Annex II of Resolution 294/01- Basic Guidelines for the Creation of a Sustainable Forestry Exploitation Plan – PMFS

1 General Information
1.1 Proprietor (applicant/undertaker/executor)
1.1.1 Proprietor (applicant): name, full address, CGC or CPF, IBAMA registration number/category (consumer and industrial producer, if applicable).
1.1.2 Undertaker/responsible professional: name, full address, CGC or CPF, IBAMA registration number, registration number in competent professional council and visa/region number (if applicable).
1.1.3 Executor/responsible professional: name, full address, CGC or CPF, IBAMA registration number, registration number in competent professional council and visa/region number (if applicable).
1.2 Property identification
1.2.1 Name.
1.2.2 Registration number or registration/notary/book/sheet.
1.2.3 Location.
1.2.4 Municipality/State.
1.2.5 INCRA enrollment registration number.

2 PMFS Objectives and Justification 
2.1 Objectives
2.2 Professional and economic justifications

3 Characterization of Property Environment
3.1 Physiognomy
3.1.1 Hydrography
3.1.2 Topography
3.2 Biological Environment
3.2.1 Vegetation
3.2.2 Fauna
3.3 Socio-Economic Environment

4 Forestry Management
4.1 Description of property areas
4.1.1 Total property area (ha);
4.1.2 Legal Reserve area (ha);
4.1.3 Permanent preservation area (ha)
4.1.4 PMFS area (ha);
4.1.5 Area of forest remains (ha);
4.1.6 Pasture area (ha);
4.1.7 Agriculture area (ha);
4.1.8 Reforestation area;
4.1.9 Wetland area (ha);
4.1.10 Infra-structure;
4.1.11 Hydrography;
4.1.12 Road network.

4.2 Forestry Stock
The planning of the stock must meet the PMFS objectives defined in item 2.
4.2.1 Dendrometric data survey corresponding to individuals with DAP measures of stipe height at 1.3 meters, equal or superior to four centimeters, distributed in diametric classes that represent the exploited stock and the stock of forest remains.
4.2.2 Survey of the natural regeneration of stocks corresponding to a medium DAP that is inferior to that specified in item 4.2.1 as well as those with stipe height under 1.3 meters.
4.2.3 Inclusion in the field booklet of diameter data, phenological stage and measurement dates, establishing criteria and justifications.
4.2.4 Location and layout of forestry stock allotments and sub-allotments undergoing natural regeneration, numbering the measured plants and identifying those that will be exploited
4.2.5 Characterization of the area that is the object of forestry survey (sample population).
4.2.6 Definition of interest variables for forestry management and respective justifications.
4.2.8 Definition of the used methodology for the systematic sample survey.
4.2.9 Definition of sample intensity.
4.2.10 Definition of allotment size and form.
4.2.12 Statistical analysis.
4.2.13 Summary of results containing diametric distribution tables with yield estimates by exploited class and the number of seed-bearing individuals by diametric class which will remain unexploited in order to comply with the management system foreseen by this Resolution. Number of trees by hectare and diametric class, both in the module and total area. The samples of natural regeneration must include a survey of sampled population in three different classes of last leave height: zero to ten centimeters, tem centimeters and one millimeter to fifty centimeters and higher than fifty centimeters. Include the relation between the basal palmito individual areas and those of populations of other arboreal species.

4.3 Exploitation system
4.3.1 Area characterization. Number of individuals that will be exploited. Presentation of survey of the specimen that will form the stock of matrix or seed-bearing plants with respective markings, which will compose the population that will protect the fauna threatened with extinction. Issued survey containing the marked trees that will be logged/cut.
4.3.2 Road network structure, areas for the storage of exploited raw-materials (quantity, location, area) and transportation paths, minimizing the infrastructure construction area, dimensioning it and calculating the number of suppressed trees in total numbers , basal area and volume per species.
4.3.5 Specification of operational forestry exploitation methodology.
4.3.6 Schedule for the execution of exploitation operations.
4.3.7 Assessment of costs and profits related to the forestry exploitation operations.
4.4 Administration method and/or, when necessary, enrichment of natural regeneration method.

5 Assessment and Proposal for the Minimization of Environmental Impacts due to the Implementation of the PMFS in Management Areas Equal or Surpassing One Hundred Hectare.
5.1 Assessment of environmental impacts.
5.1.1 Physiognomy environment.
5.1.2 Biological environment.
5.1.3 Socio-economic environment.
5.2 Impact minimization proposal.
5.2.1 Physiognomy environment
5.2.2 Biological environment.
5.2.3 Socio-economic environment.
5.3 Environmental matrix.
5.3.1 Assessment methodology. Capacity. Activities versus components. Measures and programs versus components. Appreciation of environmental matrix.

6 Prognosis on environmental quality in areas subjected to the implementation of PMFS in an area equal to or surpassing one hundred hectare.

7 Physical-Financing Schedule.
7.1 Of stocks.
7.2 Of exploitation.
7.2.1 Compliance with the six-year logging cycle.
7.2.2 Forestry treatment.

8 Bibliography.

9 Required documentation.
9.1 Application by the proprietor addressed to the State IBAMA Superintendent. 9.2 Actualized property deed.
9.3 Legal Reserve registration – ARL.
9.4 Statement of Responsibility for the Preservation of an Exploited Forest- TRMFM.
9.5 Proof of payment of Rural Territorial Tax-ITR, for the previous year.
9.6 Sketch of property access in relation to the Municipality where it is located.
9.7 Topographical map of the property in a scale that is compatible with the equidistance and including: total property area, Legal Reserve area, permanent preservation area, PMFS area, area of forest remain, pasture area, agriculture area, re-forestation area, wetland area, infrastructure, hydrography, road network, allotment locations, boundaries, magnetic north, geographical coordinates or Mercator Transverse Projection- UTM, buildings, electric energy network, scale and map conventions.
9.8 Copy of the field booklet.
9.9 Copy of the layout of natural regeneration allotments and sub-allotments.