ANP Partners with Bonsucro to Enhance RenovaBio Program

The Brazilian National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis do Brasil – ANP), has signed a cooperation agreement with Bonsucro, a leading international nonprofit focused on sustainable sugarcane. This partnership aims to streamline and improve the RenovaBio program for producers of sugarcane ethanol in Brazil.

What is RenovaBio?

RenovaBio is a certification program designed to promote the production of biofuels with lower greenhouse gas emissions. By participating in RenovaBio, producers can earn credits based on the environmental performance of their sugarcane ethanol. These credits can then be traded on the biofuels market.

The Bonsucro Connection

Bonsucro offers a separate certification program that verifies the sustainability of sugarcane production across various environmental and social criteria. The new cooperation agreement between ANP and Bonsucro will allow producers to obtain both certifications through a simplified, integrated process.

Benefits of the Agreement

This collaboration brings several advantages:

  • Reduced Burden for Producers: Producers seeking both certifications will no longer face duplicative audits, saving time and resources.
  • Enhanced Credibility: Combining RenovaBio’s focus on emissions reduction with Bonsucro’s broader sustainability criteria strengthens the overall credentials of Brazilian sugarcane ethanol.
  • Improved Efficiency: Collaboration between ANP and Bonsucro can lead to the exchange of knowledge and best practices, fostering improvements in both programs.

Looking Ahead

A team of specialists from ANP and Bonsucro will now work together to develop the integrated certification procedure. This will involve creating communication materials, training programs, and conducting pilot audits.

The initiative is entirely voluntary for producers, but it has the potential to significantly benefit Brazil’s biofuels industry by promoting efficiency, sustainability, and international recognition.
