Call center professionals perform tasks involving repetitive movements that result in tendinopathy or Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) causing strains in the shoulders, elbows, wrists or fingers.

Tendinopathy, an injury resulting from repetitive tension in the tendons, causes pain, swelling and even deformities in the bone structure.
There are currently 1.5 million teleoperators in Brazil. According to the Telemarketing Workers Union – Sintratel, 30% of telemarketers suffer from mental disorders. 77,732 cases are of diseases caused by repetitive strain, 8,607 cases of mental disorders and 6,645 cases of hearing loss. Those who work in telemarketing also suffer from nodules or calluses on the vocal cords, and injuries resulting from excessive use of the voice.
Based on data collected over the last decade, the number of people working as telemarketers increases by 11% per year.
Doctor Márcio Coelho, a specialist in accidents and occupational diseases, explains that “the symptoms can be related to the professional activity and the regular employee is entitled to the monthly benefit of 50%, which is guaranteed by the INSS if a medical report is provided”.
According to the Ministry of Labor, the benefit is granted to insured persons who had injuries resulting from a workplace accident or illness. It is best for telemarketers to seek constant information and updates on the rights and regulations in force in the CLT — Consolidation of Labor Laws.
Source: Jornal A Tribuna