Brazil Celebrates Two Years Without Measles Cases

Brazil has marked two years without any reported cases of measles. This milestone highlights the effectiveness of the country’s vaccination and public health strategies, positioning Brazil to potentially regain its status as a measles-free nation.

The Journey to Elimination

Historical Context

Measles had been a significant public health challenge in Brazil. The country received the certification of measles elimination in 2016. However, due to a resurgence of the virus in 2018, largely attributed to increased migratory flows and lower vaccination coverage in some areas, Brazil lost this status in 2019.

Recent Achievements

In the last few years, Brazil has seen a dramatic reduction in measles cases. From over 20,000 cases in 2019, the numbers dropped to 8,100 in 2020, 670 in 2021, and just 41 cases in 2022. The last reported case was in June 2022, in the state of Amapá​.

Strategies for Success

Robust Vaccination Campaigns

The Ministry of Health, in collaboration with state and municipal health departments, has intensified vaccination efforts. The use of the MMR vaccine (measles, mumps, and rubella), available through the public healthcare system (SUS), has been central to these efforts. This vaccine is crucial in preventing outbreaks and ensuring herd immunity​​.

Financial and Logistical Support

In 2023 alone, Brazil invested R$ 724.1 million in health surveillance, laboratory infrastructure, immunobiological supplies, and training programs. These investments have strengthened the country’s capacity to monitor and respond to potential outbreaks efficiently​.

Public Health Initiatives

Efforts such as microplanning and multivaccination strategies have been crucial. These approaches focus on targeted interventions in communities with low vaccination coverage, ensuring that all segments of the population are protected.

Future Prospects

With continuous efforts and international collaboration, Brazil is on track to regain its measles-free status. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) have recognized Brazil’s progress and the importance of maintaining high vaccination coverage and robust disease surveillance systems.


Brazil’s achievement of two years without measles cases is a testament to the country’s commitment to public health and the effectiveness of its vaccination programs. Continued vigilance and investment in healthcare are essential to sustain this success and protect future generations from preventable diseases like measles.

For more detailed information:

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