New Regulations for Epidemiological Surveillance at Ports and Airports

Brazil’s National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) has initiated the process of gathering contributions for new regulations governing epidemiological surveillance activities at ports and airports. This regulatory update aims to bolster Brazil’s preparedness and response capabilities to health emergencies, particularly those involving infectious diseases.

Objective of the Regulation

The primary objective is to establish clear and effective protocols for monitoring and controlling potential health threats that could enter the country via international travel and trade routes. By doing so, ANVISA aims to prevent the spread of infectious diseases and ensure the safety of the Brazilian population.

The proposed text is in line with the guides organized by the World Health Organization (WHO) on contingency planning and management of public health events in ports and airports.

Key Areas of Focus

  1. Surveillance Protocols: The new regulations will detail specific surveillance activities, including health inspections, traveler screening, and cargo inspections.
  2. Collaboration: Emphasis will be placed on improving coordination between various health and safety authorities, both national and international, to facilitate prompt information sharing and joint actions when necessary.
  3. Technological Integration: Leveraging modern technology to enhance monitoring capabilities and ensure real-time data collection and analysis, thus improving response times to potential health threats.

Public Participation

ANVISA has opened the floor to public contributions, inviting stakeholders, experts, and the general public to provide input on the proposed regulations. This participatory approach ensures that the regulations are comprehensive, practical, and reflective of the needs and insights from various sectors.

Importance of the Update

Updating these regulations is crucial in the context of global health security. With increasing international travel and trade, ports and airports serve as critical points for intercepting potential health threats. Effective surveillance at these entry points can significantly reduce the risk of infectious disease outbreaks.


ANVISA’s initiative to update the regulations for epidemiological surveillance at ports and airports marks a proactive step towards strengthening Brazil’s public health infrastructure. By incorporating public contributions, the agency ensures that the new regulations are robust, inclusive, and well-suited to address contemporary health challenges.

For more information, visit the official ANVISA website.