Annex II of Resolution 384/06 – Temporary Domestic Housing License Agreement

The competent environmental organ…………………………………………. , entity ………………………………………………………….., through……………………………………………………….., hereby named as ……………………………………….and Mr./Mrs/Miss………………………………………………..(nationality, civil state, profession, ID, Social Security Nr., full address) hereby named TEMPORARY HOST, sign the present Temporary Domestic Housing License, according to the following clauses and conditions:


The TEMPORARY HOST declares that he/she will house the following wild animals that are under his/her care, according to the provisions of CONAMA Resolution 384 from 2006:

Scientific name/family/order:
Popular name:
Marking (type and number):
Distinguishing marks:

Paragraph One. The TEMPORARY HOST hereby accepts the obligation to house and care the above mentioned wild specimen(s), through adequate management, to minimize the captivation suffering and return it/them to the competent environmental whenever requested.

Paragraph Two. The TEMPORARY HOST is hereby bound to avoid the reproduction of the animal(s) under his/her care and to inform the competent environmental organ, within thirty days, on the eventual birth of offspring(s) in order to allow for applicable measures.

Paragraph Three. The TEMPORARY HOST is aware that he/she is not allowed to change the housing location, or destination, of the animal(s) that have been placed under his/her care.

Paragraph Four. The transportation of the above mentioned animal(s), due to a change of residence address of the TEMPORARY HOST, will only be allowed if it has been approved and licensed by the competent environmental organ.

Paragraph Five. The TEMPORARY HOST is committed to deliver the wild fauna specimen under his/her care whenever requested by the competent environmental organ, for conservation purposes.


IBAMA acknowledges the TEMPORARY HOST(S) of the wild specimen(s) stated in Clause One in accordance with the National Registry number ____________.

The TEMPORARY HOST is committed to:
I – house and provide the necessary care for the wellbeing of the housed specimen;
II – deliver the wild fauna specimen placed under his/her care whenever requested by the competent environmental organ;
III – not change the housing location of the specimen, including the housing address, unless he/she has been specifically authorized by the competent environmental organ or if he/she has been ordered to do so through a legal judicial order, and excluding cases of duly proved theft and force majeure which must be communicated to the competent environmental organ within five workdays from the date of the occurrence;
IV – Inform the competent environmental organ, within five workdays, if the animal has eloped from the housing location;
V – guarantee the security and tranquility of his/her neighbors and passerby’s and take responsibility for any damages caused by the animal to a third party;
VI – pay for all expenses related to the specimen including possible damages caused by the temporary housing of the animal and foregoes all rights to compensation from the competent environmental organ;
VII – Provide information on the condition(s) of the housed animal whenever requested by the competent environmental organ and to regularize any liabilities verified during inspections or any other procedure within the fixed deadline;
VIII – allow and facilitate surveys and inspections undertaken by SISNAMA organs;
IX – if the housed specimen is stolen he/she must report the occurrence to the respective public safety organ and forward a copy of the report to the competent environmental organ within five workdays;
X – forward a specimen death report, issued by a licensed veterinary doctor, to the competent environmental organ within thirty days after the death of the animal accompanied by the individual marking such as: nose ring, earing or any other type of marking;
XI – not to use the specimen under his/her care for any activity that may damage it, nor submit it to any exposure without the previous and specific authorization issued by the competent environmental organ;
XII – not to increase his/her animal stock with any illegally acquired wild fauna animal(s);
XIII – forward to the competent environmental organ yearly veterinary reports with actualized information on the specimen’s life conditions;
XIV – allow the forwarding of dead animals to universities and other research centers;
XV – not breach, change, substitute or remove the individual marking without previous authorization by the competent environmental organ;
XVI – not erase or change the Temporary Domestic Housing License;
XVII-maintain the Temporary Domestic Housing License accessible and in good maintenance conditions;
XVIII – request a new “Temporary Domestic Housing License” from the competent environmental organ within five workdays if the document is lost or rendered unusable.

The duration of this Agreement is not determined but is conditioned to the demands set by CONAMA Resolution 384 from 2006.

It is the duty of IBAMA and of other SISNAMA organs to inspect and monitor the compliance with the provisions set by this Temporary Domestic Housing License.

Single paragraph. The control and monitoring of the terms contained in this Temporary Domestic Housing License is the duty of the competent environmental organ which will append and register any occurrence related to the housing of the specimen(s) listed in Clause One to the administrative process records.

The lack of compliance with any of the obligations of this License Agreement will lead to its termination and the apprehension of the specimen(s) without prejudice to any other penalties and sanctions foreseen by pertinent current legislation.

The agreeing parties will sign three equal copies of the legally binding present Agreement/License in the presence of witnesses who legitimize the Agreement with their signatures.

Place and Date
Signature / Responsible SISNAMA

Official: _______________

WITNESSES: ____________________