CONAMA RESOLUTION 2, February 11, 1993
Published in Official gazette 31 on Feb. 15, 1993, Section 1, pages 2041-2044
· Changed by CONAMA Resolution 268/00 (art. 2 §1 changed)
Establishes maximum limit levels for noises created by vehicles while running but still or in acceleration such as motorcycles, scooters, motorized tricycles, mopeds, bicycles with auxiliary engines and similar vehicles, national or imported.
The NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT COUNCIL – CONAMA, in the use of the power bestowed upon the Council by Laws 6.938 from Aug. 31, 1981, 8.028, from April 12, 1990, 8.490 from November 19, 1992, Decree 99.274 from June 6, 1990 and in light of its Internal Regulations, and
Considering that excessive noise is a physical and mental health hazard and in particular in relation to hearing;
Considering the need to reduce sound pollution within urban centers;
Considering that street/roadway motor vehicles are the main sources of noise in the environment;
Considering that the implementation of acknowledged technologies can help to control sound pollution;
Considering the objectives of the National Program for the Education and Control of Sound Pollution – “SILÊNCIO”, decides:
Art.1 To establish maximum noise limits for national and imported vehicles, except motorcycles, scooters, tricycles, mopeds and bicycles with auxiliary engines and similar vehicles, both while running but still and during acceleration.
§ 1 The noise limits for nationally produced vehicles for national market purposes will enter into effect for accelerating vehicles according to the below schedule and brand:
a) 1st Phase (except mopeds and motorized scooters):
a.1) all new releases from July 10, 1994;
a.2) a minimum 60 % of vehicles produced from Jan. 1st, 1996;
a.3) a minimum 80 % of vehicles produced from Jan. 1st, 1997;
a.4) 100% of vehicles produced from Jan. 1st, 1998.
b) 1st Phase – only valid for mopeds:
b.1) all new releases from July 1st, 1994;
b.2) 100% of vehicles produced from Jan. 1st, 1996;
c) 1st Phase – only valid for motorized scooters;
– all vehicles produced from July 1st, 1993.
d) 2nd Phase:
– all vehicles produced from Jan. 1st, 2001.
Category | Noise level 1st phase dB(A) | Noise level 2nd phase dB(A) |
Up to 80 cm3 | 77 | 75 |
81 cm3 to 125 cm3 | 80 | 77 |
126 cm3 to 175 cm3 | 81 | 77 |
176 cm3 to 350 cm3 | 82 | 80 |
Above 350 cm3 | 83 | 80 |
§ 2 The first phase for all imported vehicles will be enforced from July 1st, 1993 according to the maximum noise limits for vehicles in acceleration established by this article. The maximum noise levels for the second phase will be enforced from January 1st, 1998.
§ 3 The maximum noise levels established by this article must be respected during the entire warranty period according to the conditions specified and granted by the manufacturer and/or the importer.
§ 4 The eventual impossibility to comply with the percentages established by the schedule will be subjected to specific IBAMA assessment.
§ 5 The level of noise while running but still , is the rate of reference of the new vehicle collected during the verification process. Tis rate, added by 3 (three) dB A, is the maximum limit for inspections related to vehicles in circulation.
§ 6 IBAMA must be provided with, from July 1, 1993, two copies stating the level of noise of vehicles running but still measured near the exhaust, according to NBR-9714, for all produced vehicles in order to allow for the inspection of vehicles in circulation.
Art. 2 The noise measurement testes performed for all purposes of this Resolution must be made in accordance with the Brazilian standards NBR-8433 – Noise Produced by Accelerating Motor Vehicles – Test Method and
NBR-9714 – Noise Produced by Running but Still Motor Vehicles – Test Method, and according to measurements performed near the exhaust.
§ 1. Noise levels in accelerating vehicles, measured according to NBR 8433 must also take into consideration all changes established by Directive CEE 87/56 from December 18, 1985, issued by the European Economic Community.
§ 1o For mopeds, the test and monitoring practices may be made according to Chapter 9 of Directive 97/24/EC issued by the European Economic Community as an alternative method to that established by this Resolution. (new text provided by Resolution 268/00)
§ 2 Vehicles equipped with a variable ratio transmission system must be tested through the same method as vehicles equipped with automatic gear boxes that cannot be changed into manual.
§ 3 The positioning of the microphone for the measurement of noise near the exhaust, according to NBR-9714, must be performed through the use of the gauge described in annex D.
Art. 3o The exhaust system must be projected, manufactured, assembled and installed in the vehicle in order to be able to adequately withstand vibration and corrosion to which the vehicle is normally exposed and allow for full compliance with provisions established by this Resolution under normal usage conditions. Exhaust systems that use fibrous materials cannot contain any asbestos and may only be used if equipped with appropriate devices that keep these materials in the their location during the entire life of the silencer. The above mentioned exhaust systems must also comply with the following measures in order to uphold full compliance with the maximum noise levels established by this Resolution:
a) preparation of fibrous material in order to avoid any direct contact with exhaust gases, or
b) in the case of direct contact of exhaust gases with the fibrous materials, the exhaust system must be subjected to specific preparations before the performance of vehicle verification tests, through the simulation of normal usage conditions, according to annex C, or through the simple removal of fibrous materials from the silencer.
Art. 4 The main components of the exhaust system must possess non-delectable markings that identify the manufacturer through its commercial brand.
Art. 5 The vehicle manufacturer, his/her legal representative or the importer must undertake the testing of the representative production prototype before the start of production or before the importation of vehicles.
§ 1 The person responsible for the testing of the prototype must have a specialized and empowered team at his/her disposal and keep an actualized archive containing all documentation related to performed and ongoing tests. The Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources ( IBAMA) must be provided with the name and full address of the individual responsible for prototype test verifications and regarding any possible changes and actualizations.
§ 2 The establishment of noise levels for vehicles belonging to one and the same brand model may be performed through the testing of one single vehicle, considering the family master configuration and in accordance with the technical criteria specified in annex A..
§ 3 The inspection test reports related to prototype vehicle of all brand models and their respective master configurations must contain annex A of this Resolution and be forwarded to IBAMA before the production start date and/or enforcement dates for the respective maximum noise limits.
§ 4 Reports and tests undertaken outside of Brazil may be accepted at the discretion of IBAMA if it is not possible to perform prototype inspection tests within Brazil.
Art. 6 The inspection of prototypes is only valid for the respective model and year of production. However, vehicles that contain the same configuration as those previously verified/inspected, characterized by the respective annexes and under the same demands, it is allowed to use the same results and data and the manufacturer of the vehicle, or his/her legal representative or the importer(s) will assume full responsibility for the continuity of previously approved vehicle specifications.
Art. 7 In order to verify vehicle production conformity with the provisions set by this Resolution, the responsible for this verification may select random production line vehicle samples in order to perform tests, or vehicles from commercialization stocks.
§ 1 It is considered a sample a vehicle tested according to the standards established by article 2 of this Resolution;
§ 2 If the initially tested vehicle does not comply with sound emission limit tests must be performed on a larger number of vehicles agreed jointly by the manufacturer and IBAMA and limited to thirty five units with the same configuration and including the initially tested vehicle.
§ 3 Manufacturing will be considered in harmony with limits if it is performed according to:

X = arithmetical medium of obtained results, in all vehicles;
k = statistical factor established in Table 2;
n = number of sample vehicles;
Xi = each and every result reached according toNBR-8433;
Li = Maximum established noise level limits.
Table 1 – Statistical Factors
n | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 |
k | 0,421 | 0,376 | 0,342 | 0,317 | 0,296 | 0,279 | 0,265 | 0,253 | 0,242 | 0,233 | 0,224 | 0,216 | 0,210 | 0,203 | 0,198 |
Note: If n ≥≥ 20 ,

Art. 8 Vehicle manufacturers or their legal representative or importers must provide a statistical report on the production line for each model/series master configuration. The report must be issued up to the fifth month after the start of commercialization of importation, and thereafter annually, and must contain noise levels according to NBR-8433 and/or NBR-9714, at the discretion of the manufacturer, from vehicles randomly chosen and uniformly distributed during the corresponding report period. The reports must be archived during a two year period and kept at the disposal of IBAMA.
Single paragraph. The manufacturer may choose to use another quality production alternative method as long as it has been approved by IBAMA and with proved correlation with the noise levels emitted by the vehicle.
Art. 9 The vehicle manufacturer or his/her legal representative or importer(s) that find and spontaneously correct any non-conformity in the production of commercialized vehicles must inform IBAMA and forward a report on the adopted corrective measures.
Art. 10. IBAMA may request clarifications or the revision of reports at any given time and at its discretion, as long as duly justifiable, and request the performance of tests that confirm prototype inspections and production conformity and select, randomly, samples of vehicles from the assembly line or from commercialization stocks for the performance of tests.
Single paragraph. IBAMA must be provided with the means necessary for the performance of tests according to the provisions set by article 2 of this Resolution including calibrated measurement tools and their accessories, test fields and vehicles for testing purposes.
Art. 11. IBAMA may, in cases where irregularities have been verified during prototype testing processes or related to production conformity by the responsible enterprise, issue a Commercialization Suspension Order for the respective vehicle configurations.
§ 1 The Commercialization Suspension Order implies immediate compliance with its provisions until the irregularities that originated it have been clarified and corrected.
§ 2 The re-initiation of vehicle commercialization can only start after full compliance with the provisions set by this Resolution.
Art. 12. In cases related to product non-conformity the vehicle produce, his/her legal representative(s) or the importer(s) must, within 180 days counting from the date of verification, remedy all problems that have caused production non-conformity and recall and repair all vehicles with belonging to the same series and with the same configuration.
§ 1 The repairs must be undertaken by technical assistance services accredited by the manufacturer, his/her legal representative or by the importer, under their guidelines and responsibility.
§ 2 Production corrections and the repair of vehicles must be approved by IBAMA through the presentation of documentation that clearly describes adopted measures, the efficacy of the same and the number of involved vehicles.
§ 3 Non-compliance with the provisions set by this article will imply the hindrance of the commercialization of the configuration(s) of the vehicle(s) in question or, when it has already been suspended, the responsible party will be subjected to administrative and legal sanctions.
Art. 13. From January 1 of 1994 all non-original parts and components of models that have proved conformity with the provisions set by this Resolution, which are integral parts of the exhaust system and produced for the replacement, may only be commercialized after meeting the same verification IBAMA demands by the manufacturer or importer of exhaust systems related to compliance with the provisions of this Resolution for products used in new vehicles. The maximum noise level of replacement exhaust systems in running but still vehicles must be the same as the one declared during the testing process of the prototype of the corresponding original model.
§ 1 The test exhaust system must provide the vehicle with conditions that are similar to those obtained with an original exhaust system. This verification shall be undertaken through the engine power curve. The maximum power and the maximum potential rotation rate with the replacement exhaust system should not exceed more than 5% of the maximum power and maximum power rotation rate of the original exhaust system measured in the same conditions.
§ 2IBAMA may select, for purposes related to product conformity with the demands placed by this Resolution, samples of exhaust systems randomly chosen form the assembly line and/or producer stocks for the performance of tests. The process must follow the same procedures as those prescribed for the verification of conformity for new vehicles and in compliance with other paragraphs included in this article.
§ 3 Non-compliance with the provisions set by this article implies that the producer or his/her legal representative or the importers will not be allowed to commercialize the exhaust systems until they have been subjected to modifications according to the demands set by this Resolution.
Art. 14. Vehicles that are already in conformity with the provisions set by this Resolution must , as from July 1, 1993, include a proprietor manual that includes the following information:
a) this vehicle is in conformity with current legislation related to the control of sound pollution for motor vehicles;
b) exhaust system maintenance procedures (if applicable);
c) Folder containing the maximum limit(s) allowed and inspected for vehicles in circulation;…………..dB (A) at rpm, measured at 0.5 meters from the exhaust, according to NBR-9714.
Art. 15. Expenses directly related to tests, verifications, product corrections, recalls for repairs and actual repair costs, including the cost of substituted components, are the responsibility of the producers and/or importers of vehicles and exhaust systems.
Art. 16. Producers, their legal representatives or importers must provide IBAMA with monthly sale reports, form July 1st 1993 and onwards, on the sale of all vehicle configurations commercialized within the National Territory.
Art. 17. The definitions provided by annex B are hereby established for all purposes of this Resolution.
Art. 18. IBAMA may enter into agreements, contracts and activities with organs and entities that may provide direct or indirect contribution for the development of this program as well as delegate competence foreseen by this Resolution to other organs.
Art. 19. Non-compliance with the provisions of this Resolution will subject offenders to penalties foreseen by Law 6.938 from Aug. 31, 1981 and the text provided by Law 7.804 from July 18, 1989 without prejudice to other possible penalties foreseen by federal legislation as well as penal and civil sanctions.
Art. 20. . It is IBAMA’s duty to reach decisions on cases omitted by this resolution..
Art. 21. This Resolution shall enter into effect on the date of its publication and other pertinent standards will be enforced until time for the implementation of each of the stages of the schedule established by art. 1.
- Vehicle Brand:
- Vehicle model/production year/model:
2.1 – List over representative configurations:
2.2 – Technical criteria for the definition of master configuration and representative configurations; - Manufacturer’s name and address:
- Name and address of legal representative:
- Importer’s name and address, if applicable:
- Engine:
6.1 – Manufacturer:
6.2 – Type:
6.2.1 – Cycles: 2 Cycles/4 Cycles
6.3 – Model:
6.4 – Maximum power: _ (kW) a _ (1/min)(rpm)
6.5 – Cylinders (cm3)
6.6 – Maximum speed (if applicable):__ (km/h) - Transmission: manual/automatic
7.1 – Total number of gears (except back gear), including transmission information. - Hardware/Materials:
8.1 – Exhaust system:
8.1.1 – Manufacturer
8.1.2 – Legal representative or importer
8.1.3 – Model
8.1.4 – Type _ according to drawings number
8.1.5 – Fibrous materials in contact with gases: Yes/NO
8.1.6 – List of configurations in vehicles equipped with this exhaust system (only for the certification of replacement parts) :
8.2 – Air intake silencer:
8.2.1 – Manufacturer:
8.2.2 – Legal representative or importer :
8.2.3 – Model:
8.2.4 –Type in accordance with sketches number_ () Not applicable if same as 8.1.2.
8.3 – Catalytic converser (if applicable) 8.3.1 – Manufacturer:
8.3.2 – Legal representative or importer :
(*) Exempted if the same as 8.1.2.
8.3.3 – Model:
8.3.4 – Type , according to drawings number
8.4 – Acoustic isolation for the reduction of outside noise inside of the vehicle:
8.4.1 – Type and installation location:
8.4.2 – Commercial specification on used materials, model and manufacturer:
8.5 – Tyres:
ABPA Denomination- Brazilian Tire and Hoops Association - Measurements:
9.1 – Acceleration noise levels according to NBR 8433, considering all changes introduced by EU Directive 87/56 issued by the European Community.

Obs.: The registered noise level rates are the rates obtained through the measurement minus 1 dB (A).
9.2. – Noise levels of running but still vehicle according to NBR-9714.

- Engine number:
- Test report date:
- Test report number:
- Location:
- Date:
- The following documentation is part of this Vehicle Characterization Agreement:
- Observations:
- Name and signature of individual responsible for the test:
- Engine cylinders: amount of engine cylinders between the neutral superior and inferior points of the pistons measured in cubic centimeters or in liters;
- Components and original parts: are those that form the production vehicle and those defined by the manufacturer as replacement parts;
- External configuration: unique combination of parts and components that provide the vehicle with characteristics of style, volume and aerodynamics;
- Engine configuration: unique engine combination, emission control system, cylinders and combustion supply system;
- Vehicle configuration: unique engine and transmission configuration and the transmission characteristics from the gear box to the wheels, exhaust system, tyres and external configuration;
- Master configuration: configuration that represents the assembly and operational characteristics of the model/series of vehicles in production, in such a manner that no other vehicle of the same model/series will emit noises that differ from one vehicle to another;
- Production conformity verification: confirmation that the vehicles are in harmony with the maximum established noise limits and other demands set by this Resolution;
- HP(horse power): power unit;
- dB (A): unit of the pressure level in decibel, weighed by the frequency response curve in A, for the quantification of noise levels;
- Model/series: basic assembly line specifications from one and the same manufacturer that shows that any vehicle of the same model/series possesses that same characteristics related to exhaust systems, basic engine, engine configuration, transmission and relationship between the transmission and external configuration components that do not have any influence on noise emissions;
- kW (kilowatts): power unit;
- Maximum noise level for the inspection of vehicles in circulation: noise level while the vehicle is standing still, added by 3.0 (three) dB (A);
- Fibrous materials: Materials composed of metal, ceramic or mineral fibers used for the fabrication of silencers;
- Parts market: market for systems, parts and components for vehicles in use;
- Two-stroke engine: engine with a two phase cycle (combustion-exhaust and intake-compression);
- Four-stroke engine: engine with a four phase cycle (intake, compression, combustion and exhaust);
- New launch: Consumer market introduction of a vehicle configuration that has not existed containing totally new engine concepts and external configurations that do not derive from existing models;
- Maximum engine power: maximum power created by the engine, stated by the manufacturer, with all the necessary hardware and accessories needed for its functionality and its particular usage;
- Repair: system repairs, parts or components with defects or worn, with or without their substitution;
- Silencer: vehicle component that reduces the noise produced by gas shocks with the environment, whose speed and intensity are gradually reduced by the flow of gases in its interior, may be included in more than one of the components of a vehicle;
- Exhaust system: group of components that comprise the exhaust collector, exhaust pipe, discharge pipe, expansion chamber(s), silencer(s) and catalytic conversor(s), when applicable;
- Similar vehicles: are vehicles of two, three or more wheels whose assembly and propulsion characteristics originate in motorcycles, scooters, mopeds or bicycles with auxiliary engines or are similar to these. They are examples of vehicles similar to motorized scooters, mopeds with a lateral car or load carts, etc.
- Production conformity test: confirmation test that verifies that original vehicle exhaust systems, or systems available from the parts market, manufactured as a series or not, comply with the maximum noise limits and other demands established by this Resolution;
- Prototype Verification: testing of a pre-production commercial vehicle, characterized by the manufacturer as being the master configuration, which complies with the maximum noise levels, and other
demands, established by this Resolution.
C1, C1 and C3 tests must be performed before normal condition simulation tests:
C1) Fibrous materials must be conditioned in an oven at 650 ± 5 degrees Celsius during a four hour period without any reduction in the medium length, diameter or density of the fibers;
C2) After conditioning in an oven at 650 ± 5 degrees Celsius during one hour, at least 98% of the material must be remain in a sieve with a nominal dimension of 250 um that complies with ISO-3310/1 norm if the test is performed according to ISO-2599 norm;
C3) The loss of material weight cannot exceed 10.5% after emersion during 24 hours at the temperature of 90 ± 5 degrees Celsius in a condensed synthetic with the following composition:
- 1N hydro bromic acid (HBr) : 10 ml
- 1N sulfuric acid (H2SO4) : 10 ml
- up to 1000 ml of distilled water
Note: the material must be dry washed with distilled at 105 degrees Celsius during one hour before weighting.
Normal simulation conditions can be achieved through one of following three tests C4, C5 or C6:
C4) Conditioning through continuous road driving.
C.4.1) According to vehicle category, the minimum distances that must be covered during the conditioning cycle are:
Cylinder Capacity in cm3 | Distance (km) |
<80 | 4000 |
80 – 175 | 6000 |
>175 | 8000 |
C.4.2) 50% ± 10% of the conditioning cycle must consist of urban circulation and the rest of long distance driving stretches at high speeds: the continuous road driving cycle may be substituted by a corresponding conditioning in a test circuit.
C.4.3) The above mentioned conditioning at two speeds must be alternated at least six times.
C.4.4) The complete test program must include a minimum of tem stops of at least three hours each, in order to allow for the reproduction of cooling and condensation effects.
C.5) Pulse conditioning.
C.5.1) The exhaust system must be installed on the vehicle or connected to the engine.
In the first option the vehicle must be placed on dynamometer rollers. In the second option the engine must be installed on a dynamometer test bench.
The test hardware illustrated by the figure is connected to the exhaust system exit. The use of other hardware is acceptable as long as it reaches comparable results.
C.5.2) The test hardware must be tuned in order to allow for the alternatively interrupted gas flow and re-established 2500 times, through a rapid action valve.
C.5.3) The valve must open through the backpressure of exhaust gases, measured at a distance of at least 100 mm from the throttle input and reach a rate between 0.35 and 0,40 bar. If, due to engine characteristics, this rate cannot be attained the valve must open when the backpressure reaches a rate equal to 90% of the maximum rate, which can be measured before the engine stops. The valve must close when that pressure is not more that 10% of its stabilized rate, with an open valve.
C.5.4) The delay command must be tuned to exhaust gas production that is the product of the prescriptions of point C.5.3.
C.5.5) Engine rotation should be 75% of the maximum rotation potential.
C.5.6) The potency shown by the dynamometer must be equal to 50% of the full charge potential, measured at 75% of the maximum rotation power.
C.5.7) All system drain holes must be covered during the test.
C.5.8) The test must be performed during 48 hours. A cooling period every each hour is permitted if the manufacturer finds it necessary.
C.6) Conditioning on a test bench.
C.6.1) The exhaust system must be connected to an engine that is representative for the vehicle type for which the system was conceived. The engine is then mounted onto a test bench.
C.6.2) The conditioning consists in a determined series of specific test cycles for the vehicle category for which the exhaust system was conceived. The number of cycles for each category are:
Cylinder Capacity in cm3 | Distance (km) |
<80 | 6 |
80 – 175 | 9 |
>175 | 12 |
C.6.3) Each bench cycle test must be followed by a stop of at least six hours in order to reproduce cooling and condensation effects.
C.6.4) Each bench cycle test is performed in six phases. The engine operation conditions of each phase, and their duration, are:

C.6.5) During this conditioning process , at the request of the manufacturer, the engine and the silencer may be cooled so that the temperature registered at one point, at a distance from the gas exhaust exit that is not over 100 mm, does not surpass that which is registered when the vehicle runs at 110 km/hour or 75% of the maximum power rotation of the highest gear. The vehicle speed and/or rotation must achieve a 3% precision rate.

1 – Flange or entry glove for the connection of the exhaust pipe.
2 – Manual valve.
3 – Pressure compensator with a capacity of 35 to 40 liters.
4 – Pressure regulator with operation spectrum of 0.05 to 2.5 bar.
5 – Retardation device.
6– Pulse meter.
7 – Rapid action valve operated through a pneumatic cylinder of 120 N to 4 bar. The feedback time, opening or closing, should not exceed 0.5 seconds.
8 – Exhauster.
9 – Flexible hose.
10 – Pressure meter.
- The gauge for the measurement of noise is an auxiliary device that allows for the precise positioning of the microphone, according to MBR-9714.It is composed of a triangle with two supports (1), one for the positioning near the exhaust pipe and another for the positioning of the microphone. The third vertex possesses a limit aim (5). The device also possesses double bubble levels (3).
- Depending on the positioning of the exhaust system (left or right sides) one of the supports (1) must be positioned near the exhaust gas exit hole. The correct leveling of the hardware must be verified through the levels (3).
- The aim (5) is used in order to achieve the correct visual alignment of the support (1) with the flow of gases.
- The microphone is positioned on the other support (1).
- In the case of vertical exhaust systems the support (1) must be equal to the diameter of the hole.
- Depending on the exhaust diameter the supports may be larger than those shown in the sketch.
- The device must be always used at a height, from the floor, equal or over 0.2 meters.

- Encosto= Support /Steel material…thickness
- Chapa de Compensado = Plywood Sheet/thickness
- Nivel de bolha = Bubble level
- Cantoneira = Corner/Steel sheet material…thickness
- Mira para Balizamento = Limit Aim/Steel material…thickness
- Fixação da Mira= Aim setting
- Escala=Scale
- Medida em milimetros = measured in millimeters
Changes related to external noise measurement methods for motorcycles under acceleration introduced through EC directive 87/56 from December 18, 1986, issued by the European Community.
E.1 – Motorcycles with manual gear box – Gear box usage.
E.1.1 – The test should be performed in third gear for motorcycles with more than four gears and Cylindrage that is not superior to 175 cubic centimeters.
E.1.2 – The test should be performed in 2nd and 3rd gears for motorcycles with more than four gears and Cylindrage that is superior to 175 cubic centimeters and the result must be achieved through the arithmetic medium of the two measured rates.
Obs.: if under the above mentioned second gear tests, E.1.1 and E.1.2, the engine rotation surpasses the maximum power rotation rate by 105 before reaching the BB line, the test should be performed in the third gear, and the measured rate will be the sole registered test rate.
E.2 – Motorcycles with Automatic Gear Box.
E.2.1 – Motorcycles without manual gear option selection.
The test must be performed in different approximation stabilized speeds at the entry of line AA at 30, 40 and 50 km/hour or at 75% of maximum road speed, if this rate is the lesser one. The highest measured rate is registered
E.2.2 – Motorcycles with manual gear option selection.
E.2.2.1 – Approximation to line AA must be performed at a stabilized speed that is under 50 km/h at 75% of the maximum rotation power rate, or at 50 km/hour with a rotation that is under 75% of the maximum rotation power.
Obs.: in the occurrence of a demultiplication of the first speed, during a 50 km/hour test, the motorcycle approximation speed may be increased up to 60 km/hour in order to avoid the reduction.
E.2.2.2 – Manual selector positioning. If the motorcycle is equipped with a manual speed selection dispositive the test must be performed at the highest speed. The non-automatic dispositive for speed reduction ( i.e. “kick-down”) cannot be used. If after the AA line there is an automatic speed reduction the test must be re-started using the highest first speed, or the second if necessary, in order to find the highest selector position that will allow for the performance of the test without automatic speed reductions (without using the “kick-down”).