Annex III of NR-29 – Work Time Regime with Thermal Recovery Time Outside the Cold Environment

Dry Bulb Temperature Range (°C)Work time regime with recovery time outside the cold environment for workers using PPE and clothing suitable for exposure to cold
+15.0 to -17.9 *
+12.0 to -17.9 **
+10.0 to -17.9 ***
Total work time in the cold environment of 6 hours and 40 minutes, with four periods of 1 hour and 40 minutes alternated with 20 minutes of rest and thermal recovery outside the work environment.
-18.0 to -33.9Total work time in the cold environment of 4 hours alternating with 1 hour of work with 1 hour of thermal recovery outside the cold environment.
-34.0 to -56.9Total work time in the cold environment of 1 hour, with two periods of 30 minutes with a minimum separation of 4 hours for thermal recovery outside the cold environment.
-57.0 to -73.0Total work time in the cold environment of 5 minutes with the rest of the shift obligatorily carried out outside the cold environment.
Below -73.0Exposure to the cold environment is not allowed, regardless of the clothing used.

(*) Temperature range valid for work in a warm climatic zone, according to the official IBGE map.
(**) Temperature range valid for work in a sub-warm climatic zone, according to the official IBGE map.
(***) Temperature range valid for work in a mesothermal climatic zone, according to the official IBGE map.