Annex II of NR-1 Guidelines and Minimum Requirements for the Use of Semi-Presencial and Online Learning

1. Objective;
2. General provisions.
3. Pedagogical structuring.
4. Operational and administrative requirements
5. Technological requirements
6. Glossary

1. Objective

1.1 Establishing guidelines and minimum requirements for the use of semi-presencial and online learning for the training provided in the NR, regulating both aspects related to pedagogical structuring and requirements related to the operational, technological and administrative conditions necessary for the use of this type of teaching.

2. General provisions

2.1 Employers who choose to provide training through semi-presencial and online learning may develop all the training themselves or contract a specialized company or institution to provide it, and in both cases they shall comply with the requirements set out in this Annex and in NR-01.

2.1.1 The company or specialized institution offering the training provided for in the NR in the form of semi-presencial and online learning shall meet the requirements set out in this Annex and in NR-01 in order for its certificates to be considered valid.

2.2 Employers who choose to use the services of a specialized company or institution shall include in the documentation formalizing the provision of services the obligation of the service provider to meet the requirements set out in this Annex and in the items relating to training set out in the NRs.

2.3 Semi-presencial or online training shall be of at least the same duration as the corresponding classroom training.

2.4 The program content shall cover the required learning topics and respect the workload established for all content.

2.5 The mandatory practical activities shall comply with the guidelines set out in the NR and shall be described in the pedagogical project of the course.

3. Pedagogical structuring

3.1 Whenever semi-presencial or online learning is used, it is mandatory to prepare a pedagogical project that includes:

a) general objective of the training;
b) principles and concepts for the protection of the health and safety of workers, as defined in the NR;
c) pedagogical strategy of the training, including theoretical and practical approaches, if any;
d) identification of the technical person responsible for the training;
e) list of instructors, if any;
f) infrastructure for operational support and control;
g) theoretical and practical program content, if any;
h) objective of each module;
i) workload;
j) estimated minimum daily commitment to the course;
k) maximum time limit for completion of the training;
l) target audience;
m) teaching material;
n) learning tools; and
o) learning assessment.

3.2 The pedagogical project of the course shall be validated every two (2) years or when there is a change in the NR, and revised as necessary.

4. Operational and administrative requirements

4.1 The employer shall make the pedagogical project available to the Labour Inspectorate, to the trade union representative of the category in the company and to the Internal Commission for the Prevention of Accidents and Harassment (CIPA).

4.1.1 The specialized company or institution shall make the pedagogical project available to the client.

4.2 All the teaching materials necessary for the training shall be made available to the workers in accordance with item 3.1 of this Annex.

4.3 Resources and an environment that promote the concentration and absorption of knowledge by the worker shall be made available to carry out the training.

4.4 The training session shall be used exclusively for this purpose so that it does not interfere with the daily work activities. A communication channel shall be maintained to clarify and resolve doubts, and this channel shall be operational during the training session.

4.6 The verification of learning shall be carried out in accordance with the pedagogical strategy adopted for the training, and shall establish a classification as satisfactory or unsatisfactory.

4.6.1 The assessment of learning shall be carried out through the application of the test in a face-to-face format, thus obtaining a record of the employee’s signature, or in a digital format, requiring their identification and password.

4.6.2 When the learning assessment is carried out online, the conditions of traceability shall be maintained in order to guarantee the reliability of the process.

4.6.3 The learning assessment process shall include practical situations that represent the worker’s work routine for appropriate decision making with a view to preventing work-related accidents and illnesses.

4.7 At the end of the training course, companies shall record its completion and maintain the results of the learning assessments and information on participants’ access records (logs).

4.7.1 Participant access records (logs) shall be retained for a minimum of 2 (two) years after the end of the course.

5. Technological requirements

5.1 Only training courses carried out in semi-presencial or online learning that are carried out in a Virtual Learning Environment appropriate for management, transmission of knowledge and learning of content shall be valid.

6. Glossary

Dedicated environment: a physical space, separate from the workplace, that provides the learner with the technological resources needed to complete the course and the comfort conditions required for learning.

Virtual Learning Environment (VLE): a virtual learning space that provides conditions for continuous (synchronous and asynchronous) interaction between its users. It can be translated as a “classroom” accessible through the Web. It makes it possible to integrate different media, languages and resources, to present information in an organized way, to develop interactions between people and objects of knowledge, to develop and socialize productions in order to achieve certain objectives.

Learning assessment: aims to measure the knowledge acquired by the worker and the degree of acquisition after the training.

Online education: according to Decree No. 9.057/2017, online education is characterized as an educational modality in which didactic-pedagogical mediation in teaching and learning processes takes place with the use of information and communication media and technologies, with students and teachers developing educational activities in different places or times.

Semi-presencial teaching: combining compulsory face-to-face activities with other educational activities that can be carried out without the physical presence of the participant in the classroom, using teaching resources supported by technology, printed materials and/or other means of communication.

Pedagogical project: a tool for designing the teaching-learning process. It should record the learning objective, the pedagogical strategy chosen for the training and qualification of workers, as well as all the information involved in the process.

Learning tools: resources, tools, dynamics and communication technologies that aim to make the teaching-learning process more effective.

Log: computerized record of access to the system.

For example: access log: access record; login: entry record; logoff: exit record.