NR23 – Fire Protection

(MTP Ordinance No 2.769, of Septrember 5, 2022)

23.1 Objective

23.1.1 This regulatory standard (NR) establishes the measures for the prevention of fire in work environments.

23.2 Scope

23.2.1 The prevention measures specified in this NR apply to establishments and workplaces.

23.3 Fire prevention measures

23.3.1 Each organization shall adopt fire prevention measures in accordance with national legislation and, where appropriate, in accordance with official technical standards.

23.3.2 The organization shall provide all workers with information regarding:

a) the use of firefighting equipment;
b) procedures for responding to emergencies and for the safe evacuation of workplaces; and
c) existing alarm systems.

23.3.3 Workplaces shall have a sufficient number of exits arranged in such a way that those present can evacuate quickly and safely in the event of an emergency.

23.3.4 Emergency openings, exits and passageways shall be identified and marked in accordance with national legislation and, where appropriate, supplemented by official technical standards, indicating the direction of exit. Openings, exits and passageways shall be kept clear.

23.3.5 No emergency exit shall be locked or secured during the working day. Emergency exits may be equipped with locking devices that allow easy opening from inside the establishment.