Annex II of NR-20 – Exceptions to the application of item 20.4 (Classification of Installations)

1. Installations that handle, store, manipulate, and transport flammable gases above 1 (one) ton up to 2 (two) tons and flammable and/or combustible liquids above 1 m³ (one cubic meter) up to 10 m³ (ten cubic meters) must attach the following updated records to their PGR (Risk Management Program) or maintain them in a separate document if the organization is exempted from maintaining the PGR:

a) Inventory and characteristics of the flammable and/or combustible liquids;

b) Specific hazards related to locations and activities involving flammable and/or combustible liquids;

c) Procedures and plans for preventing accidents involving flammable and/or combustible liquids;

d) Measures for responding to emergency situations.

    1.1 The employer must train at least three workers from the installation who are directly involved with flammables and/or combustible liquids in the basic course provided in Annex I.

    2. Retail and wholesale installations that handle, store, and transport containers of up to 20 (twenty) liters, closed or sealed from the manufacturer, containing flammable and/or combustible liquids up to a maximum limit of 5,000 m³ (five thousand cubic meters) and flammable gases up to a maximum limit of 600 (six hundred) tons, must attach the following updated records to their PGR or maintain them in a separate document if the organization is exempted from maintaining the PGR:

    a) Inventory and characteristics of the flammable and/or combustible liquids;

    b) Specific hazards related to locations and activities involving flammable and/or combustible liquids;

    c) Procedures and plans for preventing accidents involving flammable and/or combustible liquids;

    d) Measures for responding to emergency situations.

      2.1 The employer must train workers from the installation who are directly involved with flammables in the Basic Course, in the proportion defined in Table 3.

      Table 3 – Criteria for the Basic Course in Retail and Wholesale Installations

      Stored Capacity (flammable gases and/or flammable and/or combustible liquids)No. of Trained Workers
      Above 1 ton up to 5 tons and/or above 1 m³ up to 9 m³minimum: 2
      Above 5 tons up to 10 tons and/or above 9 m³ up to 42 m³minimum: 3
      Above 10 tons up to 20 tons and/or above 42 m³ up to 84 m³minimum: 4
      For every 20 tons and/or 84 m³ more2 additional workers

      3. The provisions of items 2 and 2.1 of this Annex apply to the storage installation of containers up to 20 (twenty) liters, closed or sealed from the manufacturer, containing flammable and/or combustible liquids up to a maximum limit of 10,000 m³ (ten thousand cubic meters) and flammable gases up to a maximum limit of 1,200 (one thousand two hundred) tons, provided that the storage installation is separated by a wall from the installation where the product to be stored is manufactured, filled, and packaged.

        3.1 The storage installation of containers with a total volume exceeding the limits mentioned in item 3 must prepare a risk analysis, as provided in items 20.7.2,,, 20.7.4,, 20.7.5, 20.7.6, and, and an emergency response plan, as provided in items 20.15.1, 20.15.2, 20.15.4, 20.15.5,,,, 20.15.6, and 20.15.7.