CONAMA Resolution 20/94

CONAMA RESOLUTION 20, December 7, 1994
Published in Official Gazette 248 on Dec. 30, 1994, Section 1, page 21344
Establishes the creation of the Noise Stamp, a mandatory requirement for any electric appliance that generates noise.

The NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT COUNCIL – CONAMA, in the use of the power bestowed upon the Council by Laws 6.938 from Aug. 31, 1981, regulated by Decree 99.274 from June 6, 1990, changed by Decree 1.205 from Aug. 1st, 199465 and its annex I, and in light of its Internal Regulations, and
Considering that excessive noise is hazardous to physical and mental health and affects, particularly, the hearing function;
Considering that human beings and their environment are increasingly subjected to adverse sound conditions;
Considering that electro-domestic machines are widely used by the population, as other machines, engines, tools and dispositive;
Considering that the use of adequate technologies can meet the need for noise reduction solutions; and
Considering the objectives of the National Program for Education and Sound Pollution Control – SILÊNCIO, decides:

Art. 1 To establish the Noise Seal as a tool to indicate sound power levels, measure in decibel – dB (A), as a mandatory measure for electro-domestic apparatus that are manufactured or imported and which produce noises during their functioning, from the date of publication of this Resolution
Single paragraph. For all purposes of this Resolution an electro-domestic apparatus is an apparatus for residential usage, or similar, according to the definition provided by NBR-6514.

Art. 2 The tests aimed at the measurement of sound power levels, for all purposes of this Resolution, must be performed exclusively by duly accredited laboratories and according to international ISSO 4871 standards and their references or in accordance with national standards that may be adopted in the future.

Art. 3 Electro-domestic apparatus manufacturers or their legal representatives must request the Noise Seals from the Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA) for their entire production line and the application must include a complete list of all models.

Art. 4 Electro-domestic manufacturers, their legal representatives and importers are responsible for the undertaking of the required tests and must keep an actualized and permanent archive containing all measurements related to commercialized apparatus and models, original or modified.

Art. 5 The Ministry of the Environment and Legal Amazon – MMA66, assisted by the Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA) will present regulations within 90 (ninety) days counting from the date of publication of this Resolution, and it is the duty of the National Metrology, Standardization and Industrial Quality (INMETRO) to promote the organization and implementation of the Noise Seal according to the provisions set by this Resolution. Art. 6 Non-compliance with the provisions set by this Resolution will subject offenders to penalties foreseen by Law 6.938 from Aug. 31, 1981 according to the text provided by Law 7.804, from July 18, 1989.

Art. 7 This Resolution shall enter into effect on the date of its publication.

ROBERTO SÉRGIO STUDART WIENER – Substitute Executive Secretary