Annex I of NR5 – CIPA in the Construction Industry

1. Objective
2. Scope
3. General Provisions

1. Objective

1.1 This annex establishes specific requirements for the Internal Committee for Prevention of Accidents and Harassment (CIPA) in the construction industry. (MTP Ordinance No. 4219, of December 20, 2022 – effective as of March 20, 2023)

  1. Scope

2.1 The provisions established in this Annex apply to organizations as defined in sub-item 18.2.1 of NR18 – Health and Safety in the Construction Industry.

  1. 3. General Provisions

3.1 The organization responsible for the construction project must establish a CIPA for each construction site when the number of employees fits the criteria in Table I of NR-05, following the general provisions of this Standard.

3.1.1 When the construction site does not fit the criteria in Table I of NR-05, the organization responsible for the construction project must appoint at least one representative among its employees at the location to fulfill the objectives of NR-05.

3.1.2 The organization responsible for the construction project is exempt from establishing a CIPA for each work front.

3.1.3 When there is a work front, regardless of the number of employees at the location, the organization responsible for the construction project must appoint at least one representative among its employees who work at the work front or the construction site to fulfill the objectives of NR-05. The NR-05 representative appointed by the organization responsible for the construction project may be appointed as a representative for more than one work front.

3.2 When there is an organization providing third-party services at the construction site or work front, it must appoint at least one NR-05 representative if it has five or more employees at the location.

3.2.1 The appointment of the NR-05 representative by the third-party service provider organization at the construction site or work front must be among employees who must perform their activities at the location.

3.2.2 The organization responsible for the construction project must require the third-party service provider organization to appoint the NR-05 representative when it reaches the minimum number of employees specified in item 3.2.

3.2.3 The third-party service provider organization in construction sites or work fronts, when the number of employees fits the criteria in Table I of NR-05, considering the total number of employees at different work locations, must establish a centralized CIPA. The centralized CIPA of the third-party service provider organization in construction sites or work fronts must take into account the number of employees distributed at different work locations within the Federation Unit for the purpose of centralized CIPA sizing. The organization must ensure that the centralized CIPA maintains interaction between the construction sites and work fronts where it operates within the Federation Unit.

3.3 Construction projects lasting up to 180 (one hundred and eighty) days are exempt from establishing a CIPA, but must send the Prior Notice of Construction Work to the predominant workers’ union at the location within a maximum of 10 (ten) days from its electronic registration in the Prior Notice of Construction Work System- SCPO.

3.3.1 For construction projects lasting up to 180 (one hundred and eighty) days, the organization responsible for the construction project must appoint at least one NR-05 representative, applying the provision in sub-item 3.1.2 when there is a work front.

3.3.2 For construction projects lasting up to 180 (one hundred and eighty) days, if there is a third-party service provider organization at the construction site or work front, it must appoint at least one NR-05 representative if it has five or more employees at the location.

3.4 The selection of the NR-05 representative is the responsibility of the organization, in accordance with items 5.4.14 and 5.4.15.

3.4.1 The organization must provide the NR-05 representative with a copy of their appointment.

3.5 CIPA members at the construction site must participate in training as established in this Standard.

3.5.1 The NR-05 representative must undergo training with a minimum workload of eight hours, considering the provision in item 1.7 of NR-01 and observing the general provisions of this Standard, with the following content:

a) Basics of accident prevention and work-related illnesses;
b) Study of the environment and working conditions, risks arising from the production process, and preventive measures according to the construction stage;
c) Basics of labor and social security legislation related to occupational safety and health;
d) Prevention and combat of sexual harassment and other forms of workplace violence. (MTP Ordinance No. 4219, of December 20, 2022 – effective as of March 20, 2023) The validity of the NR-05 representative’s training must comply with this Standard and can be utilized for different construction sites or work fronts within its validity period and for the organization that provided the training. Training for the NR-05 representative may be validated by different organizations if it complies with item 1.7 of NR-01.

3.6 The organization responsible for the construction project must coordinate the work of the CIPA, if one exists at the construction site, and the NR-05 representative, where applicable, in accordance with the general provisions of this Standard.

3.6.1 The organization responsible for the construction project must promote integration between the CIPA, if one exists, and the NR-05 representative, where applicable, at the construction site and work front, observing the general provisions of this Standard.

3.6.2. The participation of CIPA members and the NR-05 representative in meetings to fulfill the objectives of this Standard must comply with its general provisions.

3.7 The CIPA at the construction site will be considered terminated when the construction project’s activities are concluded.

3.7.1 Construction project activities are considered concluded, for the purposes of applying this Standard, when all its stages outlined in the projects are completed.

3.7.2 The conclusion of the construction project must be formalized in a document by the project manager, and a copy must be sent, physically or electronically, to the predominant workers’ union at the establishment.