CONAMA Resolution 2/90

CONAMA RESOLUTION 2, March 8, 1990
Published in Official Gazette 63 on April 2, 1990, Section 1, page 6408
Establishes provisions for the National Program for the Education and Control of Sound Pollution <<SILÊNCIO>>.

The NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT COUNCIL – CONAMA, in the use of the power bestowed upon the Council by Item I, § 2 of art. 8 of its Internal Regulations and item I of art. 8 of Law 6.938 from Aug. 31, 1981, and

Considering that sound pollution related problems have worsened throughout time within urban areas and that excessive sound is a threat to health, public wellbeing and to the quality of life;

Considering that human beings are increasingly subjected to environmentally aggressive sound conditions and that they have the safeguarded right to environmental comfort;

Considering that the uncontrolled demographic growth of urban centers implies the increase of different sound pollution sources;

Considering that it is of paramount importance to introduce standards, methods and actions aimed at the control of excessive noise which may pose a threat to the health and wellbeing of the population, decides:

Art 1 To institute, on a national level, the National Program for the Education and Control of Sound Pollution – SILÊNCIO for the following objectives:

a) Promote professional courses in states and municipalities throughout the Country in order to empower personnel and control the problems related to sound pollution ;
b) Inform the population, through available existing means of communication, educational materials and promote awareness related to the prejudicial effects caused by excessive noises;
c) Introduce the concept “sound pollution” into the curriculums of secondary level courses of the private and public educational networks through a National Education Plan;
d) Provide incentives for the manufacturing and use of machines, engines, equipment’s and devices that produce lower levels of sound when used by the industry, vehicles in general, civil construction, domestic utilities, etc.
e) Provide incentives for the empowerment of human resources and technical and logistic support within the civil and military police forces in order to allow for the reception of complaints and take action in order to combat sound pollution with the entire National Territory;
f) Sign agreements, contracts and undertake joint activities with the organs and entities that, directly or indirectly, may contribute to the development of the SILÊNCIO Program.

Art. 2 The SILÊNCIO Program will be coordinated by the Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA) and will include the participation of Executive Power Ministries, state and municipal environmental organs and other interested entities.

Art. 3 General Provisions:

  • It is the duty of IBAMA to coordinate the SILÊNCIO Program;
  • It is the duty of states and municipalities to establish and implement state programs on education and control of sound pollution, in harmony with the contents of the SILÊNCIO Program;
  • It is the duty of states and municipalities to define sub-regions and implementation areas foreseen by the SILÊNCIO Program;
  • Whenever necessary, the maximum levels of emission may be more rigorous, both on State and Municipal levels.
  • This Program may be subjected to revisions at any given time in order to address the needs for environmental quality.

Art. 4 This Resolution shall enter into effect on the date of its publication.

JOSÉ CARLOS CARVALHO – Acting Executive Secretary