Brazil’s Industrial Sector Gears Up for Climate Change Adaptation

The recent floods and excessive rainfall affecting the southern region of Brazil serve as a stark reminder of the urgency in developing robust climate change adaptation plans. Beyond emission reduction targets, the Brazilian government is actively constructing strategies to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change on various sectors, particularly industry. The Industry Adaptation Working Group (GT), coordinated by the Ministry of Development, Industry, Trade, and Services (MDIC), convened for its second meeting on May 7, 2024, to address this critical issue.

Why Industry Adaptation Matters

Rodrigo Rollemberg, Secretary of Green Economy, Decarbonization, and Bioindustry, emphasized the importance of immediate action: “The tragedy in Rio Grande do Sul underscores the urgency of adaptation planning. We often think of climate change as a distant concern, but events like these demonstrate that we need to act now.”

João Francisco Paiva Avelino, GT coordinator and Director of Decarbonization and Green Finance at MDIC, echoed this sentiment. The GT’s work will complement 14 other thematic adaptation plans being developed by different ministries. Together, they will form the new Climate Change Adaptation Plan, a coordinated effort led by the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation.

Industry-Specific Measures

Fabiana Villa Alves, MDIC’s focal point for the Climate Adaptation Plan, outlined the group’s collective efforts. “We are collaboratively identifying necessary actions to minimize the impacts of extreme events on the industrial sector,” she explained. “For instance, industries should consider implementing efficient drainage and runoff systems, along with properly sized containment basins based on historical data. These measures can mitigate problems similar to those witnessed in the southern region.”

Competitiveness and Resilience

Rogério Araújo, Manager of Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) Strategies at the Brazilian Industrial Development Agency (ABDI), emphasized that adaptation not only prepares the productive sector for climate changes but also enhances competitiveness. By investing in resilience, industries can better withstand climate-related challenges and position themselves for long-term success.

Collaborative Approach

During the meeting, participants reviewed existing instruments, projects, and legislation with potential to reduce risks and vulnerabilities specific to the industry. The collaboration between government agencies, industry associations, and ABDI ensures a comprehensive approach to climate adaptation.
