Annex I of Resolution 294/01 – Selective Logging/Cutting Application – RCS

His/Hers Excellence Mr./Mrs./Ms. State Superintendent of the Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources – IBAMA/SC,, the undersigned, residing at ___________________ District of __________________________________, Municipality of ____________________, State _______, nationality ____________________________, profession______________________, civil state___________, CPF number__________ ID/Issued By/State ______________________________ hereby requests from Your Excellence a License for the Selective Logging/Cutting that will be undertaken within his/her property, according to the specifications listed below:

1 – Property name;
2 – Location;
3 – Property area (ha);
4 – Selective logging/cutting area (ha);
5 – Legal Reserve area (ha);
6 – Stock in the seedling bank of tem thousand individuals per hectare, comprising natural regeneration;
7 – Required stock for selective logging/cutting , in number of individuals and corresponding diametric class;
8 – Preservation of a minimum of fifty fruit bearing palmito trees per hectare, identified and dispersedly distributed throughout the exploitation area and which compose the matrix plant or seed-bearing stock which allows for the re- composition of the population and the protection of fauna threatened with extinction;
9 – Natural regeneration induction and/or enrichment methodology;
10 – Undertaker/responsible professional (name, full address, CGC or CPF, profession, IBSAMA registration number, registration number in the competent professional council and visa number/region, if applicable);
11 – Executor/responsible professional (name, full address, CGC or CPF, profession, IBAMA registration number, registration number in the competent professional council and visa number/region, if applicable).

The following documentation has been added in order to complete the required information:

  1. a)  Actualized property deed;
  2. b)  Payment of Rural Territorial Tax (ITR) for the previous year;
  3. c)  Property sketch;
  4. d)  Sketch on property access in relation to the Municipality where it is located;
  5. e)  Layout of natural regeneration allotments and sub-allotments.
  6. f)  Under these terms, requests approval.

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