Annex III of Resolution 310/02 – Information Related to the Exploitation of Planted Bracatinga (Mimosa Scabrella)

His/Her Excellence Mr./Mrs./Ms. State Superintendent of the Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources – IBAMA/SC, , the undersigned, residing at ___________________District of __________________ Municipality of _________, State ____ nacionality ________________, profession____________
Civil state___________CPF number__________ID/Issued By/State ______________requests from Your Excellence and Authorization for the logging of Bracatinga (Mimosa Scarabrella), as foreseen by CONAMA Resolution 310, article 9, which will be undertaken within his/her property according to the following specifications:

1 – Geographical location;
2 – Property area (ha);
3 – Exploitation area (ha);
4 – Legal Reserve areal (ha);
5 – Identification of the Responsible technician (name, full address, CGC or CPF, profession, IBAMA registration number, registration number in the competent professional council and visa number/region, if applicable);
6 – Estimated volume of exploited wood and/or firewood;
7 – Report undertaken by the responsible technician including an assessment of the plantation and population conduction and well as IBAMA registration of the planted population.

The following documentation has been added in order to complete the required information:

a) actualized property deed;
b) proof of payment of Rural Territorial Tax – ITR, for the previous year;
c) sketch of the property;
d) sketch of access roads to the property in relation to the municipality where the same is located;

Legal Reserve delimitations: _________________________________

In accordance with the above terms, requests the approval. _______, _____________ of_________of 20___

ID Number: