Annex III of NR10 – Training

1. Basic Course – Safety in Electrical Installations and Services

I – For authorized workers: minimum course load – 40h:

Minimum Content:

1. Introduction to Electrical Safety

2. Risks in electrical installations and services:

  • electric shock, its mechanisms and effects;
  • electrical arcs, burns and falls;
  • electromagnetic fields.

3. Risk Analysis Techniques

4. Control Measures for Electrical Risk:

  • de-energizing;
  • functional earthing (TN / TT / IT), protective and temporary;
  • equipotentialization;
  • automatic disconnection of supply;
  • leakage current devices;
  • extra low voltage;
  • barriers and enclosures;
  • locks;
  • obstacles;
  • insulation of live parts;
  • double or reinforced insulation;
  • placing out of reach;
  • electrical separation.

5. Brazilian Technical Standards – ABNT NBR 5410, ABNT NBR 14039 and others;

6. MTE Regulations:

  • NRs;
  • NR-10 (Safety in Electrical Installations and Services);
  • qualification; skills; training and authorization.

7. Collective protective equipment.

8. Personal protective equipment

9. Work routines – procedures

  • de-energized installations;
  • service release;
  • signs;
  • inspection of areas, services, tools and equipment;

10. Documentation of electrical installations

11. Additional risks:

  • height;
  • confined spaces;
  • classified areas;
  • moisture;
  • atmospheric conditions.

12. Protection against fire:

  • basics;
  • preventive measures;
  • extinguishing methods;
  • practice;

13. Electrical accidents:

  • direct and indirect causes;
  • case study;

14. First aid:

  • injuries;
  • prioritization of care;
  • artificial respiration;
  • cardiac massage;
  • transport of injured person;
  • practices.

15. Responsibilities.

2. Complementary Course – Safety In And Around Electrical Power System (EPS)

It is a prerequisite for attending this complementary course that the participants have completed the basic course outlined above with satisfactory results.

Minimum course load – 40h

(*) These topics must have developed and directed specifically to the working conditions characteristics of each industry, standard of operation, voltage level, and other characteristics specific to the type or special condition of the activity, observing the hierarchy in the worker’s technical development.

I – Minimum Content:

1. Organization of Electrical Power System (EPS).

2. Organization of work:

  • programming and planning of services;
  • teamwork;
  • documentation and records of installations;
  • work methods; and
  • communication.

3. Behavioral factors.

4. Conditions preventing services.

5. Typical risks in EPS and how to prevent them (*):

  • contact with and proximity to energized parts;
  • induction;
  • atmospheric discharges;
  • static;
  • electric and magnetic fields;
  • communication and identification; and
  • working at height, machinery, and special equipment.

6. Risk analysis techniques in EPS (*)

7. Work procedures – analysis and discussion.

8. Techniques for working under tension: (*)

  • work on live line;
  • at potential;
  • work in indoor areas;
  • remote work;
  • working at night; and
  • underground environments.

9. Work equipment and tools (selection, use, maintenance, inspection, tests) (*).

10. Collective protection system (*).

11. Personal protective equipment (*).

12. Posture and clothing while working (*).

13. Safety with vehicles and transportation of people, materials, and equipment (*).

14. Marking and isolation of work areas (*).

15. Clearance of installation for service and for operation and use (*).

16. Training in techniques of removal, care, transportation of accident victims (*).

17. Typical accidents (*) – Analysis, discussion, protective measures.

18. Responsibilities (*).