Table of radii for delimitation of risk, controlled and free zones.
Nominal voltage range of the electrical installation in kV | Rr – Delimitation radius between risk and controlled zone in meters | Rc – Delimitation radius between controlled and free zone in meters |
<1 | 0,20 | 0,70 |
³1 e <3 | 0,22 | 1,22 |
³3 e <6 | 0,25 | 1,25 |
³6 e <10 | 0,35 | 1,35 |
³10 e <15 | 0,38 | 1,38 |
³15 e <20 | 0,40 | 1,40 |
³20 e <30 | 0,56 | 1,56 |
³30 e <36 | 0,58 | 1,58 |
³36 e <45 | 0,63 | 1,63 |
³45 e <60 | 0,83 | 1,83 |
³60 e <70 | 0,90 | 1,90 |
³70 e <110 | 1,00 | 2,00 |
³110 e <132 | 1,10 | 3,10 |
³132 e <150 | 1,20 | 3,20 |
³150 e <220 | 1,60 | 3,60 |
³220 e <275 | 1,80 | 3,80 |
³275 e <380 | 2,50 | 4,50 |
³380 e <480 | 3,20 | 5,20 |
³480 e <700 | 5,20 | 7,20 |
Figure 1 – Distances in the air that radially delimit the risk, controlled and free zones.

Figure 2 – Distances in the air that radially delimit the risk, controlled and free zones, with adequate physical separation.

CZ = Controlled zone, restricted to authorized workers.
RZ = Risk zone, restricted to authorized workers with the adoption of techniques, instruments and equipment appropriate to the job.
EI = Point of energized installation.
IS = Insulating surface built with resistant material and equipped with all safety devices.
The standard establishes minimum risk and controlled areas, by creating the “risk zone”, “controlled zone”, and other areas outside these zones, called “free zone”, as shown in Figure 1. This Annex II underlies items 10.6.2, 10.7.1, 10.7.7 and 10.8.9.