Annex I of NR-19 – Health and Safety in the Fireworks and Pyrotechnic Devices Industry and Trade


  1. Objective
  2. Scope
  3. General Provisions
  4. Facilities
  5. Risk Management Program – RMP
  6. Internal Accident Prevention Commission
  7. Technical Responsibility
  8. Workplaces
  9. Internal Transportation
  10. Personal Protection
  11. Access to Establishments
  12. Waste Destruction
  13. Hygiene and Comfort at Work
  14. Worker Training
  15. Occupational Accidents
  16. Quality Control
  17. Commercialization
  18. Final Provisions

1. Objective

1.1 This annex aims to establish the requirements and preventive measures to ensure the safety and health conditions of workers at all stages of manufacturing, storage, transportation, and commercialization of fireworks and other pyrotechnic devices.

2. Scope

2.1 This annex applies to all establishments involved in the manufacturing, storage, and commercialization of fireworks and other pyrotechnic devices.

2.2 Included within the scope of this annex are the production units of black powder, aluminum for pyrotechnics, and intermediate products intended for the manufacturing of fireworks and other pyrotechnic devices.

3. General Provisions

3.1 For the purposes of this annex, the following definitions apply:

a) Fireworks and other pyrotechnic devices are pyrotechnic articles prepared to transmit ignition to produce light, noise, smoke, or other visual or sound effects typically used for entertainment;

b) Technical Responsible, the legally qualified professional in the field of chemistry responsible for coordinating quality control laboratories and/or process control, as well as production operations, including the development of new products, as provided in current legislation;

c) Occupational accident, an unforeseen event occurring during work or as a consequence thereof, resulting in harm to the health or physical integrity of the worker;

d) Incident, an unforeseen event occurring during work or as a consequence thereof that does not result in harm to the health or physical integrity of the worker but potentially could cause such harm;

e) Hazardous substance, one with the potential to cause material damage, environmental harm, injuries, or health risks due to its physical-chemical or toxicological properties, classified as such based on criteria and categories defined in a classification system.

3.2 Compliance with this annex does not exempt organizations from adhering to other legal and regulatory provisions related to the matter, including those arising from collective labor agreements and conventions.

4. Facilities

4.1 The physical facilities of establishments must comply with the provisions of NR-8 and the explosives regulations of the Brazilian Army’s Directorate of Controlled Product Oversight.

4.2 The fences around establishments must meet at least the following technical requirements:

a) Be grounded;

b) Have warning signage at maximum intervals of 100 meters;

c) Be at least 2.20 meters high;

d) Delimit administrative, storage, and manufacturing sectors.

4.3 All internal transportation routes for materials within the establishment must:

a) Have a minimum width of 1.20 meters;

b) Be kept permanently unobstructed;

c) Be signposted.

4.4 A strip of land free from underbrush, at least 20 meters wide, must be maintained around all storage and work areas.

4.5 The internal environments of the work areas must:

a) Provide thermal comfort for workers;

b) Have lighting levels in accordance with official technical standards;

c) Have specific lighting for classified areas.

4.6 At the entrance of work areas, there must be a safety notice in easily visible indelible characters, containing the following information:

a) Identification of the area and the activity performed;

b) Maximum number of workers allowed;

c) Full name of the manager;

d) Maximum allowable quantity of explosives or pieces containing explosives.

4.7 Work areas in the explosives sector must have:

a) Waterproof, smooth, washable floors made of materials or systems that do not allow the accumulation of static energy, maintained in perfect condition and cleanliness;

b) Rounded floor-to-wall, bench-to-wall, and wall-to-wall joints to avoid residue accumulation;

c) Antistatic materials and equipment, with procedures to prevent dust and residue accumulation and material falls to the floor;

d) Smooth work surfaces covered with materials or systems that do not allow static energy accumulation, with side protections and rounded finishes to prevent product falls and dust accumulation;

e) Shelves, benches, and surfaces kept to the minimum quantity necessary for work development, prohibiting the use of non-conductive materials or those that permit sparking.

4.7.1 The area for handling white powder and similar materials must have:

a) Waterproof floor and walls;

b) Washable ceiling;

c) Smooth bench made of materials or systems that do not allow static energy accumulation and are resistant to low impact;

d) A 0.10-meter (10 cm) layer of water over the floor;

e) A masonry trough 1 meter wide in front of the entrance, also with a 0.10-meter (10 cm) layer of water. All water must be periodically replaced through appropriate filtration, with a filter cleaning system, according to a project designed by a legally qualified professional.

4.8 All electrical installations inside or near production and storage areas must have independent circuits and meet specific technical standards for classified areas.

4.9 Machines and equipment that use or generate electrical energy must be electrically grounded, in compliance with NR-12.

4.10 All installation, renovation, or reorganization projects must be communicated in writing, preferably electronically, to the decentralized unit of the Labor Inspection before execution, following authorization by the Army.

5. Risk Management Program – RMP

5.1 The RMP of organizations must include the provisions of NR-1 and the provisions of this chapter.

5.2 The RMP should be developed and implemented preferably by a multidisciplinary team in conjunction with a legally qualified work safety professional, the organization’s technical responsible, and its legal representatives.

5.3 The RMP must indicate the following elements:

a) Roles and responsibilities of all parties regarding safety and health activities at work;

b) Names of the coordinator and other technical responsible individuals, updated whenever there are changes;

c) Individuals responsible for executing each preventive measure outlined in the action plan;

d) Justifications for adjustments and changes made to the action plan.

5.3.1 The following documents must be attached to the RMP:

a) Accident or incident investigation reports since the last review;

b) Environmental exposure monitoring reports;

c) Statistics on accidents, incidents, and work-related health injuries or conditions.

5.3.2 The documents included in the RMP must contain:

a) The date of preparation and revision;

b) The signature of the organization’s legal representative.

5.4 The occupational risk inventory must be kept updated, with provisions for revisions at least annually or whenever there is a need to alter its information.

5.4.1 The risk inventory must be co-signed by a qualified work safety professional and the organization’s technical responsible.

5.5 Organizations must maintain an inventory of all products they use or manufacture, including intermediate pyrotechnic mixtures and generated residues, available for inspection by regulatory bodies. This inventory must be prepared by the Technical Responsible and contain at least:

a) The product name and respective synonyms or codes used or referred to within the organization;

b) Product category (raw material, intermediate product, final product, or residue);

c) Qualitative chemical composition, particularly of ingredients contributing to the hazard;

d) Storage location;

e) Processes or operations where used;

f) Classification of the substance or mixture regarding physical threats—fire, explosion, or violent reaction—and threats to human health and the environment, with recommended adoption of European Commission guidelines for hazardous substance and mixture classification until national guidelines are adopted;

g) Risk and safety phrases according to the primary potential risks and safety measures.

5.6 Other specific procedures or plans must be developed based on the production process complexity and the organization’s size, including at least:

a) Emergency and Fire and Explosion Response Plan;

b) Preventive maintenance plan for production sector machinery and equipment, in accordance with NR-12, and a preventive maintenance plan for vehicles used for transporting chemicals;

c) Operational procedures for manufacturing, storing, and handling explosive products or mixtures, including relevant safety information.

5.6.1 The Emergency and Fire and Explosion Response Plan, in addition to NR-1 requirements, must contain:

a) Organization information:

I. Organization name;

II. Detailed description of buildings individually;

III. Fixed and floating population;

IV. Nearest fire station;

V. Map of installed fire safety equipment;

b) Prevention measures:

I. Composition and duties of the fire brigade;

II. Records of annual training and simulated exercises involving workers and the fire brigade;

III. Provision for communication systems with the fire department and competent authorities;

IV. Description of fire safety equipment;

V. Inspection and maintenance schedule for fire safety equipment;

c) Firefighting actions and procedures in case of explosion:

I. Activation of the alert and alarm system;

II. Evacuation procedure and predetermined escape routes;

III. Communication with the fire department and competent authorities;

IV. Activation of the fire brigade;

V. Isolation of the affected area (safety perimeter);

VI. Victim concentration area;

VII. Description of victim assistance procedures;

VIII. Predetermined access routes for emergency vehicles;

IX. Firefighting procedures and emergency actions following an explosion;

X. Incident assessment and registration procedure;

XI. Authorization for return to normal activities. Emergency and Fire and Explosion Response Plan actions must be implemented according to a detailed schedule, including deadlines for all stages, theoretical and practical training, and must be simulated and reviewed annually, with the participation of the Internal Committee for Prevention of Accidents and Harassment (CIPA) and all workers. A copy of the Emergency and Fire and Explosion Response Plan must be sent to the Municipal Civil Defense Coordination and the local Fire Department. Workers performing patrol activities must be familiar with the Emergency and Fire and Explosion Response Plan and have all necessary materials and mechanisms to activate it.

6. Internal Committee for Prevention of Accident and Harassment (CIPA)

6.1 CIPA, organized according to the provisions of NR-5, must conduct inspections at all workplaces at least monthly, aiming to identify situations that pose risks to the health and safety of workers, with the participation of the Technical Responsible and Safety and Health at Work professionals.

6.2 Inspection reports with respective conclusions must be recorded in specific documents, submitted to the employer for acknowledgment, and made available to the Labor Inspection.

6.3 Organizations not required to maintain a CIPA must designate a commission to conduct inspections, which must include at least one worker from the production sector and the Technical Responsible.

6.4 Annual training of the CIPA or the designated worker to fulfill the commission’s objectives must include all aspects related to the risks of accidents with explosives and their prevention.

7. Technical Responsibility

7.1 All organizations must have a legally qualified Technical Responsible on staff, whose name must appear on all labels and advertisements.

7.2 The Technical Responsible is responsible for the quality and safety of the manufactured products, including worker safety and health.

7.3 Technical responsibility encompasses production operations, including new product development, storage, packaging, labeling, and internal transportation, as well as quality control.

7.4 The Technical Responsible must have a work schedule explicitly established in their contract with the organization, with records of compliance.

8. Workplaces

8.1 Organizations must keep all workplaces in perfect order and cleanliness, containing only the materials necessary for the labor activity.

8.2 Effective procedures must be established for cleaning footwear at the entrance to work areas.

8.3 Organizations must establish and implement Operational Procedures for all activities under the guidance of the Technical Responsible, specifying safe procedures for each task and posting operational procedures in visible locations and sizes in the respective areas.

8.4 The maximum quantity of explosive materials and the maximum number of workers allowed in each work areas must be observed, as defined by the Technical Responsible and in compliance with legal provisions.

8.5 The presence of ignition sources and materials or utensils unrelated to the activity is prohibited in work areas with explosives.

8.5.1 Tools used in handling explosive materials must be made of stainless steel or other materials that minimize spark generation.

8.6 During work hours, the doors must be kept fully open outward, using a suitable device to keep them in this position, made of non-sparking material, and kept unobstructed.

8.7 Whenever work can be performed alternating between standing and sitting positions, the workstation must be planned or adapted to favor position alternation.

8.7.1 All seats at workstations must comply with the provisions of NR-17.

8.7.2 For activities requiring standing work and where sitting poses a risk of accidents, seats must be provided nearby for rest, with at least a 15-minute break every 2 hours of work.

8.8 All establishments must have sufficient water reserves, strategically located for immediate use, including for daily cleaning and wetting work areas.

8.9 Black powder, finished products, and bomb storage facilities must have temperature and humidity measurement instruments, with written records of daily measurements available for inspection.

9. Internal Transportation

9.1 Internal transportation of flammable or explosive products must follow rules specified by the Technical Responsible, who must define the means of transportation, routes, containers, and maximum quantities to be transported at one time.

9.1.1 Means of transporting explosives must be appropriate, according to NR-17, and include mechanisms to reduce impacts and fall risks, as well as devices to prevent sparking.

9.2 Workers responsible for internal transportation of finished products or other materials must be aware of all inherent risks of this activity and receive training on manual lifting and weight transportation.

10. Personal Protection

10.1 All workers in the explosives sector must wear complete cotton or similar antistatic fabric work clothing, provided free by the employer, without any details that could accumulate dust or chemical residues.

10.1.1 Maintenance and replacement of clothing must be performed by the organization at no cost to the workers.

10.1.2 Clothing for workers handling black powder, white powder, and colors must be washed weekly by the organization.

10.2 All workers must wear appropriate footwear for the job.

10.2.1 Workers involved in handling explosives must wear footwear with antistatic soles, without external metal parts. In workplaces with water-covered floors, waterproof footwear must be used, and antistatic properties are not required.

11. Access to Establishments

11.1 Establishments must maintain a permanent gate service with a worker knowledgeable about the risks in workplaces and trained in accident prevention with explosives, particularly concerning the Emergency and Fire & Explosion Response Plan, tasked with preventing the entry of people, vehicles, and materials that do not meet the organization’s internal safety requirements.

11.2 Organizations must adopt and display safety rules at the entrance gate regarding the movement of people, motor vehicles, or animal-drawn vehicles used for transporting explosives within the factory perimeter, defining the route in advance.

11.2.1 Organizations must ensure that vehicle exhaust pipes are not directed toward the work area and are equipped with spark arresters.

11.2.2 Loading and unloading of vehicles must be performed with engines off and in accordance with this standard and relevant legislation.

12. Waste Destruction

12.1 Organizations must implement a selective waste collection system in all work areas and adopt safe disposal procedures for unsuitable materials and products.

12.2 Hazardous raw material residues and/or explosive products, collected selectively, must be adequately stored in appropriate containers and safe locations, away from work areas, until properly disposed of.

12.3 The destruction of explosive products must follow the Brazilian Army’s Directorate of Controlled Product Oversight’s explosives regulations, with procedures implemented under the Technical Responsible’s coordination.

12.3.1 All workers involved in waste collection and destruction activities must receive specific training.

13. Hygiene and Comfort at Work

13.1 Organizations must maintain sanitary facilities for workers, separated by gender, properly maintained and permanently clean, in sufficient quantity for the number of workers, according to the sizing provided in NR-24, strategically located to cover the entire factory perimeter, at a maximum distance of 120 meters from workstations.

13.2 Establishments must have dressing rooms with showers and individual lockers, in sufficient quantity for the number of workers, according to the sizing provided in NR-24, strategically located to ensure that all workers enter the hazardous area wearing only appropriate clothing and footwear and to allow for hygiene before accessing the dining area.

13.2.1 Organizations must maintain specific and separate dressing rooms for workers handling powdered aluminum and black powder in each establishment, strategically located at a maximum distance of 50 meters from the respective work areas.

13.3 Potable water must be provided to all workers in thermal containers or non-metallic water dispensers installed in all workplaces, prohibiting the use of metallic and communal cups.

13.3.1 In places where explosives are handled, water dispensers must be installed outside the work areas, protected from sunlight.

13.4 Organizations must ensure sufficient comfort conditions for workers’ meals in a suitable location outside the production area, with appropriate lighting, washable floors, a device for heating meals, and potable water.

13.4.1 Eating meals in work areas is prohibited.

13.5 When worker transportation is provided by the organization, a vehicle in good comfort and maintenance condition, duly licensed by the competent authorities, with seats and a separate storage area for equipment and materials, must be used.

14. Worker Training

14.1 Organizations must provide continuous training for their workers, according to a specific program and schedule, prepared by the Specialized Service in Occupational Health and Safety (SESMT), if any, and providing all information on:

a) Risks arising from their productive activities and preventive measures;

b) The RMP, especially regarding the prevention of accidents with explosives;

c) The Emergency and Fire and Explosion Response Plan;

d) Operational Procedures; and

e) Correct use and maintenance of personal protective equipment and their limitations.

14.1.1 Initial training must be provided upon hiring.

14.1.2 Periodic training must be provided at least annually to all workers.

14.1.3 Occasional training must be conducted whenever there is a change in function involving new risks, changes in procedures, equipment, processes, or work materials.

14.1.4 At the end of initial, periodic, or occasional training, the content, duration, and attendance must be recorded in compliance with NR-1.

15. Occupational Accidents

15.1 All occupational accidents involving explosive materials must be reported to the professional and economic category unions and the decentralized unit of the Labor Inspection, within the legal deadline, and incidents involving explosive materials must be reported to these entities within two working days.

15.2 All accidents and incidents involving explosive materials must be documented and analyzed by a commission consisting of at least the Technical Responsible, CIPA or employee representative, and the organization’s SESMT, if any, detailing:

a) A detailed description of the accident or incident and its consequences;

b) Direct and indirect causal factors;

c) Measures to be taken to prevent similar events; d) Schedule for implementing these measures.

16. Quality Control

16.1 Organizations must have documents certifying the quality of the raw materials used.

16.1.1 Documents mentioned in item 16.1 must be archived in physical or electronic form for a minimum period of two years and made available to the Labor Inspection.

17. Commercialization

17.1 For the purposes of this annex, the following definitions apply:

a) Trade of restricted-use products: retail and/or wholesale sale of fireworks or other pyrotechnic devices of restricted use, as established by this Annex and the explosives regulations of the Brazilian Army’s Directorate of Controlled Product Oversight;

b) Trade of permitted-use products: retail and/or wholesale sale of general fireworks or other pyrotechnic devices not defined as restricted use by the Brazilian Army’s legislation.

17.2 Restricted-use products may also be sold in permitted-use product sales locations.

17.3 Manufacturing, testing, assembly, and disassembly of fireworks or other pyrotechnic devices are expressly prohibited in fireworks or other pyrotechnic device storage and sales locations.

17.3.1 For organizations authorized to conduct pyrotechnic displays, assembly and disassembly activities may only be performed in a specific, independent, and isolated location that complies with relevant legislation.

17.4 The maximum quantity of fireworks or other pyrotechnic devices allowed in a permitted-use product sales location must comply with state or municipal regulations.

17.5 The maximum quantity of fireworks or other pyrotechnic devices in a restricted-use product sales location must comply with the Brazilian Army’s Directorate of Controlled Product Oversight’s explosives regulations.

17.6 All sales locations must have a fire protection system, according to NR-23 and relevant state or municipal regulations.

17.7 Restricted-use product sales establishments must be located to comply with the Brazilian Army’s Directorate of Controlled Product Oversight’s explosives regulations.

17.8 Fireworks or other pyrotechnic devices for sale must be displayed separately from flammable liquids, oxidizing substances, corrosives, and other similar risks, and must not be placed in closed cabinets.

17.8.1 These substances must be properly identified.

17.9 Fireworks or other pyrotechnic devices must be kept in their original packaging, labeled in Portuguese, and comply with the Brazilian Army’s Directorate of Controlled Product Oversight’s explosives regulations.

17.10 Sales shelves and counters for fireworks or other pyrotechnic devices must have warning signs prohibiting smoking or creating any type of flame or spark.

18. Final Provisions

18.1 Productivity-based remuneration is prohibited in all productive activities involving the manufacturing of fireworks or other pyrotechnic devices.

18.2 The manufacture of fireworks or other pyrotechnic devices with raw materials prohibited by the Brazilian Army’s Directorate of Controlled Product Oversight’s legislation is prohibited.

18.3 The hiring of external services involving handling explosive materials or mixtures is prohibited, except for organizations or service providers that comply with this standard.

18.4 Organizations must not employ workers under 18 years old in the manufacturing of fireworks or other pyrotechnic devices, nor in the transportation, processing, storage, handling, or loading of their raw materials.

18.5 Organizations must not allow persons under 18 years old to enter manufacturing establishments for fireworks or other pyrotechnic devices, except in the cartonage sector, where there is no contact with explosives or flammables, and in administrative sectors located outside the risk area.

18.6 Testing of materials or products in work areas or by untrained workers is expressly prohibited.

18.7 Testing of new materials or products may only be performed under the direct supervision of the Technical Responsible.