NR-1 – General Provisions and Occupational Risk Management

NR-1 sets out general provisions and guidelines for managing occupational risks. This regulation has undergone several revisions over the years, and the latest one was published in March 2020, with a deferred effective date of Marh 2021. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the implementation of the new standard was postponed to January 2022.

NR-1 was first issued in 1978, based on articles 154 to 159 of the CLT. It underwent four revisions until 2019, the last one decided by the CTPP. The revision aimed to harmonize the it with the ISO 45001 and other international standards. The revised text was approved by consensus in December 2019 and published in March 2020, with a deferred entry into force in March 2021.

NR-1 applies to all employers and workers in Brazil, regardless of the size, nature or location of the establishment. It provides different treatment for micro and small enterprises, as well as for low-risk activities, such as simplified risk assessment and declaration of inexistence of risks.

NR-1 – General Provisions and Occupational Risk Management
(MTE Ordinance No. 1419, of August 27, 2024)

Annex I Terms and Definitions

Annex II Guidelines and Minimum Requirements for the Use of Distance and Semi-Presencial Education

More on NR-1