Annex V of NR-16 – Hazardous Activities on Motorcyles

(MTE Ordinance No. 1565, of October 13, 2014)

Due to a court decision, rendered through an opinion of the 5th Chamber of the Regional Federal Court of the 1st Region, which has become final, rendered in the action 0018311-63.2017.4.01.3400, the annulment of MTE Ordinance No. 1,565/2014 was declared, determining the restart of the regulatory process.

1. Labor activities using motorcycles or mopeds for worker displacement on public roads are considered hazardous.

2. The following are not considered hazardous for the purposes of this annex:

a) Using motorcycles or mopeds exclusively for commuting from home to work and vice versa;

b) Activities in vehicles that do not require registration or a national driver’s license to operate them;

c) Activities on motorcycles or mopeds in private areas;

d) Activities with occasional use of motorcycles or mopeds, considered fortuitous or habitual for an extremely short period.