CONAMA Resolution 397/08

CONAMA RESOLUTION 397, April 3, 2008
Published in Official Gazette 66 on April 7, 2008, Section 1, pages 68-69
· Changes item II of § 4 and Table X of § 5 of art. 34 of CONAMA Resolution 357/05 and adds §6 and §7
· Changed by Resolution 410/09.
Changes item II of § 4 and Table X of § 5 both part of art. 34 of the National Environment Council (CONAMA) Resolution 357 from 2005 which Establishes provisions for the classification of water bodies and environmental framework directives as well as establishing the conditions and standards for effluent releases.

THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT COUNCIL – CONAMA, in accordance with the power bestowed upon the Council by articles 6, item II, and 8 , item VII of Law 6.938 from August 31, 1981, and in accordance with its Internal Regulations;

Considering that National Environment Council (CONAMA) Resolution 357 from March 17, 2005, establishes in its art. 44 that CONAMA must, within one year, complement, where applicable, the conditions and standards for the release of effluents foreseen by that Resolution, and Considering that CONAMA Resolution 370 from April 6, 2006, has extended the deadline for the complementation of conditions and standards for effluent releases, foreseen by art.  44 of CONAMA Resolution 357 from 2005, until March 18, 2007, decides:

Art. 1 Item II of § 4 and Table X § 5, both part of art. 34 of the National Environment Council (CONAMA) Resolution 357 from March 17, 2005, will be enforced according to the following text.

“Art.34. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


II -temperature: under 40 degrees Celsius, and the temperature variation of the receptor body must not exceed 3 degrees Celsius within the limits of the mixing zone, as long as it does not compromise the uses that are foreseen for the respective water body;

§ 5 Effluent release standards:


Inorganic parameters Maximum value
Arsenic total 0,5 mg/L As
Barium total 5,0 mg/L Ba
Boron total 5,0 mg/L B
Cadmium total 0,2 mg/L Cd
Lead total 0,5 mg/L Pb
Cyanide total 1,0 mg/L CN
Cyanide free (distillable through weak acids) 0,2 mg/L CN
Copper dissolved 1,0 mg/L Cu
Hexavalent Chromium 0,1 mg/L Cr6+
Trivalent chromium 1,0 mg/L3+
Tin total 4,0 mg/L Sn
Iron dissolved 15,0 mg/L Fe
Fluoride total 10,0 mg/L F
Manganese dissolved 1,0 mg/L Mn
Mercury total 0,01 mg/L Hg
Nickel total 2,0 mg/L Ni
Total ammonia nitrogen 20,0 mg/L N
Silver total 0,1 mg/L Ag
Selenium total 0,30 mg/L Se
Sulfide 1,0 mg/L S
Zinc total 5,0 mg/L Zn
Organic parameters Maximum Value
Chloroform 1,0 mg/L
Dichloroethene (sum of cis 1.1 + 1.2 1.2 + trans) 1,0 mg/L
Phenolic compounds (substances that react with 4-aminoantipyrine) 0,5 mg/L C6H5OH
Carbon tetrachloride 1,0 mg/L
Phenolic compounds (substances that react with 4-aminoantipyrine) 0,5 mg/L C6H5OH
Carbon tetrachloride 1,0 mg/L
Trichloroethene 1,0 mg/L

§ 6 The Boron total parameters will not be applicable to salt waters, CONAMA will establish specific regulations, within six months counting from the date of publication of this Resolution.

§ 7 The parameter total ammoniacal nitrogen will not be applicable for the treatment of sewer sanitation systems.
……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ” (NR)

Art. 2 CONAMA will institute a working group in order to, within 180 (one hundred and eighty) days present a complementing proposal on the conditions and standards for effluent releases related to the sanitation sector.

Art. 3 CONAMA will, within a maximum period of 180 (one hundred and eighty) days, evaluate the proposal, undertaken by a specially created working group, for new parameters for inorganic and organic substances that are not included in Table X of CONAMA Resolution 357 from 2005.

Single paragraph. The working group will, among other studied parameters, assess the establishment of limits for the sum of parameter concentrations related to heavy metals.

Art. 4 This Resolution shall enter into effect on the date of its publication.

MARINA SILVA – Council President

This text does not substitute the text published in the Official Gazette on April 7, 2008