Brazilian Regulatory Standards

Regulatory Standards (NR) play a crucial role in the Brazilian labor landscape, outlining guidelines and responsibilities for employers and workers. Their main objective is to ensure a safe and healthy work environment, preventing accidents and occupational diseases.

These standards complement Chapter V (On Occupational Health and Safety) of Title II of the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT), as established by Law No. 6,514, dated December 22, 1977.

The starting point for the implementation of NR was Ordinance No. 3214, dated June 8, 1978, which introduced the set of regulatory standards. Since then, new standards have been created over time, covering a variety of economic sectors and labor services, always with the aim of improving working conditions.

An important aspect of the process of drafting and revising NR is the tripartite parity system, following the guidelines of the International Labour Organization (ILO). This system involves representatives from the government, employers, and workers in groups and committees that discuss and define the standards. The Tripartite Permanent Paritarian Commission (CTPP) stands out as the main instance for these discussions, contributing to the construction and updating of NR.

Brazilian National Policy on Occupational Health and Safety

Brazilian Regulatory Standards

NR1 – General Provisions and Occupational Risk Management

NR2 – Prior Inspection (Repealed by Ordinance SEPRT 915 of July 30,2019)

NR3 – Embargo and Prohibition

NR4 – Specialized Services in Occupational Health and Safety (SESMT)

NR5 – Internal Committee for Prevention of Accidents and Harassment (CIPA)

NR6 – Personal Protective Equipment

NR7 – Occupational Health Medical Control Program (PCMSO)

NR8 – Buildings

NR9 – Assessment and Control of Occupational Exposure to Physical, Chemical, and Biological Agents

NR10 – Safety in Electrical Installations and Services

NR11 – Transport, Moving, Storage and Handling of Materials

NR12 – Machinery and Work Equipment Safety

NR13 – Boilers and Pressure Vessels

NR14 – Furnaces

NR15 – Unhealthy Activities and Operations

NR16 – Hazardous Activities and Operations

NR17 – Ergonomics

NR18 – Health and Safety in Construction

NR19 – Explosives

NR20 – Health and Safety at Work with Flammables and Combustibles

NR21 – Open Air Work

NR22 – Occupational Health and Safety in Mining

NR23 – Fire Protection

NR24 – Sanitary and Comfort Conditions in the Workplace

NR25 – Industrial Waste

NR26 – Safety Signs

NR27 – Professional Registration of Occupational Safety Technician (Repealed by Ordinance 262 of May 30, 2008)

NR28 – Enforcement and Penalties

NR29 – Health and Safety in Ports

NR30 – Health and Safety in Waterways

NR31 – Health and Safety at Work in Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, Logging and Aquaculture

NR32 – Health and Safety at Work in Health Services

NR33 – Health and Safety in Confined Spaces

NR34 – Work Conditions and Environment in Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Industry

NR35 – Working at Height

NR36 – Health and Safety at Work in Slaughter Houses and Processing Meat and Derivatives

NR37 – Health and Safety on Oil Platforms

NR38 – Health and Safety in Urban Cleaning and Solid Waste Management