NR25 – Industrial Waste

(SIT Ordinance No. 3994, of December 5, 2022)

25.1 Objective
25.2 Scope
25.3 Health and safety requirements for the management of industrial waste

25.1 Objective

25.1.1 This regulatory standard (NR) specifies occupational health and safety requirements for industrial waste management.

25.2 Scope

25.2.1 This standard applies to activities related to the management of industrial waste from industrial processes.

25.2.2 Industrial waste is any solid, liquid or gaseous, or combination thereof, resulting from industrial processes which, by reason of its physical, chemical or microbiological characteristics, is not similar to domestic waste, such as ash, sludge, oil, alkaline or acid materials, slag, dust, yeast, leachates and those generated by pollution control equipment and installations, and other liquid effluents and gaseous emissions which are air pollutants.

25.3 Health and safety requirements for industrial waste management activities

25.3.1 The organization shall seek to reduce occupational exposure to industrial waste by using the best available technological and organizational practices.

25.3.2 Industrial waste shall be disposed of in accordance with the law or specific regulations, and the release of contaminants from this material into the workplace that could endanger the health and safety of workers shall be prohibited.

25.3.3 Measures, methods, equipment or devices to control the release or spillage of gaseous, liquid or solid contaminants shall be submitted for review and approval by the competent authorities.

25.3.4 Solid wastes and liquid effluents generated by industrial processes and operations shall be collected, packaged, stored, transported, treated and sent for final disposal by the organization in the manner prescribed by law or specific regulations. At each stage referred to in 25.3.4, the organization shall develop preventive measures to avoid or control risks to the health and safety of workers.

25.3.5 Solid wastes and liquid effluents shall be disposed of in the manner prescribed by law or specific regulation. Radioactive waste shall be disposed of in accordance with the regulations of the National Nuclear Safety Authority (ANSN).

25.3.6 Industrial waste that is a source of biological risk shall be disposed of in accordance with health and environmental regulations.

25.3.7 Workers involved in the collection, handling, packaging, storage, transportation, treatment and disposal of industrial waste shall be continuously trained by the company on the occupational risks involved and the appropriate preventive measures.