AERIAL BASKET: Vehicle equipment for lifting people to perform work at height, equipped with movable, articulated, telescopic or mixed arm with a bucket or platform, with or without electrical insulation, and may also raise material by means of winch and complementary boom (JIB) respecting the manufacturer’s specifications, provided that it is designed for this purpose.
COUPLED BASKET: Bucket or platform attached to a vehicle crane for lifting people and performing work at height, with or without electrical insulation, and may also raise support material essential to perform the service.
SUSPENDED BASKET: formed by suspension system and the bucket or platform suspended by hoisting equipment that meets the safety requirements of this Annex for use in work at height.
1. 1. For the purposes of this Annex the following definitions shall be considered:
Nominal working height (for aerial baskets and coupled baskets): Distance measured at maximum elevation from the bottom of the bucket to the ground, plus 1.5 m.
Cradle: support bracket of the crane boom in its retracted position.
Bucket or platform (see Figure 1): Component to accommodate and move people to the working position.
Nominal load (Gross load): capacity established by the manufacturer or by a legally qualified professional for a particular configuration of the hoist and bucket or platform.
Nominal capacity of the bucket or platform: the maximum capacity of the bucket, established by the manufacturer in terms of weight and number of expected occupants.
Chassis (see Figure 1): It is the whole structure where turning mechanism, pillar, arms and booms, as well as the stabilizer system are mounted.
Classification of load capacity (load table): group of nominal loads for prescribed settings of hoisting equipment and operating conditions.
Command: system responsible for the execution of a function.
Control: actuator interface between operator and command.
Bucket liner: component designed to be accommodated within the bucket, platform or similar support, which is capable of modifying the electrical properties of the bucket/platform. It can be of two kinds:
• Insulating liner: Bucket accessory designed to ensure its electrical insulation in Isolated Aerial Baskets according to the insulation class and work method.
• Conductive liner: Bucket accessory designed for the equalization of potential between the grid, metallic parts and the electrician, for works carried out by electrical potential method.
Non-Destructive Testing: Examination of the Aerial Basket or its components without changing their original characteristics. They include, but are not limited to: Visual Inspection, Acoustic Emission Testing, Liquid Penetrant and Magnetic Particle Testing, Ultrasonic and Dielectrical Testing.
Traction device for raising and lowering the hook: System or device that controls the motorized lifting or lowering of the bucket or platform preventing the free fall.
Sling: device composed of cables and accessories to promote interconnection between the hoisting equipment and the bucket or platform.
Stabilizers (see Figure 1): devices and systems used to stabilize the aerial basket,coupled basket or hoisting equipment.
Stability: safe working condition foreseen by the manufacturer to prevent tipping.
Brake: device used to stop or slow the movement.
Automatic brake: device that slows or stops the movement without operator input, when the specific operating parameters of the equipment are reached.
Rotation (see Figure 1): Rotating movement of tower boom, main boom or movable arm around the vertical axis.
Degree of insulation: Insulated aerial baskets are classified in accordance with their electrical insulation class defined in three categories according to NBR 14631.
Vehicle crane: Vehicle hydraulic equipment with articulated, telescopic or mixed movable arm for lifting loads.
JIB: auxiliary boom attached to the end of the main boom for the purpose of hoisting or supporting additional loads.
Movable arm or boom (see Figure 1): Articulated, extensible or mixed component, which supports and moves the bucket or platform.

Shackle: accessory for handling or fastening the load, formed by two easily removable parts, consisting of body and pin.
Lifting Plan (Rigging Plan): It consists of the formal planning of a load handling operation with a mobile or fixed crane, aiming at the optimization of the resources applied in the operation (equipment, accessories and others) to avoid accidents and time losses. It indicates the available machines, accessories, ground conditions, wind conditions, and the best solutions to perform a safe and efficient lifting operation by studying the load to be lifted.
Fixing point(s): connection point on the bucket or platform to the suspension system.
Access position: Position that allows access to the platform or bucket. Access position and transport position can be identical.
Transport position: The transport position of the bucket or platform is the position recommended by the manufacturer in which aerial basket or coupled basket is transported/displaced to the place of use on public roads or inside construction sites.
Transport position for coupled basket: position defined by the manufacturer, when the crane booms are positioned on the cradle or on the body of the truck, provided that it doesn’t exceed the transport dimensions (width and height) in accordance with the current legislation.
Load lifting professional (Rigger): responsible for the planning and elaboration of lifting plan, qualified as provided in item 12.138 of this Standard.
Thimble: element used for the protection of steel wire eye.

Suspension system: cable or slings and their components, including fasteners, used to connect the hoisting equipments to the bucket or platform.
Dedicated suspension system: suspension system that can only be used for operation in conjunction with the bucket. When the safety requirements in this Annex are met, it can be equipped with coupled basket or suspended basket.
Lifting moment limiting system: safety system that operates when the limit of moment of load is reached, preventing the movements that increase the moment of load.
Eye Splice: loop formed at the end of wire rope in two halves. One half is curved to form an eye, and then the other half is entwined in the empty space of the first.

Work with electrical potential method: methodology of work on electrical lines with voltages higher than 60kV, where the worker is equalized to the same voltage of the electrical line through clothing and other specific means, enabling the work in direct contact with conductor.

2.1 The aerial baskets shall have:
a) anchorage for full-body safety harness in accordance with design and signaling of the manufacturer;
b) controls clearly identified as to their functions and protected against inadvertent and accidental use;
c) upper and lower controls for moving the bucket, which must return to their neutral positions when released by the operator, except for the control of hydraulic tools.
d) upper and lower controls for the operation of the winch and the pressure valve to limit the load on aerial baskets equipped with winch and JIB for lifting material, if this accessory is used.
e) safety locking device in order to prevent inadvertent operation of upper controls;
f) upper controls on or near the bucket, readily accessible to the operator;
g) readily accessible lower controls that can override upper controls;
h) emergency stop device on upper and lower controls, which must remain functional in both cases;
i) retention valves on the hydraulic cylinders of the stabilizing legs and, retention and holding valves on the hydraulic cylinders of movable arm in order to avoid undesirable movements in the event of pressure loss in the hydraulic system;
j) stabilizing system, with slope indicator installed in a location that allows the stabilizers to be viewed during operation to show if the equipment is positioned within the lateral tilt limits permitted by the manufacturer;
k) stabilizer controls protected against inadvertent use, which return to their neutral positions when released by the operator and are located at the base of the movable unit, so that the operator can see the stabilizers moving.;
l) selector valve, next to the stabilizers control, which in one position blocks the operation of the stabilizers and in other position blocks the movement control of the bucket(s);
m) system that prevents the operation of stabilizing legs without prior retraction of the movable arm to a safe transport position;
n) emergency operating system allowing the movement of arms and the rotation of tower in case of failure, except in the case provided for in paragraph “o”;
o) feature for emergency operating system allowing the movement of arms and the rotation of tower in case of rupture of hydraulic hoses;
p) grounding point
2.2 The buckets shall meet the following requirements:
a) They shall be sized to support and accommodate the operator(s) and the tools essential to perform the service;
b) There shall be no openings or passages in the buckets of insulated aerial baskets, except for works to be performed through electrical potential method;
c) They shall have a fall protection system with a minimum height of 990 mm and meet other requirements of paragraphs “a”, “b”, “d”, “e” f item 12.70, items 12.71 and 12.71.1, and paragraphs “a”, “b”, “c” of item 12.73 of NR12;
d) When the access to the bucket is through a door, it cannot be allowed opening outwards and shall have a locking system that prevents accidental opening;
e) Buckets made of non-conductive material shall comply with the requirements of ABNT NBR 14631;
f) Buckets of insulated aerial baskets shall be equipped with insulating liner, except for works to be performed through electrical potential method.
2.3 Insulated and non-insulated aerial baskets shall have active and automatic bucket leveling system, through hydraulic or mechanical system that functions integrally with the movements of movable arms and independent of gravitational force.
2.3.1 Non-insulated aerial baskets with up to 10 years of use, as of the validity of this annex, are exempt from the requirements of item 2.3, and may have a bucket leveling system by gravity.
2.3.2 The use of non-insulated aerial baskets that have active and automatic bucket leveling system is prohibited.
2.4 For services on energized installations, grids and lines with voltages equal to or above 1000V, insulated aerial basket, which has degree of insulation, categories A, B or C according to NBR 14631 shall be used, and other colective protective measures shall be adopted to prevent the risk of electric shock in accordance with NR10.
2.5 For services on energized installations, grids and lines with voltages below 1000V, the bucket shall have insulation with adequate degree, and other colective protective measures shall be adopted to prevent the risk of electric shock in accordance with NR10.
2.6 For services in the vicinity of installations, grids and lines that are energized or with the possibility of accidental energization, where the workers can reach the controlled zone with any part of their bodies or with conductive extensions, the bucket shall have insulation with adequate degree, and other collective protective measures shall be adopted to prevent the risk of electric shock in accordance with NR10.
2.7 The upper controls of aerial baskets with two buckets shall be positioned within the reach of the operators, without the need of disengaging safety harness.
2.8 The lower controls of aerial basket shall not be operated with workers in the bucket, except for in emergency situations or when the operation or activity so requires.
2.9 It is forbidden to move the load except for the tools, equipments and materials necessary for the execution of the task and in a safe manner.
2.10 The tools, equipments and materials to be transported shall not have dimensions that may pose risks or cause discomfort to the workers.
2.11 The total weight of the workers, tools, equipments and materials shall not exceed the nominal load capacity of the bucket at any time.
2.12 Aerial baskets shall have identification plate, which must be located on the bottom of the equipment, and contain at least the following information:
a) brand;
b) model;
c) insulated or non-insulated;;
d) qualification test and date of the test, if applicable;
e) serial number;
f) date of manufacture (month and year);
g) nominal load capacity
h) nominal working height;
i) hydraulic pressure system;
j) number of buckets;
k) insulation category of the aerial basket, if applicable;
l) company name and CNPJ of manufacturer or importer;
m) installation company;
n) existence of accessories for material handling (winch and JIB);
o) indication that the equipment complies with the standard NBR 14631.
2.13 Aerial baskets shall be equipped with safety signs, meeting the requirements of NR12, and shall also include:
a) risks involved in the operation of the equipment;
b) load capacity of the bucket and the material handling equipments (winch and JIB);
c) information on use and load capacity of the aerial basket for multiple configurations.
2.14 The controls of the aerial baskets shall be identified with symbols and/or notices with the description of their functions.
2.15 Aerial baskets shall be subjected to inspections and tests provided for in NBR 14631.
2.16 In case of ownership transfer, it is the responsibility of the buyer to inform the manufacturer of the aerial basket of model and serial number of the equipment, as well as the CPNJ and the address of the new owner, within 30 days upon the receival o the equipment.
2.17 The seller shall provide and deliver the the manual of aerial basket for the buyer.
3.1 The coupled baskets shall have:
a) anchorage for full-body safety harness in accordance with design and signaling of the manufacturer;
b) controls clearly identified as to their functions and protected against inadvertent and accidental use;
c) upper and lower controls for moving the bucket, which must return to their neutral positions when released by the operator.
e) safety locking device in order to prevent inadvertent operation of upper controls;
f) upper controls on or near the bucket, readily accessible to the operator;
g) readily accessible lower controls that can override upper controls;
h) emergency stop device on upper and lower controls, which must remain functional in both cases;
i) retention valves on the hydraulic cylinders of the stabilizing legs and, retention and holding valves on the hydraulic cylinders of movable arm in order to avoid undesirable movements in the event of pressure loss in the hydraulic system;
k) stabilizer controls protected against inadvertent use, which return to their neutral positions when released by the operator and are located at the base of the crane, so that the operator can see the stabilizers moving;
j) selector valve, next to the stabilizers control, which in one position blocks the operation of the stabilizers and in other position blocks the movement control of the bucket(s);
k) system that prevents the operation of stabilizing legs without prior retraction of the movable arm to a safe transport position;
l) emergency operating system allowing the movement of arms and the rotation of tower in case of failure, except in the case provided for in paragraph “m”;
m) feature for emergency operating system allowing the movement of arms and the rotation of tower in case of rupture of hydraulic hoses;
n) stabilizing system, with slope indicator installed next to stabilizer controls on both sides to show if the equipment is positioned within the tilt limits permitted by the manufacturer;
o) load moment limiting system that automatically emits visual and audible warning alert and prevents the movement of load above the maximum capacity of the crane, as well as blocking the functions that increase the load moment when the load moment limit is reached.
p) grounding point on the lifting equipment;
q) mechanical and/or hydraulic system that allows the leveling of the basket, avoids tilting and ensures that the level of the basket does not fluctuates more than 5 degrees in relation to horizontal plane during the movement of the movable arm to which the basket is coupled.
3.2 The bucket or platform shall meet the following requirements:
a) They shall be sized and manufactured to support and accommodate the operator and support material essential to perform the service;
b) They shall have a fall protection system with a minimum height of 990 mm and meet other requirements of paragraphs “a”, “b”, “d”, “e” f item 12.70, items 12.71 and 12.71.1, and paragraphs “a”, “b”, “c” of item 12.73 of NR12;
c) have non-slip surface floor and drainage system whose openings do not allow the passage of a sphere with a diameter of 15 mm;
d) have step with non-slip surface to facilitate entry of the operator when the height between the level of access to the bucket and the ground is greater than 0,55m;
e) have edge with rounded corners.
3.3 For services on energized installations, grids and lines with voltages equal to or above 1000V, the bucket and the hoisting equipment shall be insulated with adequate level of insulation, categories A, B or C according to NBR 14631, and other collective protective measures shall be adopted to prevent the risk of electric shock in accordance with NR10.
3.4 For services on energized installations, grids and lines with voltages below 1000V, the bucket shall be insulated with adequate degree of insulation, and other collective protective measures shall be adopted to prevent the risk of electric shock in accordance with NR10.
3.5 For services in the vicinity of installations, grids and lines that are energized or with the possibility of accidental energization, where the workers can reach the controlled zone with any part of their bodies or with conductive extensions, the bucket shall be insulated with adequate degree of insulation, and other collective protective measures shall be adopted to prevent the risk of electric shock in accordance with NR10.
3.6 The work station of the crane equipment, together with the lower controls, shall not allow the operator to have contact with the ground during the execution of services in proximity to electric energy.
3.6.1 The work station shall be attached to the bottom of hoisting equipment or the chassis of the vehicle.
3.7 Crane equipments having more than one group of lower control shall have the means to prevent the unintentional operation of controls while one of the controls are being operated.
3.8 The superior controls of coupled basket with two buckets shall be positioned within the reach of the operators, without the need of disengaging safety harness.
3.9 The lower controls of the crane shall not be operated with workers in the bucket, except for in emergency situations or when the operation or activity so requires.
3.10 When the access to the bucket is through a door, it cannot be allowed opening outwards and shall have a locking system that prevents accidental opening.
3.11 Stabilizer system shall be used in accordance with the manufacturer’s guidelines to ensure the stability of crane/basket.
3.12 Coupled basket/crane shall be tested at 1.5 times the nominal load capacity to be applied on the center of the bucket in the position of maximum tipping moment, recorded in a test report.
3.13 Stabilizers with lateral extensions shall be designed to prevent stabilizing legs extending unintentionally and shall have mechanical stops or hydraulic cylinders to limit the maximum extension.
3.14 The buckets of coupled baskets shall have identification plate containing at least the following information:
a) company name and CNPJ of manufacturer or importer;
b) model;
c) date of manufacture;
d) nominal load capacity;
e) number of occupants;
f) any restrictions on use;
g) degree of electrical insulation of the bucket, if applicable.
3.15 The buckets shall have signs meeting the requirements of NR12, highlighting the nominal load capacity, number of occupants and the maximum voltage of use, if applicable.
4.1 In activities where it is technically impossible to use aerial work platform (AWP), aerial basket or coupled basket, and in which there is no possibility of contact or proximity to grids that are energized or with the possibility of energization, a suspended basket hoisted by a lifting equipment that meets the minimum requirements listed in this annex can be used, without prejudice to the provisions of other relevant Regulatory Standards and official technical standards relevant to the task.
4.2 The technical impossibility shall be proven by a technical report prepared by legally qualified professional and by issuing an Technical Responsibility Note (ART).
4.3 It is forbidden to lift people simultaneously with load, except for the tools, equipments and materials necessary for the execution of the task in a safe manner.
4.4 The tools, equipments and materials to be transported shall not have dimensions that may pose risks or cause discomfort to the workers.
4.5 The total weight of the workers, tools, equipments and materials shall not exceed the nominal load capacity of the bucket at any time.
4.6 The total weight of load, including the lifting hook, wire ropes, bucket, workers, tools and materials shall not exceed 50% of nominal load capacity of lifting equipment.
4.7 The use of suspended basket shall be formally planned, considering the following steps:
a) conducting risk analysis;
b) specification of the necessary materials and tools;
c) development of lifting plan for lifting people;
d) development of operational and emergency procedures;
e) issue of work permit for lifting people.
4.8 The suspended basket shall be used under the technical responsibility of an occupational safety engineer.
4.9 The operation of suspended basket shall be supervised by occupational safety engineer or occupational safety technician.
4.10 A qualified professional in lifting of loads shall be physically present during the operation from planning to completion.
4.11 The risk analysis of the operation shall provide basis for carrying out emergency operation to remove the workers from the bucket or platform to a safe place in case of a system failure.
4.12 The risk analysis shall consider possible interferences in the environment, in particular the operation of other lifting equipments, in this case, the simultaneous lifting or adoption of an anti-collision system shall be prevented when cranes are used.
4.13 Before lifting the workers in the suspended baskets, operational tests shall be carried out at each shift and after any change in the installation, configuration or operator of the lifting equipment.
4.14 Lifting tests shall be performed to evaluate the correct installation and configuration of the lifting equipment, the functioning of the safety systems, the load capacities and the existence of any dangerous interference.
4.15 In lifting test, the bucket shall be loaded with the intended load for lifting the workers and be moved to the position where the maximum load moment of the planned operations occurs.
4.16 Suspended basket shall be designed by legally qualified professional, containing the constructive specifications and calculations accompanied by the ART.
4.17 For sizing purposes, the nominal load shall be considered with the following safety factors:
a) five for structural elements of the bucket;
b) seven for suspension system with a single point of support;
c) five for suspension system with two or more point of support.
4.18 The bucket shall have:
a) minimum capacity of 136 kg;
b) fall protection system with a minimum height of 990 mm and meet other requirements of paragraphs “a”, “b”, “d”, “e” of item 12.70, items 12.71 and 12.71.1, and paragraphs “a”, “b”, “c” of item 12.73 of NR12;
c) non-slip surface floor and drainage system whose openings do not allow the passage of a sphere with a diameter of 15 mm;
d) structural group of at least floor and fall protection system made of metallic material;
e) anchoring point(s) for safety harnesses in any working position, which is(are) marked and sized according to number of occupants of the bucket and can withstand impact loads in case of fall;
f) inner fixed bar at a minimum height of 990 mm, with a minimum internal projection of 50 mm from the upper edge of fall protection system for the support and protection of the hands and capable of withstanding the stresses mentioned in paragraph “g” of this item;
g) door that does not open outwards and has a locking system that prevent accidental opening.
4.19 The bucket shall have an indelible, easily visible identification plate affixed in its interior, with at least the following information:
a) identification of the manufacturer;
b) date of manufacture;
c) Load capacity of the bucket by weight and number of occupants;
d) model and identification number of the bucket that allows project traceability;
e) weight of the empty suspended basket (bucket and suspension system).
4.20 Whenever the suspended basket is subjected to modifications that result in change of information in the identification plate, it must be updated.
4.21 Suspended basket can only be hoisted by means of steel wire rope, with identification tag or system for identification and tracing provided by INMETRO – Conformity Assessment Regulation for General Use Steel Wire, Ordinance INMETRO/MDIC No.176, 16/06/2009.
4.22 The use of chains, ropes of natural or synthetic fibers in lifting and/or supporting suspended baskets is prohibited.
4.23 Suspension system shall minimize the slope due to lifting personnel in the bucket and shall not allow slope of more than ten degrees off the horizontal plane.
4.24 Suspension systems shall not be used for other purposes and meet the following requirements:
a) Mechanically spliced wire rope suspension system shall be designed with thimbles, and the use of clamps, wedge sockets or knots is prohibited:
b) the suspension system with end connections of sockets shall be designed according to the manufacturer’s instructions;
c) all sling suspension systems shall use a main connection for attachment to the hoist hook of the lifting equipment or to the shackle with nut and counter-pin;
d) loads shall be evenly distributed between the suspension system support points;
e) wire ropes (eye splices) for suspending the bucket shall have identified nominal load;
f) shackles, if used in suspension system, shall be nut and cotter pin type;
g) There shall be a reserve element between the hoist hook and the slings of the suspension system in order to guarantee the continuity of the suspension in case of rupture of the first element;
h) hooks shall be equipped with safety lathes and distortion system;
i) wire ropes and their connections shall meet the requirements of NBR 11900 – Ends of steel wire ropes.
4.25 When the risk analysis indicates the need for stabilization of the bucket by an external auxiliary system, this must be done through non-conductive material and the use of natural fibers is prohibited.
4.26 Lifting equipment for lifting people in suspended basket shall have at least:
a) anemometer that emits visual and audible warning alert for the operator of equipment when wind speed equal to or greater than 35 km/h is detected;
b) indicators for operating angels and radius of the boom, with automatic movement limiting device (load moment limiting device), which emit a visual and audible warning alerts automatically and prevent lifting above the maximum capacity of the crane;
c) indicators for the longitudinal and transverse levels;
d) hook height limiter that stops the lifting of load hook when it reaches the height previously adjusted;
e) traction device for raising and lowering the hook that prevents the free fall of the bucket or platform
f) hooks with identification and safety latches;
g) electrical grounding;
h) hydraulic valves on all hydraulic cylinders in order to avoid undesirable movement in case fof pressure loss in the hydraulic system, when using cranes.
i) controls that must return to their neutral positions when released by the operator;
j) emergency stop device;
k) velocity limiter that limits the vertical movement speed of suspended basket in order to ensure that it remains at a maximum of 30 meters per minute (30m/min);
4.27 If tower crane is used, it shall have at least:
a) maximum moment limiter through a safety system monitored by safety interface;
b) maximum load limiter to stop lifting device, through safety system monitored by safety interface;
c) travel limiter at both ends of crane boom, through safety system monitored by safety interface;
d) load hook height limiter that allows safe breaking, through safety system monitored by safety interface;
e) audible alarm to be triggered by the operator in situations of risk and warning, as well as automatic activation when the load or moment limiter becomes active;
f) plates indicating the permissible load along the boom, as specified by the manufacturer;
g) obstruction light (pilot lamp);
h) safety latch on load hook;
i) guide wires for attaching safety line to access the tower, boom and counter-boom;
j) rotation limiter, when the tower crane does not have an electrical collector;
k) anemometer that emits visual and audible warning alert for the operator of equipment when wind speed equal to or greater than 35 km/h is detected;
l) device installed on the pulleys to prevent the accidental escape of wire rope;
m) travel limiter for crane movement on trails, through safety system monitored by safety interface;
n) travel limiter for boom movement – mandatory item for movable or retractable boom cranes.
o) electrical grounding;
p) emergency stop device;
q) velocity limiter that limits the vertical movement speed of suspended basket in order to ensure that it remains at a maximum of 30 meters per minute (30m/min);
4.28 Immediately before lifting, it is mandatory to:
a) hold a safety meeting on the operations with those involved, covering the activities to be developed, the work process, the risks and protective measures according to risk analysis, set out in a document to be filed with legible name and signatures of the participants;
b) perform a visual inspection of suspended basket;
c) check radio operation;
d) confirm that the signs are known to all personnel involved in the operation.
4.29 The safety meeting should instruct all staff, among others involved in the operation, about at least the following hazards:
a) impact of external structures on the platform;
b) unexpected movement of the platform;
c) fall from height;
d) other specific hazards associated with lifting operation.
4.30 The work team consists of the occupant(s) of the basket, the operator of the lifting equipment, the designated signalman and the operation supervisor.
4.31 The bucket, suspension system and anchorage points shall be inspected at least once a day by a trained worker before use. The inspection shall include at least the items in Checklist 1 of this annex, those indicated by the manufacturer and by legally qualified professional responsible for the use of the basket.
4.32 Any hazardous conditions shall be corrected before prior to lifting people.
4.33 The inspections shall be registered in specific documents, and electronic means can be adopted.
4.34 The work teams shall carry radio communicator operating in a safe and exclusive range.
4.35 The occupants of the basket shall carry a radio communicator for the operation and an additional radio in the basket.
4.36 There shall be permanent communication between the occupants of basket and the operator.
4.37 If the communication between the occupant of the basket and the crane operator is interrupted, the movement of the basket shall be stopped until the communication is restored.
4.38 Hand signals shall follow international rules and additional signals can be created, provided that they are known by the team and don’t conflict with those already established by international law.
4.39 Plates or posters containing the representation of the hand signals shall be visibly located in the bucket and at any place where the movement of suspended basket is being controlled and signaled.
4.40 At least one of the workers among the occupants of the basket shall be trained in hand signals.
4.41 It is forbidden to work during lighting storms or in adverse weather conditions or any other meteorological condition that may affect the safety of workers.
4.42 When using suspended baskets, the distance from the energized grids shall be guaranteed.
5. The safety systems provided for in this annex shall meet the safety performance by combining components of different technologies (e.g: mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic and electronic), and by selecting the category of each component taking into account the technology used.
6. All documentation provided for in this annex shall be available at the disposal of labor inspectors, representatives of the Internal Commission for Accident Prevention (CIPA) and the representatives of the Trade Unions, and shall be filed for a minimum period of 5 years.
7. Transfer Basket approved by the Brazilian Navy’s Ports and Coasts Directorate (DPC) shall be used for specific transshipment operations on offshore platforms.
7.1 The work team shall be trained in Basic Platform Safety Course (NORMAM 24) and wear a life jacket.
7.2 Procedures for vessel suitability, deck clearance and environmental conditions shall be carried out.
8. Maintenance services of energized installations of power lines and bus-bars energized for potential work shall meet the safety requirements of NR10.