Manufacturers, importers, distributors and sellers who have not signed a commitment term and were out of sectoral agreements are still required to design and implement reverse logistics systems.

Foto: Martim Garcia/MMA Archive
The government government issued a decree regulating this obligation for reverse logistics in the National Policy on Solid Waste. The measure establishes equality with those who have already signed agreements.
Since the establishment of the National Policy on Solid Waste seven years ago, the Water Resources and Environmental Quality Secretariat of the Brazilian Ministry of Environment’s continues to prioritize agreements. “However, not all companies that have committed to reverse logistics have joined, creating distinct situations regarding the implementation, supervision and control,” explains Zilda Veloso, the Director of Environmental Quality and Waste Management at the Ministry of the Environment.
The decree is one of the instruments that can be used to ensure the implementation of reverse logistics. The regulation opens the possibility for companies to join already signed agreements. The reverse logistics is a shared responsibility throughout the production chain. The Law provides that the obligation for proper waste disposal at end-of-life affects who manufactures, markets or imports consumer goods and their inputs.
Three sectoral agreements were signed with the sectors of packaging of lubricating oils, lamps and packaging in general. Two more sectoral agreements, with pharmaceutical and electronics industries, are underway. Tires, lubricating oils and lead-acid batteries have their agreements at the preliminary stage, but are still regulated by the resolutions of the National Environment Council.