CONAMA RESOLUTION 272, September 14, 2000 Published in Official Gazette 7 on January 7, 2001, Section 1, page 24
· Changes CONAMA Resolution 1/93 (changes art. 2 and §§ 2 and 3 of art. 7) and establishes new limits for vehicles manufactures from January 2001 (table 1 of CONAMA Resolution 1/93)
Establishes limits for noises caused by the acceleration process in national and imported vehicles, except motorcycles, scooters, mopeds and similar vehicles.
The NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT COUNCIL – CONAMA, in the use of the power bestowed upon the Council by Laws 6.938 from Aug. 31, 1981, regulated by Decree 99.274 from June 6, 1990 and alterations and in light of its Internal Regulations, and,
Considering that excessive noise is hazardous to physical and mental health and has a particularly negative effect on hearing;
Considering the need to reduce sound pollution within urban centers according to the provisions set by CONAMA Resolutions 1 from Feb. 11, 1993; 8 from Aug. 31, 1993; 17 from Dec. 13, 1995 and 252 from Jan. 7, 1999;
Considering that roadway motor vehicles are the main source of environmental noise;
Considering that the use of adequate and acknowledged technologies allows for the control of sound pollution;
Considering the objectives set by the National program for the Education and Control of Sound Pollution – “SILÊNCIO”, decides:
Art. 1 To establish maximum noise limits for vehicles in acceleration, both national and imported, manufactured from the date of enforcement of this Resolution, except for motorcycles, scooters, mopeds, bicycles with auxiliary engines and similar vehicles.
§ 1 The maximum noise levels emitted by accelerating vehicles as defined by the Table contained in this Resolution, for both national and imported vehicles, will be enforced according to the following schedule.
I – Class “a’ motor vehicles:
a) a minimum of 40% of all national and imported vehicles manufactured from January 1, 2002;
b) a minimum of 80% of all national and imported vehicles manufactured from January 1, 2004; and
c) 100% of all national and imported vehicles manufactured from January 1, 2006.
II – Class “b”, “c” and “d” motor vehicles:
a) a minimum of 40% of all national and imported vehicles manufactured from January 1, 2005; e
b) 100% of all national and imported vehicles manufactured from January 1, 2006.
§ 2 Cases when it impossible to comply with the percentages established by items I and II of the previous paragraph will be assessed by the Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA).
§ 3 The percentages mentioned in items I and II of § 1 refer to production volumes by manufacturer or importer.

Vehicle designation according to NBR-6 067
TGW: Total Gross Weight
Power: Maximum effective fluid power (NBR/ISO 1585)
§ 4 Vehicles equipped with more than one traction axle, in permanent operation or not, the maximum rates will be increased by 1 dB(A) for vehicles provided with engines with power under 150 kW and; 2 dB(A) for vehicles provided with engines with power equal to or above 15 kW (2º4 hp).
Art. 2 Manufacturers, their legal representatives or importers must request a Statement of Compliance with the noise limits from IBAMA, according to the provisions contained in the annex of this Resolution, after forwarding the noise tests for each master configuration to IBAMA accompanied by a copy of the Revenue Collection document (DR) – Environmental Control fees.
Art. 3 The tyres used during the tests will be selected by the vehicle manufacturer and must be available in the open market; correspond to one of the measure designations according to NBR-6087 and NBR-6088, assigned to the vehicle by its manufacturer through annex A, item 8.4 of CONAMA Resolution 1 from Feb. 11, 1993, and comply with the requirements related to the depth of tire threads according to CONTRAN Resolution 558 or its substitutions. The tyres must be calibrated with the pressures that have been foreseen for the vehicle mass during the test period.
Art. 4 Vehicles manufactured exclusively for the military sector, competition, agricultural machines, roadway machines and other special uses, as well as those that are not used for urban and/or roadway transportation, are exempted from the demands established by this Resolution.
Art. 5 Art. 2 and §§ 2 and 3 of art. 7 of Resolution 1 from Feb. 11, 1993, will be enforced according to the following text:
“Art. 2 Noise measurement tests undertaken for all purposes of this Resolution must be performed according to Brazilian standards NBR-8433 (1995) – Roadway vehicles in acceleration; and NBR-9714 (1999) – Roadway motor vehicles – noise emitted while running but still, in relation to the measurement of noise in near the exhaust. The hardware used for the noise measurement test levels must be calibrated by INMETRO or another laboratory accredited by the Brazilian Calibration Network (RBC) and the test location must be inspected by IBAMA in before a Conformity Verification Declaration can be issued.
Art. 7
§ 2 If the sound level of a tested vehicle does not exceed more than 1 dB(A) of the established limits the vehicle model will be considered as meeting the provisions of this Resolution.
§ 3 If the tested vehicle does not meet the requirements of the previous paragraph a further two vehicles of the same model must be tested. If the sound levels of the second or third tested vehicles exceeds the limit rated by more than 1 dB(A) he vehicle model will be considered as lacking compliance with the provisions set by the present Resolution and the manufacturer must undertake the necessary measure in order to re-establish conformity.”
Art. 6 Omitted cases in this Resolution will be deliberated by IBAMA.
Art. 7 This Resolution shall enter into effect on the date of its publication.