Incentives for Distributed Energy Mini-Generation Projects in Brazil

The Brazilian Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) has published a new ordinance that regulates incentives for distributed energy mini-generation projects.

Overview of the New Ordinance

The Ordinance No. 78/GM/MME establishes the procedures and requirements for mini-generation projects to qualify for the Special Incentive Regime for Infrastructure Development (REIDI). This regime is designed to provide financial benefits to projects that contribute to the development of the national infrastructure.

Key Incentives

  1. Tax Suspension: One of the primary incentives under the REIDI is the suspension of PIS/PASEP and COFINS taxes on the acquisition, leasing, and importation of goods and services for a period of five years. This tax relief is aimed at reducing the initial financial burden on developers and encouraging investment in renewable energy projects.
  2. Priority Project Classification: Projects classified as priority for the issuance of incentivized debentures can benefit from income tax exemptions for investors. This classification helps attract more private investment into the sector by making these projects financially attractive to investors looking for tax-efficient investment opportunities.

Implementation and Compliance

The MME has outlined a clear framework for the implementation and compliance of these incentives:

  • Project Qualification: To qualify for REIDI and priority project status, developers must follow specific procedures set by the MME. These include submitting detailed project proposals and obtaining necessary approvals from relevant authorities.
  • Regulatory Oversight: The ordinance mandates rigorous regulatory oversight to ensure compliance with the established guidelines. The MME, in collaboration with the National Electrical Energy Agency (ANEEL), will oversee the projects’ adherence to the stipulated requirements.
  • Public Consultation: The MME plans to open a public consultation to gather input from stakeholders. This participatory approach is intended to refine the regulations and ensure they meet the needs of the industry while promoting transparency and inclusiveness.

Impact on the Energy Sector

The introduction of these incentives is expected to have a substantial impact on Brazil’s energy sector. By lowering the financial barriers and providing attractive investment opportunities, the government aims to accelerate the deployment of distributed energy resources. This will not only enhance energy security but also contribute to the country’s environmental sustainability goals.

The initiative is part of Brazil’s broader effort to diversify its energy mix and reduce reliance on fossil fuels. With over 2,800 projects already qualified under REIDI since 2012, and more than 1,600 distributed energy mini-generation projects approved as priority investments, the new ordinance is set to further boost the sector’s growth​.

For more details, you can refer to the Ordinance