NR-5 – Internal Commission for Accident Prevention (CIPA)

The NR-5 establishes the rules and procedures for the creation and operation of the Internal Commission for Accident Prevention (CIPA).

The NR-5 was originally issued in 1978, based on the articles 163 to 165 of the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT). It has undergone two major revisions and eight minor changes, mainly to update the criteria for the size and composition of the CIPA according to the economic activity and the number of employees of each establishment.

The NR-5 applies to all establishments that have employees under the CLT regime, except for domestic workers, temporary workers, rural workers and public servants. The CIPA must be composed of representatives of the employer and the employees, elected by secret ballot, and trained in accident prevention and occupational health.

The NR-5 defines the objectives, organization, responsibilities, functions, training, documentation, and inspection of the CIPA. It also includes models of certificates, minutes, and maps of risks, as well as tables that specify the dimensioning of the CIPA according to the economic activity and the number of employees.

NR5 – Internal Commission for Accident Prevention (CIPA)
(Ordinance SIT No. 247, of July 12, 2011)

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