in item;
b) screwed and flanged valves shall be disassembled, inspected and tested in a workbench, and, in case of welded valves, in the site, with a frequency consistent with the operational history. The inspection periods established in item and, if applicable, for category A and B boilers shall be established as upper limits for these activities. In addition to the tests prescribed in item, the safety valves installed in the boilers may be submitted to the accumulation tests at the discretion of the qualified professional. The extraordinary safety inspection shall be performed in the following conditions:

a) where the boiler is damaged by an accident or other occurrences that could affect the safety of the boiler;
b) when the boiler is subjected to alteration or major repair capable of changing the safety conditions;
c) before refitting the boiler in operation if the boiler remained inactive for more than 6 (six) months;
d) when the installation place of the boiler is changed. The safety inspections shall be performed under the technical responsibility of the qualified professional. Immediately after the inspection of the boiler, its operational condition shall be noted in its Safety Record, and, a report, which becomes the part of the documentation, shall be issued within 60 (sixty) days. This period may be extended for 90 (ninety) days in case of general maintenance shutdown. The employer must inform the union representative of the prevailing professional category in the establishment of the boiler’s operational condition within a maximum of thirty (30) days after the completion of the safety inspection. Upon receipt of a formal request, the employer shall forward a copy of the inspection report to the union representative of the prevailing professional category in the establishment within a maximum of 10 (ten) days after the completion of the report. The union representative of the prevailing professional category in the establishment may request the copy of the boiler’s safety inspection report to be sent in a regular basis within a maximum of 30 (thirty) days after the completion of the report, placing the employer under no obligation to meet items and The inspection report, mentioned in paragraph “e” of item, shall be prepared in numbered pages containing at least:

a) data listed in the identification card of the boiler;
b) category of the boiler;
c) type of the boiler;
d) type of the inspection performed;
e) start and completion date of the inspection;
f) description of the inspections, examinations and tests performed;
g) photographic records of the internal examinations of the boiler;
h) results of the inspections and measures taken;
i) lists of the items of this NR that are not being met;
j) recommendations and necessary measures;
k) conclusive opinion as to the integrity of the boiler until the next inspection;
l) scheduled date for the next safety inspection of the boiler;
m) legible name, signature and the professional counsel registration number of the qualified professional and legible name and signature of the technicians who participated in the inspection. The recommendations of the inspection shall be recorded and implemented by the employer, determining the deadlines and the responsible for the implementation. Whenever the inspection results determine changes on design data, the identification plate and the boiler log book shall be updated.

13.5 Pressure Vessels

13.5.1 Pressure vessels – General provisions. Pressure vessels are equipments that contain fluids under internal or external pressure different than atmospheric pressure. For the purposes of this NR, the pressure vessels are classified in categories according to fluid class and the risk potential.

a) The fluids contained in the pressure vessels are classified as follows:
Class A:
-­ flammable fluids;
-­ combustible fluids at temperature greater than or equal to 200 °C;
-­ toxic fluids with a tolerance limit equal to or less than 20 ppm;
-­ hydrogen;
-­ acetylene.
Class B:
-­ combustible fluids at temperature less than 200 °C;
-­ toxic fluids with a tolerance limit greater than 20 ppm.
Class C:
-­ water vapor, simple asphyxiating gas or compressed air.
Class D:
– other fluids not mentioned above.
b) In case of a mixture, the fluid that pose a greater risk to the workers and installations shall be considered for the classification, considering the toxicity, inflammability and concentration.
c) The pressure vessels are classified in potential risk groups in terms of PV, where P is the maximum operation pressure in MPa and V is the volume in m3, as follows:
Group 1 – P.V ≥ 100
Group 2 – P.V < 100 and P.V ≥ 30
Group 3 – P.V < 30 and P.V ≥ 2,5
Group 4 – P.V < 2,5 and P.V ≥ 1
Group 5 – P.V < 1
d) Pressure vessels operating under vacuum conditions shall fall into the following categories:
-­ category I: for inflammable or combustible fluids;
-­ category V: for other fluids;
e) The following table classifies the pressure vessels into the categories according to the potential risk groups and the class of the contained fluid.


NR13_Table1 Pressure vessels shall be endowed with the following equipments:

a) safety valves or other equipments with opening pressure set at a value equal to or less than the MAWP, installed directly on the vessel or in the system that includes it, considering the requirements of the design relating to the scaled openings and calibration tolerances;
b) means implemented against inadvertent blockage of the safety device when it is not directly attached to the vessel;
c) instrument that indicates the operating pressure, installed directly on the vessel or in the system that includes it. Every pressure vessel shall have an indelible identification plate on easily accessible and clearly visible place, with at least the following information:

a) manufacturer;
b) identification number;
c) year of manufacture;
d) maximum allowable working pressure;
e) hydrostatic test pressure on manufacture; (See the conditions in the Ordinance MTE n.o 594, April 28, 2014)
f) design code and year of edition. Besides the identification plate, the vessel category as defined in item and the identification number or code shall be in a visible place. Every pressure vessel shall have the following documents properly updated in the establishments where installed:

a) Pressure vessel log book, supplied by the manufacturer, containing following information:
-­ design code and year of edition;
– material specification;
– procedures used in manufacture, assembly and final inspection;
– methodology for establishing MAWP;
– set of drawings and other necessary datas to monitor the service life of the vessel;
– maximum operating pressure;
– records of hydrostatic tests;
– functional characteristics, updated by the employer upon any alteration;
– data on safety devices, updated by the employer upon any alteration;
– year of manufacture;
– vessel category, updated by the employer upon any alteration;
b) Safety Record, in accordance with item;
c) Installation Design, in accordance with item and;
d) PAR, in accordance with item 13.3.6 and 13.3.7;
e) Inspection Reports, in accordance with item;
f) Calibration certificates of safety devices, when applicable. When inexistent or missed, the pressure vessel log book shall be reconstituted by the employer, with technical responsibility of the manufacturer or qualified professional. Reconstitution of the design assumptions, data on safety devices and calculation for the MAWP is indispensable. Safety Record shall be made of a book with numbered pages, folders or computerized system with equivalent reliability where the following informations will be recorded:

a) all important events capable of influencing the safety conditions of the pressure vessel;
b) the occurrences of periodic and extraordinary safety inspections, containing the operational condition of the pressure vessel. The documentation referred to in item should always be available for consultation of the operators, maintenance and inspection personnel, employee and employer representatives in the Internal Commission for Accident Prevention (CIPA). The employer shall ensure full access to this document, including the union representation of the prevailing professional category in the establishment, when formally requested.

13.5.2 Installation of the pressure vessels. Every pressure vessel shall be installed so that so that all drains, vents, manholes and level indicators, pressure and temperature, when they exit, will be easily accessible. When the pressure vessels are installed indoors, the installation shall meet the following requirements:

a) have at least 2 (two) wide exits, permanently unobstructed, marked and arranged in different directions;
b) have easy and safe access with guardrails, necessary to the operation and the maintenance of the pressure vessel and the openings large enough to prevent the falls;
c) provided with permanent ventilation which cannot be blocked;
d) provide lighting in accordance with existing official standards;
e) have an emergency lighting system. When the boiler is installed in outdoors, the installation shall meet paragraphs “a”, “b”, “d” and “e” of item The authorship of the installation design of the pressure vessels in Category I, II and II according to item, as far as this NR is concerned, is the responsibility of the qualified professional, and shall meet the safety, health and environmental aspects established in this NR13, conventions and legal provisions. The installation design shall contain at least the floor plan of the establishment, with the position and the category of the each vessel and the safety installations. When the establishment cannot meet the requirements of item, an alternative installation design shall be developed with complementary security measures that allow risk mitigation.

13.5.3 Safety in pressure vessel operation. Every pressure vessel in category I or II shall have its own operating manual or operating instructions contained in the operating manual of the unit where it is installed, in Portuguese, within easy access to the operators, containing at least:

a) starting and stopping procedures;
b) routine operating procedures and parameters;
c) procedures for emergency procedures;
d) general procedures for safety, health and environmental preservation. The pressure vessels’ instruments and controls shall be calibrated and maintained in good operating condition. The temporary neutralization may occur in the instruments and controls, provided that the operational safety is not reduced, and which are included in the formal operating and maintenance procedures, or with formally documented justification, with prior technical analysis and the relevant contingency measures for risk mitigation, prepared by the qualified professional. The operation of units that have pressure vessels of category I or II shall be performed by a trained professional according to item “B” of Annex I.

13.5.4 Safety inspection of the pressure vessels. The pressure vessels shall be subjected to initial, periodic and extraordinary safety inspections. The initial safety inspection shall be carried out in new pressure vessels, prior to commissioning at the operation site, comprising of internal and external examination. The pressure vessels shall be obligatorily subjected to the Hydrostatic Test in the manufacturing phase, with documented evidence through a report signed by the qualified professional, and have the test pressure value clearly displayed on the identification card. In the lack of documented proof that the Hydrostatic Test (TH) has been performed in the manufacturing phase, the following provisions shall be applied:

a) for equipments manufactured or imported as from the validity of this NR, the hydrostatic tests shall be performed during the initial safety inspection;
b) for the equipment in operation before the validity of this NR, at the discretion of the qualified professional, the hydrostatic tests shall be performed in the next periodic safety inspection. Mass-produced pressure vessels of category IV or V, certified by the National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology (INMETRO), which have safety valves calibrated at the factory are exempted from initial inspection and the documentation referred in paragraph “c” of item, when installed according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Installation date of the pressure vessel shall be noted in the Safety Record from which the deadline for the periodic safety inspection starts. The safety inspection, consisting of internal and external examinations, shall meet the following maximum periods set forth below:


a) for the establishments that don’t have Self Service Equipment Inspection (SPIE), as cited in Annex II:

b) for the establishments that have SPIE, as cited in Annex II, considering the tolerances provided herein: Pressure vessels that do not allow visual access to the internal or external examination by physical impossibility shall be alternatively subjected to other nondestructive tests and integrity assessment methodologies, at the discretion of the qualified professional, based on codes and standards applicable to the identification of deterioration mechanisms. Pressure vessels with internal filler or catalyst may have extended internal examination intervals, so as to coincide with the time of replacement of fillers or catalyst, provided that the extending is preceded by studies conducted by the qualified professional or multidisciplinary team coordinated by him/her, based on applicable standards and codes, where alternative technology for the evaluation of their structural integrity are implemented. Pressure vessels with an operating temperature below 0 °C and that operate under conditions in which experience shows that no deterioration occurs shall be subjected to internal examination every 20 (twenty) years and external examination every 2 (two) years. The safety valves of pressure vessels shall be disassembled, inspected and calibrated within proper maintenance intervals; however, not higher than that provided for internal periodic safety inspection of the pressure vessels protected by them. The extraordinary safety inspection shall be performed in the following opportunities:

a) whenever the pressure vessel is damaged by accident or other occurrences that compromise the safety of the pressure vessel;
b) when the pressure vessel is subjected to alteration or major repair capable of changing the safety conditions;
c) before refitting the pressure vessel in operation if the vessel remained inactive for more than 12 (twelve) months;
d) when the installation place of the pressure vessel is changed, except for the mobile vessels. The safety inspections shall be performed under the technical responsibility of the qualified professional. Immediately after the inspection of the pressure vessel, its operational condition shall be noted in its Safety Record, and, a report, which becomes the part of the documentation, shall be issued within 60 (sixty) days. This period may be extended for 90 (ninety) days in case of general maintenance shutdown. The inspection report, mentioned in paragraph “e” of item, shall be prepared in numbered pages, containing at least:

a) identification of the pressure vessel;
b) service fluids and category of the pressure vessel;
c) type of the pressure vessel;
d) start and completion date of the inspection;
e) type of the inspection performed;
f) description of the examinations and tests performed;
g) results of the inspections and interventions taken;
h) conclusive opinion as to the integrity of the pressure vessel until the next inspection
i) recommendations and necessary measures;
j) scheduled date for the next inspection;
k) legible name, signature and the professional counsel registration number of the qualified professional and legible name and signature of the technicians who participated in the inspection. Whenever the inspection results determine changes on design conditions, the identification plate and the pressure vessel log book shall be updated. The recommendations of the inspection shall be implemented by the employer, determining the deadlines and the responsibilities for the implementation.

13.6 Pipings

13.6.1 Pipings – General provisions The companies that have pipings and piping systems fall into this NR shall have an inspection plan and program that considers, at least, the variables, conditions and assumptions described below: (See terms in Ordinance MTE n.o 594, April 28, 2014)

a) transported fluids;
b) working pressure;
c) working temperature;
d) mechanisms of predictable damages;
e) impacts on the workers, facilities and environment brought about by possible failures in the pipings. Pipes or piping systems shall have safety devices according to the criteria of the design code, or in compliance with the recommendations of the study that analyzes failure scenarios. Pipes or piping systems shall have operating pressure indicators, as defined in the process and instrumentation design. Every establishment that has pipes, piping systems or lines shall have the following documentation duly updated:

a) specifications applicable to the pipings or systems, necessary for planning and executing the inspection; (See terms in Ordinance MTE n.o 594, April 28, 2014)
b) engineering flowchart with the identification of the line and its accessories;
c) PAR, in accordance with item 13.3.6 and 13.3.7;
d) Inspection Reports, in accordance with item The documents referred in item, when inexistent or missed, shall be reconstituted by the employer, under the technical responsibility of the qualified professional. The documentation referred in item shall always be available for inspection by the competent authority of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Labor and Employment, and for consultation of the operators, maintenance and inspection personnel, employee and employer representatives in the Internal Commission for Accident Prevention (CIPA). The employer shall ensure full access to this document by the union representation of the prevailing professional category in the establishment, when formally requested.

13.6.2 Safety in pipings The instruments indicating the pipe pressure shall be maintained in good operating conditions. The steam pipes and their accessories shall be maintained in good operating condition, in accordance with a maintenance plan prepared by the establishment. Pipes and piping systems shall be identifiable according to the standardization formally established by the establishment, and marked according to NR26. (See terms in Ordinance MTE n.o 594, April 28, 2014)

13.6.3 Periodic inspection of pipes Initial safety inspection shall be performed in the pipes. (See conditions in Ordinance MTE n.o 594, April 28, 2014) The pipes shall be subjected to periodic safety inspection. (See terms in Ordinance MTE n.o 594, April 28, 2014) Inspection intervals of the pipes shall meet the maximum periods of internal inspection of the most critical vessel or boiler connected to them, and may be extended by inspection program prepared by the qualified professional, technically justified based on the damage mechanism and the criticality of the system, containing the intervals between the inspections and tests that compose them, provided that the intervals do not exceed 100% of maximum interval over the internal inspection period, limited to 10 (ten) years. The periodic inspection intervals of the pipes cannot exceed the periods established in the inspection program, considered the permitted tolerances for the companies with SPIE. The inspection program may be prepared for piping, line or system, at the discretion of the qualified professional, and in case that the inspection program is prepared for the system, the interval to be adopted shall be corresponded to the most critical line. The periodic inspections of pipes shall consist of examinations and tests defined by the qualified professional, allowing a structural integrity evaluation in accordance with applicable standards and codes. In the case of risk to the health and physical integrity of workers involved in the execution of the inspection, the line shall be removed from operation. The extraordinary inspection shall be performed in the following situations:

a) where the piping is damaged by an accident or other occurrences that could compromise the safety of the workers;
b) when the piping is subjected to alteration or major repair capable of changing the fluid containment capacity;
c) before refitting the piping in operation if it remained inactive for more than 24 (twenty four) months; The periodic inspections of pipes shall be performed under the technical responsibility of the qualified professional. After the inspection of each pipe, pipe system or line, an inspection report shall be issued in numbered pages, which becomes the part of the documentation, and shall contain at least:

a) identification of the line(s) or piping system;
b) service fluids, and respective temperature and operating pressure;
c) start and completion date of the inspection;
d) type of the inspection performed;
e) description of the tests performed;
f) results of the inspection;
g) conclusive opinion as to the integrity of the pipes, piping system or the line until the next inspection;
h) recommendations and necessary measures;
i) scheduled date for the next inspection;
j) legible name, signature and the professional counsel registration number of the qualified professional and legible name and signature of the technicians who participated in the inspection. This report shall be issued within 30 (thirty) days for individual lines and within 90 (ninety) days for piping systems. The recommendations of the inspection shall be implemented by the employer, determining the deadlines and the responsible person for the implementation.

Annex I – Personnel Training

Annex II – Certification Requirements for Self Service Equipment Inspection