Brazil Expands Electricity Generation by 4,284 Megawatts in 2024

Brazil has expanded its electricity generation by 4,284 megawatts (MW) so far in 2024. This growth is largely driven by renewable energy sources, with more than 93% of the new capacity coming from solar and wind power. Solar photovoltaic plants alone contributed 49.23% of the added capacity, while wind farms accounted for 44%.

Renewable Energy Surge

The surge in renewable energy projects reflects Brazil’s commitment to sustainability and reducing its carbon footprint. The Northeast region, in particular, has been a focal point for this growth, with 104 new energy projects totaling 3,323 MW. The Southeast followed with 19 new projects adding 809.53 MW.

Government and Industry Statements

The Minister of Mines and Energy, Alexandre Silveira, highlighted the importance of the Northeast’s natural resources, such as wind and solar potential, in advancing the country’s renewable energy infrastructure. These projects are expected to bring significant economic benefits, including job creation and income generation for local communities.

Projections and Future Developments

Looking ahead, the National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL) projects the addition of 9,182 MW of new capacity by the end of 2024, with solar and wind energy continuing to dominate the new installations. This expansion aligns with Brazil’s broader goals of increasing the share of renewable energy in its overall energy mix.


Brazil’s impressive expansion in electricity generation underscores its strategic focus on renewable energy. This not only enhances the country’s energy security but also contributes to global efforts to combat climate change. The ongoing investments and development in the energy sector promise a sustainable and prosperous future for Brazil.

For further details, visit the official Ministry of Mines and Energy website.