NR-29 – Health and Safety in Ports

(MTP Ordinance No. 671, of March 30, 2022)


29.1 Objective
29.2 Scope
29.3 Competencies and Responsibilities
29.4 Risk Management Program
29.5 Specialized Service in Health and Safety for Port Workers (SESSTP)
29.6 Specialized Services in Occupational Health and Safety (SESMT)
29.7 Committee for Prevention of Accidents in Ports (CPATP)
29.8 Berthing, Unberthing, and Vessel Maneuvering Operations
29.9 Access to Berthed and Anchored Vessels
29.10 Deck Operations
29.11 Holds
29.12 Work in Confined Spaces
29.13 Machinery, Equipment, and Stowage Accessories
29.14 Ship Lifting Equipment and Stowage Accessories
29.15 Lashing and Unlashing of Cargo
29.16 Container Operations
29.17 Operations with Dry Bulk
29.18 Transport, Handling, Storage, and Manipulation
29.19 Safety in Warehouses and Silos
29.20 Safety in Cleaning and Maintenance Work
29.21 Safety in Watchman Services
29.22 Lighting of Work Areas
29.23 Transport of Workers by Water
29.24 Refrigerated Areas
29.25 Sanitary and Comfort Conditions in the Workplace
29.26 First Aid and Other Provisions
29.27 Operations with Dangerous Goods
29.28 Emergency Control Plan
29.29 Mutual Aid Plan – PAM
Annex I – Sizing of SESSTP
Annex II – Sizing of CPATP
Annex III – Work Time Regime with Thermal Recovery Time Outside the Cold Environment
Annex IV – Dangerous Goods
Annex V – Segregation of Dangerous Goods

29.1 Objective

29.1.1 This Regulatory Norm (NR) aims to establish prevention measures in health and safety in ports and the guidelines for implementing the management of occupational risks in the work environments covered by this NR.

29.2 Scope

29.2.1 The provisions of this NR apply to work in ports, both on board and on land, as well as to other activities in ports and port facilities, public or private, located inside or outside the organized port area, and in retroport terminals. The following items of this NR apply to retroport terminals, in addition to the provisions of other regulatory standards:

a) 29.15 Lashing and unlashing of cargo;

b) 29.16 Operations with containers;

c) 29.17 Operations with dry bulk;

d) 29.18 Transport, handling, storage, and manipulation;

e) 29.19 Safety in warehouses and silos;

f) 29.22 Lighting of work areas;

g) 29.24 Refrigerated areas;

h) 29.25 Sanitary and comfort conditions in the workplace;

i) 29.26 First aid and other provisions; and

j) 29.27 Operations with dangerous goods, except for item 29.27.36 and its subitem.

29.3 Competencies and Responsibilities

29.3.1 Port operators, service providers, employers, and the Labor Management Body (OGMO) must collaborate in the compliance with this NR and other regulatory standards.

29.3.2 It is the responsibility of port operators and service providers, concerning casual workers:

a) to comply and enforce compliance with this NR and other applicable legal provisions on health and safety in ports;

b) to ensure that operations occur after the implementation of prevention measures, as provided in NR-01 (General Provisions and Occupational Risk Management); and

c) to carry out port operations with workers correctly using personal protective equipment, as required by NR-06 (Personal Protective Equipment – PPE).

29.3.3 It is the responsibility of the OGMO, concerning its casual workers:

a) to participate, with port operators and service providers, in defining prevention measures, as provided in NR-01;

b) to provide all workers with training on health and safety in ports, as provided in this NR;

c) to deploy workers trained according to the risks reported by the port operator or service provider;

d) to comply with NR-06 regarding PPE;

e) to develop and implement the Occupational Health Medical Control Program (PCMSO), as provided in NR-07; and

f) to notify the port operator or service provider in case of non-compliance with this NR or other legal provisions on workers’ safety and health.

29.3.4 It is the responsibility of the casual worker to qualify themselves through specific training, offered by OGMO or the service provider, regarding health and safety standards in ports. The OGMO must offer training on health and safety standards for the purpose of engaging the worker in the service. The OGMO may only assign workers to activities for which they are trained.

29.3.5 It is the responsibility of the workers:

a) to comply with the provisions of this NR, as well as other legal provisions on occupational health and safety, as applicable;

b) to inform the person in charge of the operation about any observed damages or deficiencies that may pose a risk to the worker or the operation; and

c) to correctly use the safety devices, PPE, and Collective Protection Equipment (CPE) provided to them, as well as the facilities intended for them.

29.3.6 It is the responsibility of port administrations, within the limits of the organized port area, to ensure that their services comply with the provisions of this NR and other special and general standards. It is also the responsibility of the port administration to ensure adequate infrastructure for the safe performance of port activities in their facilities, including those dedicated to emergency situations as provided in emergency control plans.

29.3.7 Without prejudice to the provisions of this NR, health and safety prevention measures in port operations on board ships must take into account the instructions of the ship’s captain or their representatives. Port operations may only commence after the ship’s captain or their representatives ensure safe operating conditions for the ship’s equipment and areas where port workers are authorized to circulate or remain.

29.3.8 In the case of service requests to a workers’ union, through contract, agreement, or collective labor agreement, the responsibilities provided in this NR will be those of the respective service provider.

29.4 Risk Management Program

29.4.1 The port operator, service provider, and employer must:

a) develop and implement the Risk Management Program, as provided in NR-01, in the port facility where they operate;

b) consider in their programs the information on occupational risks impacting port operations, provided by the OGMO and the port administration, concerning their activities; and

c) provide information on occupational risks under their management that may impact the activities of the port administration and the OGMO. The port operator and service provider must include casual work activities in their PGR.

29.4.2 The port administration must:

a) develop and implement the PGR in organized ports, as provided in NR-01, considering the information on occupational risks that may impact port operations provided by port operators, service providers, employers, and OGMO; and

b) provide information on occupational risks impacting port operations to port operators, service providers, employers, and OGMO. The port administration’s PGR may include preventive measures for port operators, service providers, employers, and OGMO operating in their facilities or previously agreed upon location in a contract or reference their programs.

29.4.3 Port operators, service providers, employers, and OGMO may reference the port administration’s PGR in their programs.

29.4.4 The OGMO must:

a) develop and implement the PGR considering the information on occupational risks provided by port operators, service providers, and the port administration; and

b) provide information on occupational risks impacting port operations to port operators, service providers, employers, and in the activities of the port administration.

29.4.5 The port operator, service provider, employer, port administration, and OGMO may jointly define the mechanisms for exchanging information provided in item 29.4 of this NR.

29.4.6 The port operator, service provider, and employer must develop and maintain accessible to workers the following procedures:

a) safe access to vessels;

b) safe transport, handling, storage, and manipulation of cargo;

c) safety in port work carried out in ship holds;

d) safety in port work carried out in confined spaces, as provided in NR-33 (Health and Safety in Confined Spaces);

e) safety for the performance of port work under adverse climatic and environmental conditions and interruption of activities in such situations, when they compromise worker safety; and f) safety for operations with dangerous goods. The procedures provided in subitem 29.4.6 must comply with the risk inventory and the PGR action plan. The procedures provided in subitem 29.4.6 must be attached to the PGR.

29.5 Specialized Service in Health and Safety for Port Workers (SESSTP)

29.5.1 The OGMO must establish SESSTP, according to the minimum sizing contained in Table I of Annex I, serving casual workers.

29.5.2 The cost of SESSTP will be proportionally divided according to the number of workers used by OGMO, port operators, and service providers, during the collection of amounts related to worker remuneration.

29.5.3 Port operators, port administrations, and private use terminals may enter into agreements to form the local SESSTP with their professionals. The local SESSTP, formed according to the previous item, must be coordinated by the OGMO.

29.5.4 The SESSTP must be sized according to the arithmetic average obtained by dividing the number of casual workers taken in the previous calendar year by the number of days actually worked.

29.5.5 In port facilities at the beginning of operation, the sizing will be based on the estimated number of casual workers to be taken in the year.

29.5.6 Above three thousand five hundred workers, for each group of two thousand workers, or fraction above five hundred, there will be an addition of one specialized professional per function, except in the case of the Occupational Safety Technician, for which there will be an addition of three professionals.

29.5.7 The professionals in the SESSTP have the same responsibilities as the SESMT, as provided in NR-04 (Specialized Services in Occupational Health and Safety – SESMT), and conduct inspections of safety conditions in port operations. The inspection of safety conditions must be carried out in advance during docking and on board vessels and when there are changes in port operations, meeting the following requirements:

a) verification of conditions for performing activities, adopting necessary measures according to the procedures established in subitem 29.4.6 of this NR;

b) identification of prohibitive conditions, with permission to perform or resume work only after the adoption of preventive measures; and

c) verification of the need for safety signs due to padeyes, ladders, pipes, openings, and sharp edges, and execution of measures when applicable. When additional hazards or risks are identified, SESSTP members must:

a) immediately adopt specific preventive measures; and

b) if the risks are not provided in the PGR, review the PGR and procedures. The inspection of safety conditions must observe the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code (IMSBC), the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG), and safety information provided by the cargo shipper. The inspection results must be recorded in a report to be delivered to the responsible person. A new inspection must be carried out whenever workers detect situations they consider to pose a risk to their safety and health or that of others.

29.5.8 The provisions of NR-04 apply to SESSTP as long as they are not contrary to the provisions of item 29.5 of this NR.

29.6 Specialized Services in Safety Engineering and Occupational Medicine – SESMT

29.6.1 The port administration, OGMO, port operators, and authorized port facility owners must establish SESMT for their own employees, applying NR-04. In addition to the provisions of NR-04, for determining the number of Safety Engineers and Safety Technicians in SESMT, the following factors must be considered:

a) arithmetic average obtained by dividing the number of casual workers taken in the previous calendar year by the number of days actually worked, as provided in subitem 29.6.1 of this NR; and

b) average number of port employees with an employment relationship in the previous calendar year.

29.6.2 The inspection provided in subitem in port operator facilities exploiting areas in the organized port and authorized port facility owners must be carried out by SESMT, concerning their employees and casual workers together with the respective SESSTP.

29.7 Committee for Prevention of Accidents in Ports (CPATP)

29.7.1 The OGMO, port operators, and service providers are required to organize and maintain the CPATP by OGMO.

29.7.2 The CPATP aims to prevent work-related accidents and diseases, to permanently reconcile work with the preservation of life and worker health.

29.7.3 The CPATP will be composed equally by representatives of casual port workers and representatives of port operators and service providers part of OGMO, sized according to Annex II of this NR.

29.7.4 The mandate will last for two years, with one re-election permitted.

29.7.5 There will be as many alternates in the CPATP as there are regular representatives.

29.7.6 The composition of CPATP representatives will follow criteria that ensure the representation of port activities, considering the categories of highest risk potential and accident occurrence, respecting the minimum sizing of Annex II of this NR.

29.7.7 When OGMO does not fit the sizing provided in Annex II of this NR and is not served by SESSTP, a worker will be appointed by OGMO as the representative of port operators and service providers responsible for fulfilling the CPATP’s objectives, with mechanisms for casual worker participation through collective bargaining. In the case of SESSTP service, it must perform the CPATP’s duties.

29.7.8 The CPATP composition will be proportional to the average number of casual port workers used in the previous year.

29.7.9 The representatives of casual workers in the CPATP, regular and alternates, will be elected by secret ballot.

29.7.10 The election must be held during working hours, respecting shifts, with the participation of at least half plus one of the average number of casual port workers used in the previous year, as provided in subitem 29.7.3 of this NR.

29.7.11 The voting process for the election must observe item 5.5.4 and subitems of NR-05 (Internal Committee for Prevention of Accidents and Harassment – CIPA), considering the number of participants as the average number of casual port workers used in the previous year, as provided in subitem 29.7.3 of this NR.

29.7.12 The representatives of port operators and service providers will appoint from their regular representatives the president of CPATP in the first year of the mandate and the vice-president in the second year.

29.7.13 The regular workers of CPATP will elect, among themselves, the vice-president, who will assume the presidency in the second year of the mandate.

29.7.14 In the case of permanent removal, the representation in which the president was indicated will appoint a substitute within two working days, among CPATP members. The workers’ substitute must be a CPATP member, and the port operators’ substitute must preferably be a member.

29.7.15 In addition to the duties provided for CIPA in NR-05, the CPATP is responsible for:

a) annually promoting, together with SESSTP, the Internal Week for Prevention of Accidents in Ports (SIPATP);

b) notifying the risks discussed and proposed control measures to the organizations composing CPATP, as well as to SESSTP, as applicable;

c) monthly and whenever there is a risk report, inspecting the environments and work conditions in port facility premises, aiming to identify situations that may pose risks to workers’ safety and health; and

d) suggesting courses, training, and campaigns deemed necessary to improve port workers’ performance in occupational health and safety.

29.7.16 It is the OGMO’s responsibility to:

a) promote training on accident prevention, occupational safety, and health for all CPATP members, regular and alternates, with a workload of 20 (twenty) hours, mandatory attendance, and conducted before the members’ inauguration for each mandate, except for the initial mandate;

b) call elections for the new CPATP members, at least forty-five days in advance, holding them at most thirty days before the current CPATP mandate ends;

c) promote refresher courses for CPATP members; and d) provide necessary conditions for all CPATP representation holders to attend ordinary and/or extraordinary meetings. In the case of training provided in item a, when using the distance learning mode, eight hours of in-person training must be ensured. The OGMO, port operator, and service provider must provide CPATP members with the necessary means to perform their duties.

29.7.17 The CPATP will meet at least once a month, in an appropriate place during working hours, following the annual calendar.

29.7.18 Extraordinary meetings must be held within forty-eight hours in the following cases:

a) occurrence of a serious or fatal accident; or

b) request from one of the representations. In the case of a serious or fatal accident, the person responsible for the port operation must attend the extraordinary meeting.

29.7.19 The CPATP cannot have its number of representatives reduced, nor can it be deactivated by the OGMO, port operators, or service providers before the end of its members’ mandate, even if there is a reduction in the number of port workers, except in cases where port activity ceases.

29.7.20 The provisions of NR-05 apply to CPATP as long as they are not contrary to the provisions of item 29.7 of this NR.

29.7.21 Participation in CPATP by port operators and service providers does not exempt them from establishing a CIPA for their own employees, as provided in NR-05.

29.8 Berthing, unberthing, and vessel maneuvering operations

29.8.1 In berthing, unberthing, and vessel maneuvering operations, accident prevention measures must be adopted, considering:

a) limb crushing;

b) cable and mooring line breakage;

c) excessive worker effort;

d) lighting; and

e) same-level and sea falls. A telecommunication system between the vessel and the person responsible on land for berthing is mandatory.

29.8.2 All workers involved in these operations must wear life jackets according to Maritime Authority Standards (NORMAM).

29.9 Access to berthed and anchored vessels

29.9.1 Safe access for boarding and disembarking the vessel must be ensured.

29.9.2 Access to the vessel must be out of reach of the crane’s swing radius or similar. When item 29.9.2 cannot be applied, the access location must be isolated and signposted during the movement of suspended cargo.

29.9.3 Access to berthed vessels using Jacob’s ladders is not allowed.

29.9.4 It is forbidden for workers to access vessels using lifting equipment, except:

a) in rescue and salvage operations; or

b) in container operations as provided in subitem 29.16.3.

29.9.5 In work areas near water and at boarding and disembarking points for people, there must be life buoys and other necessary equipment for rescuing victims who fall into the water, according to the requirements contained in NORMAM, at a minimum ratio of one unit per berth. Life buoys will have an automatic lighting device or reflective tape approved by NORMAM. In night work, life buoys will have an automatic lighting device approved by the Directorate of Ports and Coasts, Brazilian Navy.

29.9.6 Only means of access to the vessel that meet the provisions of item 30.18 of NR-30 (Health and Safety in Waterways) may be used.

29.9.7 Port access means Ladders, planks, ramps, and other means of access to vessels can only be used in good condition and clean, with non-slip surface characteristics. Ladders, planks, and ramps for vessel access can only be used if they are equipped with handrails on both sides. The handrails must be firmly fixed, provide resistance and support along their entire length, and when made of ropes or steel cables, must always be taut. Vessel access ladders or complementary structures in subitem 29.9.8 can only be used if they meet the following requirements:

a) resting on land;

b) compensating for the vessel’s movements;

c) having a width that allows safe passage;

d) having a safety net to prevent falls; and

e) being free of obstacles. The use of the net can be waived if there is no risk of people falling into the water.

29.9.8 The placement of electrical extensions, hoses, and similar items on the structures and handrails of vessel access ladders and planks is prohibited.

29.9.9 The planks, ramps, or gangways used for access, combined or not with ladders, must meet the following specifications:

a) be made of rigid material;

b) have a minimum width of 0.80 m (eighty centimeters);

c) be provided with crossbars at intervals between 0.35m (thirty-five centimeters) and 0.45m (forty-five centimeters) along the entire length of the floor;

d) have handrails on both sides of their length, equipped with a double guardrail with the top rail at a height of 1.10 m (one meter and ten centimeters) and the intermediate rail at a height between 0.50m (fifty centimeters) and 0.70 m (seventy centimeters), measured from the floor surface and perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the ladder;

e) be equipped with devices that allow them to be firmly fixed to the vessel’s ladder or structure at one end;

f) the end that rests on the quay must be equipped with a rotating device that allows it to follow the vessel’s movement; and

g) be positioned at a maximum of thirty degrees from a horizontal plane.

29.10 Deck operations

29.10.1 Decks must:

a) always be clean and unobstructed;

b) have a circulation area that allows safe passage for workers;

c) have openings protected against falls of people and objects; and

d) have a floor free of slip risks.

29.10.2 During the movement of suspended cargo, the circulation of people on the main deck within the risk perimeter of falling objects is prohibited. The risk perimeter of falling objects must be signposted and isolated with a physical barrier.

29.10.3 The deck arrangement must provide good visibility conditions for lifting equipment operators, signalers, and others, so that movement maneuvers are not hindered.

29.10.4 Cargo or objects placed on the deck must be fixed to prevent accidental movement.

29.10.5 Padeyes, ladders, pipes, openings, and sharp edges must be marked with safety signs, as provided in subitem

29.10.6 Hatch covers and similar openings operated by power must:

a) have devices to prevent accidental movement; and b) be opened or closed only after verifying that there is no risk to workers.

29.11 Holds

29.11.1 Hatchway mouths must be protected by coamings and provided with lids with safety locks.

29.11.2 Hold access ladders must be in perfect condition and clean.

29.11.3 Access to the hold by vertical ladder must have a fall protection system.

29.11.4 Cargo stowage in holds must not obstruct access to hatchway ladders.

29.11.5 When it is not possible to use hatchways, access to the hold of the vessel must be made by a hand ladder no longer than 7 m (seven meters), attached to the vessel’s structure, extending 1m (one meter) above the supporting structure’s edge.

29.11.6 The use of Jacob’s ladders is not allowed.

29.11.7 Walkways used for people to move over stowed cargo must be at least 0.60 m (sixty centimeters) wide.

29.11.8 Hold floors must be clean, free of contaminants, and unusable materials before the operation starts.

29.11.9 When cargo lining is used, it must:

a) provide cargo balance; and

b) result in a regular and safe work floor.

29.11.10 Work platforms must be made in a way that does not pose a collapse risk and provides a safe work space.

29.11.11 Walkways, platforms, open deck edges, container cell openings, and large gaps between cargoes with a level difference greater than 2.00 m (two meters) must have guardrails 1.10 m (one meter and ten centimeters) high.

29.11.12 People can only walk over gaps between stowed cargo if the gaps are covered with planks. The planks must be made of resistant material. If wood is used, it must be of good quality, without knots or cracks that compromise its strength, and the use of green wood and paint that hides imperfections is prohibited.

29.11.13 Using ladders is mandatory to overcome obstacles over 1.50 m (one meter and fifty centimeters).

29.11.14 Hatch covers and similar openings must always be in perfect condition and leveled to avoid hindering movement.

29.11.15 Hatch covers and similar openings must remain closed during work on the same deck.

29.11.16 In places where there is no activity, open gaps with fall risks, such as hatchway mouths, decks, and others, must be closed. When active, open gaps must be properly signposted, lit, and protected with guardrails, nets, or resistant wood.

29.11.17 The height between the top of the cargo and the deck must allow the worker to have adequate posture conditions for the job.

29.11.18 In cargo handling operations with containers or other cargo of equivalent height, using ladders is mandatory.

29.11.19 Portable ladders must:

a) extend 1.0 m (one meter) above the container top;

b) be equipped with non-slip shoes and reflective tape on the rungs and uprights;

c) be up to 7.0 m (seven meters) long; and

d) be made of light and resistant material.

29.11.20 In horizontal transshipment vessels (roll-on/roll-off), preventive measures for noise control and exposure to toxic gases must be adopted.

29.11.21 Cargo must be stowed securely, without danger of falling or collapsing on workers in the hold.

29.11.22 Tubes, coils, or other cargo subject to involuntary movement must be wedged and lashed in the stack immediately after stowage. During the movement of this cargo, workers must only position themselves nearby when essential for their activities.

29.11.23 Cargo stowage must be done at a distance of 1.0 m (one meter) from the hold opening, when it needs to be opened later.

29.11.24 Any labor activity on different decks of the same hold and side is prohibited simultaneously.

29.12 Work in confined spaces

29.12.1 NR-33 applies to work in confined spaces, considering the provisions of this chapter.

29.12.2 It is the responsibility of the port operator or authorized port facility owner to manage occupational risks in confined spaces, in compliance with NR-33.

29.12.3 In port operations with workers in ship holds, the safety conditions inspection in subitem 29.5.7 of this NR must verify if the hold and its accesses characterize a confined space as per NR-33.

29.12.4 Identified confined space in port operations inside vessels must be preceded by the following technical measures:

a) isolate and signpost confined spaces to prevent unauthorized entry;

b) evaluate the atmosphere in confined spaces before workers enter to determine the preventive measures to be adopted;

c) implement all recommended preventive measures;

d) issue entry and work permits after adopting preventive measures, recording the preventive measures taken on the permit;

e) control access, keeping a guard outside the confined space;

f) continuously monitor the atmosphere in confined spaces where authorized workers are performing their tasks to verify if access and stay conditions are maintained; and

g) maintain an emergency team according to potential accident scenarios.

29.12.5 Registering confined spaces in port operations inside vessels is not required; in this case, the information must be included in the Entry and Work Permit.

29.13 Machinery, equipment, and stowage accessories

29.13.1 Quay machinery and equipment must comply with NR-12 (Machinery and Equipment Safety).

29.13.2 Quay machinery and equipment used in port operations inside vessels must display, legibly, their maximum load capacity and gross weight. The maximum load capacity must not be exceeded.

29.13.3 When more than one equipment is used, the operation can only be authorized by a work permit issued by a legally qualified professional.

29.13.4 Quay machinery and equipment can only be operated by a qualified operator, as per current legislation. The operator must perform a preliminary check before starting their activity with the machinery or equipment and report anomalies to the responsible person. The preliminary check must be recorded physically or electronically and maintained for at least five years.

29.13.5 Forklifts are prohibited from circulating over stowed cargo that forms protrusions or depressions or is made of non-resistant material, affecting their movement.

29.13.6 Preventive measures must be adopted, according to risk analysis, to ensure an environment within normative tolerance limits when internal combustion machines and equipment are used in hold work. The machinery used must have devices controlling the emission of gaseous pollutants, sparks, flames, and noise production.

29.13.7 The use of internal combustion and electric machines and equipment is prohibited in holds and warehouses with flammable or explosive cargo unless the machinery specifications are compatible with the area classification.

29.13.8 Machinery, equipment, lifting devices, and stowage accessories in operation must be positioned not to exceed other work areas, with no people allowed to transit or remain in the equipment’s operational sector.

29.13.9 In places where maintenance, inspections, or assembly of conveyor belts, lifting devices, and accessories are performed, the area must be isolated and signposted.

29.13.10 Every lifting device must have a load table inside the cabin, enabling the operator to know the maximum load in all its usage conditions.

29.13.11 Any quay machinery or equipment on wheels or rails must:

a) emit sound and light signals during movements; b) have tipping prevention supports, and its movement area must be unobstructed and signposted; and c) be equipped with braking and anchoring systems to prevent accidental movement by wind action.

29.13.12 Machinery or equipment for cargo handling, when not in use, must be turned off and fixed in a position that does not pose risks to workers and port operations.

29.13.13 Vessels with cargo masts must keep the rigging/equipment fixed plans and documents on board.

29.13.14 Stowage or lifting accessories must be inspected by the responsible person before and during the services, used in conditions that do not compromise their integrity given the use they are subjected to.

29.13.15 Every sling must have a label indicating its capacity and validity.

29.13.16 Disposable slings must not be reused and must be immediately discarded after use.

29.13.17 Lifting hooks must have safety latches without defects and in conditions to securely hold the loads or stowage accessories to be lifted.

29.13.18 The use, sizing, and maintenance of steel cables, load rings, shackles, and thimbles for steel cables used in stowage accessories, slings, and other lifting devices that form part of the load must comply with applicable technical standards.

29.13.19 The equipment responsible must provide OGMO and qualified workers with the machine or equipment manual, inspection reports, and preliminary check records.

29.14 Ship lifting equipment and stowage accessories

29.14.1 Port cargo handling operations can only begin after the port operator or port facility owner ensures with the ship’s captain or their legal representatives in the country the functionality and safety of ship lifting equipment and their stowage accessories, considering:

a) the last certification of the last five years;

b) periodic inspections carried out since the last certification; and

c) the accident history of the ship’s lifting equipment. The port operator, employer, or service provider must designate a responsible person to:

a) record the condition of the ship’s lifting equipment and accessories in a technical report, physically or electronically, with the respective documents referred to in subitem 29.14.1; and

b) inform workers about the technical report’s results. The technical report must be kept for five years.

29.14.3 The qualified operator must perform a daily inspection before starting their activity with the machinery or equipment and report anomalies to the responsible person. The daily inspection must be recorded physically or electronically and kept by the port operator, service provider, or employer for at least five years.

29.14.4 Access to ship lifting equipment must always be clean, unobstructed, and in suitable conditions for use, providing a circulation area that allows safe worker passage, free of flammable materials, residues, or any objects that may pose a risk to the worker.

29.14.5 Ship lifting equipment cabins must have safe access, fall protection for people and objects, contamination protection, and furniture fixed to the structure.

29.14.6 Ship lifting equipment cabins must have ergonomic seating and adjustable thermal comfort. In the absence of these comfort items, mandatory breaks must be included in the workday, as provided in the preliminary ergonomic assessment or work ergonomic analysis, according to NR-17 (Ergonomics).

29.14.7 In the event of structural damage preventing operation, the lifting equipment and accessories cannot be operated until repairs and tests are carried out to fix them, following current technical standards.

29.15 Lashing and unlashing of cargo

29.15.1 The proper functioning of the lifting equipment’s brakes must be checked at the start of the workday by the operator.

29.15.2 All loads must be lashed vertically from the lifting equipment’s hook, paying particular attention to:

a) preventing partial or total load fall or slip;

b) using at least two slings/strops for long loads like pipes, metal profiles, large planks, and others, or through a balance with two branches;

c) ensuring the angle formed by the strop branches does not exceed one hundred and twenty degrees unless designed by a qualified professional; and

d) marking the load capacity of slings/strops, skids, pallets, nets, and other accessories visibly.

29.15.3 For lashing and unlashing cargo on vehicles with level differences, using a safe work platform outside the area of suspended cargo movement is mandatory. In places with no available space, a ladder must be used.

29.15.4 Transporting objects that are not part of the lashed cargo is prohibited.

29.15.5 Suspended cargo movement must be guided by a qualified signaler. The use of a signaler can be waived if the following criteria are met:

a) isolating the operation area;

b) lifting equipment designed to allow full visibility of the cargo movement areas; and

c) risk analysis verifies that the absence of a signaler does not introduce additional risks.

29.15.6 The signaler must be easily distinguishable from other people in the operation area by wearing vests or clothing of a different color.

29.15.7 In night operations, the signaler must wear gloves and a vest with reflective material.

29.15.8 The signaler must position themselves to visualize the entire cargo operation area and be seen by the lifting equipment operator. When these conditions cannot be met, a communication system must be used.

29.15.9 The signaler must receive adequate training to acquire knowledge of the hand signal code in lifting operations.

29.15.10 Workers are prohibited from remaining on the lashed cargo during its movement.

29.16 Container operations

29.16.1 In container loading and unloading operations using a positioning frame, the equipment must have:

a) automatically or semi-automatically operated coupling locks;

b) a visual device indicating the locking status; and

c) a safety device ensuring the locking of all four corners.

29.16.2 For non-standard, damaged, or condition-impeding containers, the procedures in subitem 29.16.1 are allowed to use other safe methods, under the direct supervision of the operation manager.

29.16.3 In activities with workers on containers on vessels, when the height exceeds 2 (two) containers or the cargo height exceeds 5 m (five meters), the following must be used:

a) a suspended basket, according to Annex XII of NR-12; or

b) a specially constructed cage for this purpose, with a maximum capacity of two workers. The specially constructed cage for transporting workers is the set designed by a legally qualified professional, consisting of a suspension system and a bucket suspended by lifting equipment equipped with:

a) anchorage points for the safety harness in any working position, signaled and sized based on the maximum number of bucket occupants and capable of withstanding impact loads in case of a fall;

b) a complementary locking system that activates in case of spreader locking system failure;

c) a fixed container for storing materials;

d) a fixed bar around the inner perimeter for hand support and protection;

e) an access gate that does not open outward and has a locking system preventing accidental opening;

f) an identification plate inside, easily visible, containing at least the following information:

1. manufacturer identification;

2. manufacturing date;

3. bucket load capacity in weight and maximum number of occupants;

4. bucket identification number allowing project traceability;

g) a floor with a non-slip surface and a drainage system whose openings do not allow the passage of a 15 mm (fifteen millimeters) diameter sphere; and

h) a guardrail at least 1.0 m (one meter) high and a toe board. The basket or cage must be used exclusively for transporting workers and necessary tools from the decks to the containers and vice versa.

    29.16.4 The worker on the container must be in visual communication and use telecommunication means with the signaler and crane operator, who must only follow the worker’s instructions.

    29.16.5 Workers are not allowed to remain on the container when it is being moved.

    29.16.6 Access to the inside of containers should only occur if it is confirmed that a safe atmosphere exists.

    29.16.7 When a container holds dangerous goods and harmless products, the prevention measures related to the dangerous goods prevail.

    29.16.8 Any container requiring a detailed inspection must be removed from its stack and taken to a specially reserved zone for this purpose, equipped with safe access means that pose no occupational risk.

    29.16.9 Workers must use guide rods or cables to position the container during unloading operations on vehicles.

    29.16.10 The following safety measures must be adopted in container operations:

    a) only moving them after the worker has disembarked;

    b) instructing the worker on ergonomic and safe postures in stowage, unstowage, fixing, and container movement operations;

    c) following container signaling and labeling regarding inherent risks in their movement;

    d) instructing workers about the meaning of container risk signaling and labeling, as well as the precautions and prevention measures to be observed; and

    e) mitigating the risk of falling cargo when opening containers.

    29.16.11 Measures must be taken to prevent container stack toppling when storing empty containers in yards.

    29.17 Operations with dry bulk

    29.17.1 During operations, procedures must be adopted to prevent the formation of barriers that could endanger worker safety.

    29.17.2 When there is a risk of falling or large-scale sliding during dry bulk loading or unloading, no worker should remain inside the hold and other similar enclosures. The specific risk assessment for barrier fall or bulk solid cargo slide stored in holds must be conducted by the responsible person, considering, obligatorily, the product’s repose angle, as established in the product sheet contained in the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code (IMSBC), of the International Maritime Organization (IMO).

    29.17.3 In operations using self-propelled machinery with a driver inside the hold or warehouse, in the presence of aerodispersoids, the operator must be protected by a resistant, closed cabin equipped with air conditioning and a dust filter in its air intake system.

    29.17.4 Operations with machinery and equipment that can generate aerodispersoids must include control measures to eliminate or reduce their generation, considering:

    a) the physical and chemical characteristics of the cargo;

    b) machinery and equipment maintenance; and

    c) residue control measures.

    29.17.5 To transit and park in the port area, vehicles and wagons transporting solid bulk must be covered.

    29.17.6 The hopper or funnel used for unloading solid bulk must be inspected according to the manufacturer’s determination. If the manufacturer does not determine the inspection period, it must be annual. The inspection report must meet the following requirements:

    a) issued by a legally qualified professional; and

    b) proving that the equipment is operationally capable of withstanding the tensions of its maximum safe working load capacity, according to its construction project. In case of incidents, damage, or equipment repairs, they can only start working after a new inspection, following subitem

    29.17.7 Every hopper or funnel must legibly display its maximum load capacity and gross weight.

    29.17.8 Hoppers or funnels operated locally by workers must have closed cabins meeting the following requirements:

    a) visibility of the operation;

    b) air-conditioned interior;

    c) ergonomic seat;

    d) when located on an upper floor, equipped with handrails and guardrails on stairs;

    e) well-maintained electrical installations, properly grounded and protected;

    f) fire extinguisher suitable for the risk; and

    g) protection against sunlight and weather. Hoppers and funnels remotely operated are exempt from subitem 29.17.8, provided the operator is not exposed to aerodispersoids.

    29.17.9 In dry bulk loading or unloading operations using continuous loaders or unloaders, devices or equipment must be available to eliminate or reduce particulates and dust.

    29.17.10 Holds, warehouses, and silos containing bulk that can reduce oxygen concentration or emit toxic gases can be operated after authorization from a legally qualified professional.

    29.18 Transport, handling, storage, and manipulation

    29.18.1 Port facilities must have their own regulation governing the traffic route for vehicles, equipment, cyclists, and pedestrians, as well as cargo movement on quays, platforms, yards, parking lots, warehouses, and other operational spaces. Port facilities must have vertical and horizontal signs, with auxiliary devices and signs, according to their own regulations.

    29.18.2 Machinery and equipment traveling in port facilities must be in safe conditions for circulation.

    29.18.3 Vehicle, equipment, cyclist, and pedestrian traffic routes must be in good condition, illuminated, and clean.

    29.18.4 Machinery and equipment used in port operations traveling or parking in port facility areas must have:

    a) appropriate sound and light signals for reverse maneuvers;

    b) warning sound signal (horn);

    c) mirrors on both sides or rearview cameras; and d) headlights, taillights, and turn signals.

    29.18.5 Transporting workers in cargo compartments or unsafe conditions is prohibited, except in emergency or rescue situations.

    29.18.6 Measures must be taken to prevent accidental cargo falls in transport using cargo vehicles. In container transport, the fixation at the four corners of the trailer must be checked.

    29.18.7 Measures to prevent falls of people or objects and contaminant generation must be planned for work performed on cargo vehicles.

    29.18.8 When work on cargo vehicles is done on the truck bed, it must be made of resistant material, with no unplanned openings, and the floor must be in safe condition for use.

    29.18.9 Cargo or material stacks must be at least 1.50 m (one meter and fifty centimeters) from the quay edge.

    29.19 Safety in warehouses and silos

    29.19.1 Warehouses and silos where people move must have floor horizontal markings indicating the safety area and vertical signs indicating other existing risks.

    29.19.2 Any port facility with an area where an explosive atmosphere of gas, vapor, mist, and/or combustible dust is present or may be present must adopt the following measures:

    a) identify classified areas;

    b) equip the facility with materials and equipment certified according to the area’s classification, including electrical circuits and lighting;

    c) establish measures to control explosion and fire risks; and

    d) define safety procedures for releasing hot work, such as electric welding or torch cutting (oxyacetylene) and for transporting, handling, and storing, including entry and stay of people.

    29.19.3 Packaging with dangerous goods must not be moved with inadequate equipment that could damage it.

    29.19.4 Tubes, coils, or other loads subject to involuntary movement must be secured immediately after storage. During the movement of these loads, workers must only position themselves nearby when essential for their activities.

    29.20 Safety in cleaning and maintenance work

    29.20.1 In cleaning and maintenance activities on vessels and their tanks, carried out by port workers, the provisions of item 30.14 (Safety in Vessel Maintenance in Operation) of NR-30 must be observed.

    29.20.2 Simultaneous repair and maintenance work with port operations that jeopardize the health and physical integrity of workers is prohibited.

    29.20.3 Reconditioning work on packaging that poses health and physical integrity risks to workers must be done outside the cargo movement area. When subitem 29.20.3 cannot be applied, the operation in the location must be interrupted until the repair is completed. In the reconditioning of packaging with dangerous goods, the area must be inspected, and the task risk assessed in advance by the responsible person, who will define the necessary collective and individual prevention measures.

    29.21 Safety in watchman services

    29.21.1 In case of a portal without protection for the watchman from the elements, shelter must be provided, as well as special measures against sun exposure, heat, cold, humidity, and wind.

    29.21.2 When there is cargo movement over the portal or other posts where a port watchman must remain, they will position themselves outside, in a safe location.

    29.21.3 The watchman must be provided with a seat with a backrest, slightly adapted to the body for lumbar protection.

    29.22 Lighting of work areas

    29.22.1 Operation areas on board or on land must have adequate lighting levels, not less than 50 lux.

    29.22.2 In access and circulation areas for people on board or on land, lighting levels must not be less than 10 lux throughout their extent.

    29.23 Transport of workers by water

    29.23.1 Vessels transporting port workers must comply with NORMAM.

    29.23.2 Berthing locations, fixed or floating, for boarding and disembarking workers must have devices to prevent the worker from falling into the water and reduce the risk of the vessel impacting the quay or floating structure.

    29.24 Refrigerated areas

    29.24.1 In refrigerated areas, using internal combustion machines and equipment is prohibited unless:

    a) equipped with neutralizing devices; and

    b) gas concentrations are monitored to comply with NR-09 (Assessment and Control of Occupational Exposure to Physical, Chemical, and Biological Agents).

    29.24.2 Activities in refrigerated areas for workers using appropriate PPE and clothing for the risk must comply with the working time regime with thermal recovery time outside the cold environment provided in Annex III.

    29.25 Sanitary and comfort conditions in the workplace

    29.25.1 Sanitary facilities, changing rooms, cafeterias, and rest areas must be maintained by the organized port administration and the port facility owner, as applicable, and comply with NR-24 (Sanitary and Comfort Conditions in the Workplace).

    29.25.2 Waiting areas must be designed to provide workers with safety and comfort conditions, maintained in hygienic and clean conditions, and meet the following:

    a) waterproof and washable floor;

    b) resistant, waterproof, and washable walls;

    c) roof protecting against weather;

    d) protection against electric shock risk and electrical grounding;

    e) have a natural ventilation area, composed of at least two openings adequately arranged to allow effective internal ventilation;

    f) guarantee thermal, acoustic, and lighting comfort conditions;

    g) have enough seats to accommodate users during activity interruptions; and

    h) be visibly identified, with its use for other purposes prohibited.

    29.25.3 Every port facility must have a rest area for workers operating large port equipment or those whose preliminary ergonomic assessment or work ergonomic analysis requires the worker to have breaks during the workday. The rest area must be air-conditioned, equipped with effective acoustic insulation, and furnished appropriately for user rest.

    29.25.4 The worker’s distance to sanitary facilities must not exceed 200 m (two hundred meters).

    29.25.5 In operations on board vessels without sanitary facilities with a sanitary cabinet and sink, in good hygienic and working conditions, the port operator must provide mobile sanitary facilities near the vessel access.

    29.25.6 Transporting workers along the port must be done by safe means.

    29.26 First aid and other provisions

    29.26.1 Every port facility must have its own or outsourced emergency service maintained by OGMO, port operators, and service providers, equipped and staffed to provide first aid and ensure the rapid and proper removal of the injured.

    29.26.2 In port operations carried out at a berthing berth, the presence of an emergency service member at the operation site is mandatory.

    29.26.3 For rescuing an injured port worker on berthed vessels, suspended baskets and stretchers, or another equivalent or superior resource provided in the Emergency Control Plan, in good condition and hygiene, must be kept near these work locations, and not used for other purposes.

    29.26.4 In work performed on offshore vessels, effective communication and means to quickly remove an injured port worker must be ensured, and first aid must be provided by a trained worker for this purpose.

    29.26.5 In the case of a serious or fatal accident on board, the vessel’s responsible person must immediately notify the Port Captaincy, their Delegations, or Agencies and the regional authority responsible for worker safety and health. The accident site must be isolated until the accident investigation is carried out by the competent authority of these bodies and the subsequent release of the vessel dispatch by the Port Captaincy, their Delegations, or Agencies.

    29.27 Operations with hazardous cargo

    29.27.1 Hazardous cargo is classified according to the classification table contained in Annex IV of this NR.

    29.27.2 In storage areas, there must be signs identifying the classes and types of hazardous products stored, at strategic and visible points, in accordance with the standardized symbols of the International Maritime Organization (IMO).

    29.27.3 Only hazardous cargo that has a safety information sheet can be operated or stored. The safety information sheet for hazardous cargo must be available to workers. If the safety information sheet for hazardous cargo is not available in Portuguese, this information must be conveyed to workers before the operation.

    29.27.4 Operations and storage of hazardous cargo must be supervised by a trained professional and under the responsibility of a legally qualified professional.

    29.27.5 Workers must be trained to operate and store hazardous cargo.

    29.27.6 Training for the operation and storage of hazardous cargo must be twenty hours and include the following content:

    a) classes and their hazards;

    b) marking, labeling, and signs;

    c) emergency response procedures;

    d) basic first aid;

    e) safe handling procedures;

    f) port safety requirements for loading, transit, and unloading; and

    g) port facility regulations, particularly quantity limitations.

    29.27.7 The Port Operator or Service Provider responsible for moving hazardous cargo must ensure that the following documentation is received by the OGMO (Labor Management Office) or, when substituting the OGMO, by the workers’ unions, at least twenty-four hours before scheduling:

    a) declaration of dangerous goods in accordance with NORMAM or equivalent international form;

    b) safety information sheet for hazardous cargo; and

    c) indication of hazardous cargo – qualitatively and quantitatively – according to the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code), informing which will be unloaded at the port and which will remain on board.

    29.27.8 All participants in the port logistics chain can extract information about hazardous cargo and involved documents from the Federal Government’s Paperless Port System.

    29.27.9 In the movement of packaged hazardous cargo for export, the exporter or their representative must provide the port administration and the OGMO with the documentation referred to in subitem 29.27.6 at least forty-eight hours before shipment.

    29.27.10 During the entire docking time of a vessel with hazardous cargo at the port, the captain must adopt safety procedures for port operation, which must include:

    a) emergency maneuvers, towing, or propulsion;

    b) safe handling of cargo and ballast; and

    c) damage control.

    29.27.11 The captain must immediately inform the port administration and the port operator of any incident involving the hazardous cargo it transports, whether during the voyage or while at the port.

    29.27.12 It is the responsibility of the OGMO, service provider, or employer:

    a) in the scheduling of casual labor, to inform workers about the presence of hazardous cargo, the types, and quantities to be moved; and

    b) to promote the training of workers in operations with hazardous cargo.

    29.27.13 Before starting operations or storage of hazardous cargo, the operation or storage sites must be previously cleaned and decontaminated by trained personnel.

    29.27.14 Only hazardous cargo that is packaged, signaled, and labeled according to the IMDG Code should be handled, stored, or stowed.

    29.27.15 In bulk hazardous cargo operations, the control measures provided for in the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code) must be observed.

    29.27.16 Hazardous cargo must be subjected to special care considering its characteristics, including taking measures described in the hazardous cargo safety information sheets, especially for packages that are damaged or stored near damaged packages.

    29.27.17 The following cargoes cannot be kept in the loading and unloading operation areas and must be removed for storage or other final destinations:

    a) general explosives;

    b) flammable (Class 2.1) and poisonous (Class 2.3) gases;

    c) radioactive materials;

    d) tetraethyl lead;

    e) expandable polystyrene;

    f) ammonium perchlorate, and

    g) hazardous goods packaged in refrigerated containers.

    29.27.18 Operations with damaged packages must be authorized through a work permit system and according to the hazardous cargo safety information sheet.

    29.27.19 In operations with explosives (Class 1), in addition to the provisions in NR-19:

    a) procedures for direct loading to the vessel or receipt in an area outside the port facility must be provided;

    b) fuel supply to the vessel will be prohibited during these operations;

    c) repairs to vessels docked with explosives or within 40 meters (forty meters) of such vessels will be prohibited; and

    d) explosives must be the last cargo to be loaded and the first to be unloaded.

    29.27.20 In operations with flammable gases (Class 2.1) and flammable and combustible liquids (Class 3), in addition to the provisions of NR-20:

    a) impacts and falls of containers on the quay platforms, warehouses, and holds must be prevented;

    b) wiring and electrical terminals must be kept perfectly insulated and with their respective covers, including those installed on cranes;

    c) cranes must be kept fully locked, both on the ground and on superstructures;

    d) hoses, pipes, and other pressurized components must be inspected and periodically tested according to the manufacturer’s instructions;

    e) in the entire operation area or near equipment, signs prohibiting the use of ignition sources, including notices NO SMOKING – NO OPEN LIGHTS must be installed;

    f) the intake and valves of flammable gases and liquids in the designated quay area must have safety signs; and

    g) tanker vessel operations must be permanently monitored with immediate measures adopted in case of operational abnormalities.

    29.27.21 In operations with flammable solids, substances prone to spontaneous combustion, and those that emit flammable gases in contact with water (Class 4), the following measures must be taken:

    a) preventive measures to control the main and secondary risks;

    b) safety practices for bulk solid cargoes as described in the IMDG Code supplement;

    c) fire and explosion protection measures, including smoking prohibition and control of ignition and heat sources;

    d) measures to prevent water contact with substances in subclasses 4.2 – substances prone to spontaneous combustion and 4.3 – substances dangerous when wet;

    e) measures to prevent friction and impacts with the cargo; and

    f) monitoring before and during the discharge operation of coal or pre-reduced iron for hold temperature and the presence of hydrogen or other gases for appropriate actions.

    29.27.22 In operations with oxidizing substances and organic peroxides (Class 5), the following measures must be taken:

    a) preventive measures to control the main and secondary risks;

    b) measures to prevent contact of these substances with acidic materials, metallic oxides, and amines;

    c) monitoring and controlling the external temperature of tanks containing organic peroxides up to their maximum limit; and

    d) fire and explosion protection measures, particularly smoking prohibition and control of any ignition and heat sources.

    29.27.23 In operations with toxic and infectious substances (Class 6), the following measures must be taken:

    a) restrict access to the operational area and surrounding areas to only personnel involved in the operations; and

    b) provide absorbent material at the operation site to contain spills.

    29.27.24 In operations with radioactive materials (Class 7):

    a) foreign vessels must have documentation determined by the International Atomic Energy Agency, and for Brazilian-flagged vessels, the standards of the National Nuclear Energy Commission (CNEN) must be followed.

    b) segregation standards for these materials in the IMDG Code must be followed, with applicable separation distances as specified in the IAEA Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Materials;

    c) authorization for the docking of a vessel with Class 7 cargo must be preceded by confirmation that the requirements in items “a” and “b” have been adequately met, based on the information in the transport documents; and

    d) in the event of an accident/incident with or without damage to packages, the responsible person must request the presence of the Radiation Protection Supervisor designated by the shipper or recipient to decide on the procedures to be adopted. Personnel involved in operations with radioactive materials are assured full access to data and results from any monitoring and consequent exposure control.

    29.27.25 In operations with corrosive substances (Class 8), the following measures must be taken:

    a) control measures to prevent contact of these substances with water or elevated temperatures;

    b) fire and explosion prevention measures, including smoking prohibition and control of any ignition and heat sources; and

    c) provide absorbent material at the operation site to contain spills.

    29.27.26 The port administration must set the maximum total quantity per class and subclass of substances to be stored in the port zone at each port.

    29.27.27 Storage locations for hazardous cargo must be maintained in safe conditions as per the project.

    29.27.28 The hazardous cargo storage project must include:

    a) general location plan;

    b) description of storage areas;

    c) characteristics and safety, health, and work environment information regarding the stored goods, as specified in the hazardous cargo safety data sheets;

    d) technical specifications of equipment, machinery, and accessories present in storage areas, in terms of occupational health and safety established by risk analysis;

    e) identification of classified areas in storage areas for the specification of equipment and electrical installations; and

    f) intrinsic safety measures identified in the project’s risk analysis.

    29.27.29 An inspection of stored hazardous cargo must be conducted at least daily.

    29.27.30 All hazardous cargo storage locations must have safety signs.

    29.27.31 Storage of hazardous cargo in containers must follow the segregation table type provided in Annex V of this NR. Storage must cumulatively consider the risks present in the hazardous cargo safety information sheet.

    29.27.32 If the cargo is not stored in containers, storage recommendations available in the hazardous cargo safety information sheet and technical literature must be followed, based on risk analysis, with no less spacing than that of cargo kept in containers.

    29.27.33 If hazardous cargo presents more than one risk class, the most stringent segregation criteria must be followed.

    29.27.34 Hazardous cargo requiring refrigeration for safety reasons must have electrical installations according to the hazardous cargo safety information sheet, temperature monitoring, and an alternative power source.

    29.27.35 When toxic substances are stored in closed enclosures, these locations must have forced ventilation for control and emergency measures.

    29.27.36 Handling of explosives or explosive packages at port facilities is prohibited. Port facilities operating with explosives must have a temporary waiting area in accordance with item 19.5 of NR-19 (Explosives), to support direct loading to the vessel and immediate dispatch to storage outside the port facility, not exceeding forty-eight hours.

    29.27.37 Substances in subclass 6.2 (infectious substances) can only be handled exceptionally through a work permit system and after adopting preventive measures and precautions from the hazardous cargo safety information sheet.

    29.28 Emergency Control Plan (ECP)

    29.28.1 It is the responsibility of the Organized Port administration and the holders of authorized and leased port facilities to develop and implement the ECP, which must include the following situations:

    a) fires and explosions;

    b) leakage of hazardous products;

    c) pollution or environmental accidents;

    d) adverse weather conditions, such as storms with strong winds affecting the safety of port operations, demonstrating possible risks;

    e) person falling into the water; and

    f) aid and rescue of accident victims.

    29.28.2 The ECP must be developed considering the characteristics and complexity of the facility and must contain:

    a) name and function of the technical person(s) responsible for the preparation and revision of the plan;

    b) name and function of the person responsible for managing, coordinating, and implementing the plan;

    c) designation of emergency team members responsible for executing each action and their respective substitutes;

    d) establishment of possible emergency scenarios, based on risk analysis and considering the class and subclass of hazardous products;

    e) description of resources needed for response to each scenario covered;

    f) description of communication means;

    g) emergency response procedures for each scenario covered;

    h) procedures for communication and activation of public authorities and mutual aid initiation;

    i) procedures for guiding visitors and other workers not participating in the emergency team on existing risks and how to proceed in emergency situations; and

    j) schedule, methodology, and records of simulated drills. The ECP must establish criteria for evaluating the results of simulated drills.

    29.28.3 The ECP must also observe the following requirements:

    a) emergency procedures, first aid, and medical care must be adopted, including the respective safety sheet for each risk class at hazardous cargo operation sites;

    b) the plan must be comprehensive, allowing for the control of potential disasters such as explosion, environmental contamination by toxic, corrosive, radioactive products, and other aggressive agents, fire, vessel collision, and docking collision; and

    c) actions on land and on board must be provided.

    29.28.4 In cases where risk analysis results indicate the possibility of an accident whose consequences exceed the installation limits, the ECP must include actions aimed at protecting the surrounding community, establishing communication and alert mechanisms, isolating the affected area, and activating public authorities.

    29.28.5 Accident and simulated drill analysis reports must include an evaluation of the emergency scenario that occurred, considering:

    a) adequacy or inadequacy to the ECP; and

    b) positive and negative points. The evaluation result must be informed to the participants of the drill.

    29.28.6 Simulated drills must be conducted during working hours, with at least three simulations per year for each type of situation listed in subitem 29.28.1, covering all work shifts.

    29.28.7 Simulated drills must involve designated workers and cover the scenarios and frequency defined in the ECP.

    29.28.8 Worker participation in emergency response teams is voluntary unless the nature of the function requires it.

    29.28.9 Members of the emergency response team must receive training for each emergency scenario in the ECP during normal working hours, with each scenario recorded on an individual worker’s card.

    29.28.10 The OGMO and port administration must include in the Internal Week for Prevention of Accidents (SIPAT) lectures on the ECP action plans and the Mutual Aid Plan (MAP) in the port area.

    29.28.11 The ECP must be available electronically for consultation by CPATP and SESSTP.

    29.28.12 The OGMO must train casual port workers to act in emergencies.

    29.28.13 Casual port workers must be informed about simulated drills before their scheduling.

    29.28.14 In places where casual port workers operate, they must be informed about the procedures to be adopted in emergencies.

    29.29 Mutual Aid Plan (MAP)

    29.29.1 The organized port administration and those responsible for port facilities must establish, including with external actors, a Mutual Aid Plan (MAP). In the organized port area, the port authority must establish and organize the MAP, which must include all port operators and port facilities under its jurisdiction.

    29.29.2 The OGMO must participate in the MAP where casual port workers are scheduled.

    29.29.3 MAP members must establish a common communication system and contribute human and material resources for emergency response. Each MAP member must designate a technical representative.

    29.29.4 At least quarterly meetings must be held to address item 29.29.3.

    29.29.5 At least two expanded accident simulations must be conducted annually to train and evaluate the organization and action of the various actors involved in the MAP.