Working Group on Industry and Climate Change

A collaborative working group recently convened to address the critical nexus between industry and climate change. Comprising representatives from industry associations, government bodies, and other institutions, this sectoral group aims to enhance resilience, foster sustainable practices, and safeguard the future of Brazil’s industrial landscape. Their mission: to develop a sector-specific adaptation strategy that navigates the complex interplay of climate dynamics and industrial needs.

Climate Trends in Brazil

According to a study conducted by the National Institute for Space Research (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais – INPE) at the MCTI’s request, certain regions in Brazil have already experienced maximum temperature increases of up to 3°C. Meanwhile, the global average surface temperature has risen by 1.1°C. Rainfall patterns have also shifted, with reductions in some areas of the Northeast and Central Brazil and increases in the South. However, the increased intensity of rainfall within shorter time frames poses its own challenges, exacerbating issues related to droughts and water availability.

Industrial Vulnerabilities

The industrial sector, being a diverse landscape of initiatives, faces varying degrees of vulnerability. Sectors heavily reliant on water and energy, situated in exposed locations, and dependent on specific infrastructure are particularly susceptible to climate-related challenges. These vulnerabilities could potentially impact productivity and competitiveness, and even render certain industrial processes unfeasible.

Adaptation Strategies

The MCTI’s General Coordination of Climate Science (Coordenação-geral de Ciência do Clima – CGCL) presented an integrated analysis for Brazil’s Fourth National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. This analysis considered water security, energy security, and food security in the context of climate variability. Notably, the increasing frequency of droughts poses risks to water availability for industrial processes. Addressing these challenges requires a multifaceted approach that considers both adaptation and mitigation strategies.

The Way Forward

The newly formed sectoral working group, coordinated by the Decarbonization Department within the Ministry of Development, Industry, Trade and Services (MDIC), comprises 55 representatives from industry associations, government bodies, and other institutions. Their mission is to develop a sector-specific adaptation strategy for Brazilian industry. By understanding the intricate connections between industry and climate change, the group aims to enhance resilience, foster sustainable practices, and safeguard the future of Brazil’s industrial landscape.

As we navigate the complex interplay of climate dynamics and industrial needs, collaboration, innovation, and informed decision-making will be crucial. The MCTI remains committed to advancing climate adaptation strategies that promote a resilient and thriving industrial sector.
